Enjoying Your $1400 COVID-19 Relief Check? Illegal Families Are Getting $284,000 Per Family


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

This is sheer incompetence since it was the Biden administration that created this migrant problem in the first place.

I haven't seen the $1400 show up.
LOLOL.. You are demented. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016 and ultimately dropped it because he couldn't prove that either. Don't you just hate being lied to by a moron like Trump?

'B...b...b...BUT TRUMP.....' :206:

The Illegals vote democrat 200% of the time

LOLOL.. You are demented. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016 and ultimately dropped it because he couldn't prove that either. Don't you just hate being lied to by a moron like Trump?
Don't you hate being lied to by morons like CCP Joe, Kameltoe, Piglosi and Sen. Good-for-Nothing Bum?
Biden opens the border up and encourages a flood of illegal minors to come on in and then turns around and takes the money from taxpayers to pay for illegal's accommodations in nice hotel rooms.
On top of that covid infected illegals are then just turned lose in America.

Who does dementia sufferer Biden go to bat for? Illegals from Mexico and other Central American countries
or the tax paying law abiding citizens of the USA?

Biden is like a flea infested mutt you let into your home who then craps all over your carpet.
I don’t get anything because I’m a “whu whyte supramacist”, in other words because I have a job:

“This time, however, the amount phases out at a faster clip. Payments will be capped at $80,000 per individual, $120,000 for heads of household and $160,000 for married couples. People at those adjusted gross income levels and above will receive nothing.”

Biden looks like he is taking a shit in that pic. And he probably is.
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms
Biden admin challenged to justify spending $284,000 per family to shelter migrants in U.S. hotel rooms

....and you are paying for it with your tax dollars....

They should pack them into busses and ship them back to the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.
They should pack them into busses and ship them back to the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.

Dems need about 30 million illegals so they can rig elections. That's why Dems don't give a crap about the other 4 billion poor people on the planet.
Dems need about 30 million illegals so they can rig elections. That's why Dems don't give a crap about the other 4 billion poor people on the planet.

Last election the Democrats proved they do not need to add 1 single person, bring in 1 single illegal, to be able to steal an election.

I have to admit the scale on which they committed election fraud was shocking.
Where do they get these numbers? If your room is $120 per night, you'd have to stay there for two years and one month to rack up that amount. Or, you could rent the room by the month and stay there twice as long.
The numbers? Well, you know Democrats, their donors, friends, family, unions, etc....have to get their cut. :p

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