Enough Is Enough - Hillary / Libs Try To Shut Assange Up Before He Costs Them The Election

Show proof he's faked anything. Go ahead. Anything.... That's right. You can't. Because he hasn't.

Clinton Campaign: WikiLeaks Emails Are ‘Fake Russian Misinformation’

You won't believe it, of course, because you're also addicted to sucking the ass of a Putin-patsy. However, you Putin-patsies need to understand that you're a tiny minority, despised by most of America now.

Oh, your latest quid-pro-quo fake scandal has blown up in your face, as it's been revealed nothing of the sort happened, and that you all dishonestly snipped emails to make it look that way. That's another reason why your credibility is in the shitter.
hiLIARy put that out. How naive can you be or is it still the crony DNC kool Aid hasn't worn off yet?
You understand that nobody outside of your loser cult is paying attention to Assange, right? He's cried wolf and faked too much at this point, and has no credibility left.

Hahaha, ya'll are reduced to simple flat denial.
You figured it out!!! The reason why Hillary is not on the campaign trial is because she's been planting bombs in GOP offices and cutting internet cables in London. Mystery solved!!! Good job Scooby!

Nah..she's been half comatose and cant face the press or the public.

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