Enough is enough - use RICO to restore science respect.

No, it is factual. Every time a claim is made by a warmist it has been found to be false. First it was global warming that was bleaching the corals. Now it is known that sun screen is the culprit. This happens every time one of your claims is actually checked.

You know that is not true. But I hope the Koch brothers are paying you well for saying it.

Right to far out left logical fallacy and deception.. ZOOOOOM and all without a shred of empirical evidence. That seems to be an alarmist trait that is common without fail.
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Too funny that you cant produce even basic facts or evidence to support your religious dogma. The graph clearly shows that the warming you folks were screaming about didn't happen and wont..

How does it feel to be shown how totally wrong you idiots are?

False documents and propaganda are amazingly easy to create. However, centuries of research and the volumes of factual data cannot be refuted by propaganda.

Lets expose you for the anti-science person you are..

First of all here is the LOG for CO2:
View attachment 53500

This is confirmed by empirical experiment in Boulder Colorado's Atmospheric Lab. This shows the rate of expected warming in a closed cylinder by CO2 and empirical evidence in our open atmosphere.

The graph in my previous post was that of Dr Spencer with my annotations.
View attachment 53501

Dr Spencer plotted the natural variation rate and the CO2 enhanced rate that the IPCC and the EPA uses as justification for their endangerment finding and power grabs.

The rise in temp is consistent with the empirical lab results and the IPCC's own AR1 stating the natural variation rate for temp rise.

Given the empirical data and the IPCC's own finding of the natural variation rate, there is no warming that can be attributed to CO2. The EPA's endangerment finding is not only a lie but it is soundly refuted by empirical evidence.

Hmm, the empirical evidence of one man. Very impressive. The IPCC has empirical evidence from thousands of climatologists.

As I said, fake evidence (propaganda) is easy to create.

What they have has been proven to be fraudulent.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Yes, those climatologists are indeed a greedy lot. They have received over 100 billion dollars in taxpayer dollars over the last decade and a half and they have nothing to show for it. The fact that you scientific illiterates don't understand is nothing new. You're just the latest bunch to be conned by the latest iteration of Piltdown Man.
Deliberate falsification of facts in the name of science for the economic benefit of corporations meets the legal test for RICO investigation.

If a corporation is found guilty of RICO offenses, then the stock holders can be fined three times the sum of the dividends they received during the time of infractions.

Any who argue on their behalf willing, knowingly, and voluntarily can be charge with conspiracy to further the RICO crimes.


This is my only post, because I know, despite the wailing and crying, because it will stand the test. Let the wailing begin.
Deliberate falsification of facts in the name of science for the economic benefit of corporations meets the legal test for RICO investigation.

If a corporation is found guilty of RICO offenses, then the stock holders can be fined three times the sum of the dividends they received during the time of infractions.

Any who argue on their behalf willing, knowingly, and voluntarily can be charge with conspiracy to further the RICO crimes.


This is my only post, because I know, despite the wailing and crying, because it will stand the test. Let the wailing begin.

This can also be applied to government and their willful treason. Falsification of public records for their political gain, deprivation of constitutional rights and defrauding the populace. These too can be held to account under RICO. Funny how your side seems to forget that..

The "organization" does not need to be privately owned under the law.

Technically, we could sue Lois Learner and the whole of the IRS under this act for their behaviors in politically targeting individuals and groups as their behavior was criminal in nature and organized to create a positive gain.
Last edited:
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Yes, those climatologists are indeed a greedy lot. They have received over 100 billion dollars in taxpayer dollars over the last decade and a half and they have nothing to show for it. The fact that you scientific illiterates don't understand is nothing new. You're just the latest bunch to be conned by the latest iteration of Piltdown Man.

Looks to me that you are illiterate in science too.
There are lots of peer-reviewed publications to show for gov funded research from many countries in the world.
However, you probably would not understand what they mean.
Deliberate falsification of facts in the name of science for the economic benefit of corporations meets the legal test for RICO investigation.

If a corporation is found guilty of RICO offenses, then the stock holders can be fined three times the sum of the dividends they received during the time of infractions.

Any who argue on their behalf willing, knowingly, and voluntarily can be charge with conspiracy to further the RICO crimes.


This is my only post, because I know, despite the wailing and crying, because it will stand the test. Let the wailing begin.

How are they going to prove it?
Build a time machine into the future
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.
Right back at you Paddie Boy. And an asshole to boot.

