End of world.? China closes stock market second time this week!!!

China holds many billions that could reach trillions of US debt. Buying and selling debt is not a new invention but has grown to astronomical heights these days. The bulk of my money is held by a giant insurance company who I hope invested it wisely by not buying US debt.
WTH, end of the world? Who in hell would think such a ridiculous thing.

China is hitting the 'Japan' wall. Japan's economy in the 80s was burning on both ends and appeared ready to compete with the US economy. Then Japan went into recession in the 90s and has stayed there.

China had its big growth spurt that any emerging economy does, and now it will slide back to a lower sustainable level. Likely the Chinese are in for some tough times in the near future though.

The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.

Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.
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China holds many billions that could reach trillions of US debt. Buying and selling debt is not a new invention but has grown to astronomical heights these days. The bulk of my money is held by a giant insurance company who I hope invested it wisely by not buying US debt.

An investment strategy based entirely on hope is just plain stupid. Just saying.
WTH, end of the world? Who in hell would think such a ridiculous thing.

China is hitting the 'Japan' wall. Japan's economy in the 80s was burning on both ends and appeared ready to compete with the US economy. Then Japan went into recession in the 90s and has stayed there.

China had its big growth spurt that any emerging economy does, and now it will slide back to a lower sustainable level. Likely the Chinese are in for some tough times in the near future though.

The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.

Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

I Spose some of that makes sense, not sure which part, but the reality is, America is in fact the engine that drives the worlds economy. When America farts, the world stinks.
The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.
Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. You're living in the 1950s. We are now a welfare state overrun with useless non-whites.
The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.
Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. You're living in the 1950s. We are now a welfare state overrun with useless non-whites.

You are a low information voter. LOL

Please, tell us who on Earth beats US productivity? Einstein.
Guess we'll have to start making stuff again. So tired of cheap Chinese crap. If I want a lead lined drinking glass, I'll make my own..
The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.
Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. You're living in the 1950s. We are now a welfare state overrun with useless non-whites.
That's a total bullshit like The problem is anti science and anti education ignorant white wingnuts we are sick of taking care of.
The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN
The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.
Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. You're living in the 1950s. We are now a welfare state overrun with useless non-whites.

You are a low information voter. LOL

Please, tell us who on Earth beats US productivity? Einstein.

With all due respect, I don't see that we've ever come out of that recession unless you believe the economic reports at face value. Prices for goods, interest rates and NEW unemployment applications are down, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Prices are being held down to entice more spending by the consumers, but they're not spending as hoped. It's already been reported that during the holidays, people had cut back on their purchases and retailers are complaining of the lack of sales generated. For retailers, the holiday season is what keeps them afloat during slow times of the year. Macy's just announced it's closing some stores & cutting jobs because of the meager sales.
As for unemployment benefits, many have run out & still can't get a decent job to support their families. The numbers as reported are only for new applications, NOT for existing benefits or those that have run out.

As for US productivity, it wasn't too many years ago that most US manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas to places like Mexico, India and China for the cheap labor. The reasons behind that was the American workers were too demanding for higher wages & benefits and many new employees want to start at the top as CEO instead of putting together widgets on an assembly line. Not that long ago, we were importing goods at a much higher rate than exporting and we probably still are.

just something else to think about.
China holds many billions that could reach trillions of US debt. Buying and selling debt is not a new invention but has grown to astronomical heights these days. The bulk of my money is held by a giant insurance company who I hope invested it wisely by not buying US debt.

An investment strategy based entirely on hope is just plain stupid. Just saying.

True, but with China having the biggest real estate bubble in human history, not hyperbole. And China having the biggest burnrate ever recorded over the past five months in its foreign currency reserves non-stupid strategies are kind of scarce.
China holds many billions that could reach trillions of US debt. Buying and selling debt is not a new invention but has grown to astronomical heights these days. The bulk of my money is held by a giant insurance company who I hope invested it wisely by not buying US debt.

An investment strategy based entirely on hope is just plain stupid. Just saying.

True, but with China having the biggest real estate bubble in human history, not hyperbole. And China having the biggest burnrate ever recorded over the past five months in its foreign currency reserves non-stupid strategies are kind of scarce.

You're right about that, but you gotta give China some credit for managing to somehow lift three hundred million people out of third world poverty and into a middle class lifestyle. And pretty fast too.
China holds many billions that could reach trillions of US debt. Buying and selling debt is not a new invention but has grown to astronomical heights these days. The bulk of my money is held by a giant insurance company who I hope invested it wisely by not buying US debt.

An investment strategy based entirely on hope is just plain stupid. Just saying.

True, but with China having the biggest real estate bubble in human history, not hyperbole. And China having the biggest burnrate ever recorded over the past five months in its foreign currency reserves non-stupid strategies are kind of scarce.

You're right about that, but you gotta give China some credit for managing to somehow lift three hundred million people out of third world poverty and into a middle class lifestyle. And pretty fast too.

This is a rare instance in which I agree with Jim Cramer that the Chinese authorities have no idea of what they want to do.

Since my differences with JC are based on the efficient market hypothesis using the wrong probability model those differences are pretty profound but that China has caused its capital markets to become engines of poverty creation through excessive leverage comes through loud and clear no matter what way you look at it is a fact. That fact is not being addressed and it may not be possible to address it. Literally problems of this magnitude have never happened before. Japan and China are exporting deflation to the rest of the world at a furious rate that are causing their debt problems to become unsolvable and are causing WTO and IMF predictions of world output to shrink rapidly.

If current trends continue then the US may become the fastest growing economy in the world with a barely greater than zero rate of GDP growth later this year.
The world economy will also suffer, we might even go into a mild to moderate recession again, but this will shift economics back towards the US in the long run.
Anyone can say what they like but no one can beat our productiveness. We get shit done. This is proven over and over.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. You're living in the 1950s. We are now a welfare state overrun with useless non-whites.

You are a low information voter. LOL

Please, tell us who on Earth beats US productivity? Einstein.

With all due respect, I don't see that we've ever come out of that recession unless you believe the economic reports at face value. Prices for goods, interest rates and NEW unemployment applications are down, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Prices are being held down to entice more spending by the consumers, but they're not spending as hoped. It's already been reported that during the holidays, people had cut back on their purchases and retailers are complaining of the lack of sales generated. For retailers, the holiday season is what keeps them afloat during slow times of the year. Macy's just announced it's closing some stores & cutting jobs because of the meager sales.
As for unemployment benefits, many have run out & still can't get a decent job to support their families. The numbers as reported are only for new applications, NOT for existing benefits or those that have run out.

As for US productivity, it wasn't too many years ago that most US manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas to places like Mexico, India and China for the cheap labor. The reasons behind that was the American workers were too demanding for higher wages & benefits and many new employees want to start at the top as CEO instead of putting together widgets on an assembly line. Not that long ago, we were importing goods at a much higher rate than exporting and we probably still are.

just something else to think about.
What's killing US productivity are Republicans by:

Trying to destroy education by maligning it and defunding it.

Helping move jobs and factories overseas.

Trying to keep immigrant workers out of the country when Republicans are trying to be the laziest people on earth.

Republicans build nothing. They create nothing. They don't add anything positive to the country. And they are terrified of everything.

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