Energy in the U.S…..a look at gas, nuclear, coal, wind and solar…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A good look at how much of each type we use and why solar and wind are still stupid ideas…

My maple trees lose their leaves in the Fall ... which allows the Sun to warm my house ... what rare sunny days we have here in winter keeps my heater off ...

Why do you say that's stupid? ...

"Worse is the fact that when the wind isn’t blowing, it often isn’t blowing all across the country."

Now here's some stupidity, these people are liars, why do you believe them? ... and then turn around and post this stupidity, you're smarter than this ... basic meteorology allows for the synoptic cycle ... these are the pressure ridges and troughs that march across the continent, roughly three days (or a thousand miles) between peaks ... and a source of wind ... if it's calm in one spot, it will be windy 500 miles away ... and then calm again in another 500 miles, then windy again after yet another 500 miles ...

The deception is leaving out hydro ... when this is abundant, electricity is super cheap and extra plentiful ... rates to smelt aluminum with ... the up-side to getting rain every day all day long ... "what do you do with wind and rain, wind and rain, wind and rain" ... make electricity of course, and sell it to them Californicators ... [ka'ching] ...
My maple trees lose their leaves in the Fall ... which allows the Sun to warm my house ... what rare sunny days we have here in winter keeps my heater off ...
Yet, in Vermont, New England where there are Maple trees we need electricity or fuel oil because you would freeze to death if one relies on the sun to warm their house.

Solar fails everywhere, unless you are upper middle class or rich. If one can throw a $100,000 into solar, you could safely live off the grid in the northeast, where the Maple trees are.
Yet, in Vermont, New England where there are Maple trees we need electricity or fuel oil because you would freeze to death if one relies on the sun to warm their house.

Solar fails everywhere, unless you are upper middle class or rich. If one can throw a $100,000 into solar, you could safely live off the grid in the northeast, where the Maple trees are.

Yes ... poor folk don't use enough energy to matter ... pollution is strictly a by-product of money, so we're only addressing The Rich here ... it's the people with the money who are causing all the problems ... the solutions have to make The Rich richer ... and $100,000 is chump change if you're connected to San Diego Gas and Electric ...

Vermont gets cold? ... never knew ... why live in a place you can freeze to death? ... that's like, you know, so Canadian ...
Yes ... poor folk don't use enough energy to matter ... pollution is strictly a by-product of money, so we're only addressing The Rich here ... it's the people with the money who are causing all the problems ... the solutions have to make The Rich richer ... and $100,000 is chump change if you're connected to San Diego Gas and Electric ...

Vermont gets cold? ... never knew ... why live in a place you can freeze to death? ... that's like, you know, so Canadian ...
The poor in Africa and Asia rely on burning wood for cooking and heating. It is a major source of soot, carbon dioxide and methane.
The poor in Africa and Asia rely on burning wood for cooking and heating. It is a major source of soot, carbon dioxide and methane.

au contraire Mr Crick......

Solar panels generate 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants. They also contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic (even carcinogenic) chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. Worse, rainwater can wash many of these toxics out of the fragments of solar modules over time.

Another real concern is the vast increase in the use of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) in the construction of solar panels – up 1,057 percent over the past 25 years. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change deems NF3 to be 17,200 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas – meaning that even relatively minor quantities can have major impacts.

The long road to electric cars in the U.S.


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