Exxon Mobil is going to have to pay the price for their lies. Just like the tobacco industry. They paid billions. Exxon will probably have to be liquidated to pay the tab. A win-win for all.
This guy resigned from his job five years ago because he came to realize that Climate Change is a huge scam.

Top Scientist Resigns Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam –...

"How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs. For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

"It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

"So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it…

"I do feel the need to add one note, and this is conjecture, since it is always risky to discuss other people’s motives. This scheming at APS HQ is so bizarre that there cannot be a simple explanation for it. Some have held that the physicists of today are not as smart as they used to be, but I don’t think that is an issue. I think it is the money, exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago. There are indeed trillions of dollars involved, to say nothing of the fame and glory (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that go with being a member of the club."
Right back at you Paddie Boy. And an asshole to boot.

Exxon Mobil is going to have to pay the price for their lies. Just like the tobacco industry. They paid billions. Exxon will probably have to be liquidated to pay the tab. A win-win for all.

You are a blithering idiot. Ad Hominem does not prove your case, and of course the oil industry would pay for research to present their point of view and that does not undermine the credibility of the scientists involved you piece of shit.

Climate Change is a hoax ans the growing cooling of the Earth is proving it, thought NOAA keeps adjusting their temperature records up to hide it like they hid the decline in temperatures indicated in their tree ring data.

Fuck you and all your little acolytes because the Truth, sir, cannot be suppressed for ever and you and you ilk will long be hated and reviled for the scam artists you are.
Right back at you Paddie Boy. And an asshole to boot.

Exxon Mobil is going to have to pay the price for their lies. Just like the tobacco industry. They paid billions. Exxon will probably have to be liquidated to pay the tab. A win-win for all.

You and your ilk are the liars, and the American people are the ones who are going to pay if they fall for it, and they will pay dearly.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.

Are you a scientist?
If not, then you're the "dumbass".
If you are a scientist, then one would assume you have self-respect.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.

Are you a scientist?
If not, then you're the "dumbass".
If you are a scientist, then one would assume you have self-respect.

Obviously you are not. All you have is adhomenim and name calling. You present no facts but you demand that we do as you say...

"Who is more foolish? The fool or the one who follows?" Wise words from fictional character- Obie Wan Kenobie
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.

Are you a scientist?
If not, then you're the "dumbass".
If you are a scientist, then one would assume you have self-respect.

I don't have to be a scientist to know that you're a dumbass. A sure sign of a dumbass is someone who says he trusts scientists even though the scientists are contradicting each other and even though the facts don't support their so-called "science."
Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.

Are you a scientist?
If not, then you're the "dumbass".
If you are a scientist, then one would assume you have self-respect.

I don't have to be a scientist to know that you're a dumbass. A sure sign of a dumbass is someone who says he trusts scientists even though the scientists are contradicting each other and even though the facts don't support their so-called "science."
Clearly, science is beyond your subjective intellect.
It's funny & sad at the same time that you don't understand your ignorance when you make comments like:
"scientists are contradicting each other and even though the facts don't support their so-called 'science.' "

Facts? The facts are in the research data. Disputes among scientists are sometimes about validity of their data. That's why publication drafts are peer-reviewed to affirm research validity ... and then interpretation of valid data is discussed & debated before further research attempts may be done to refine conclusions.

Which scientists are "contradicting" others? With valid data from same fields? Can you cite an example?

At least you admit you're no scientist.
BTW, there is more consensus among actual scientific experts in their specialty (climatology) now than there was in physics when Einstein proposed his photon & relativity theories. Why? Einstein did not have data/facts to support his theories then (100+ yrs ago) like climatologists do now.
Yep, those who criticize leading scientists and their international consensus are either:
1) ignorant of scientific methods and/or
2) motivated by greed.

No wonder there are few Republican scientists in the USA.

Typical libturd appeal to authority. When will you ever learn?

I'm a liberal because i support science?
In scientific research, we question "authority" all the time, but you would not know that, since you must be science-illiterate.

Who is "we?"

You don't know what science is. You're a dumbass who believes he knows more than he actually does.

Are you a scientist?
If not, then you're the "dumbass".
If you are a scientist, then one would assume you have self-respect.

Obviously you are not. All you have is adhomenim and name calling. You present no facts but you demand that we do as you say...

"Who is more foolish? The fool or the one who follows?" Wise words from fictional character- Obie Wan Kenobie

"words from fictional character- Obie Wan Kenobie"
You should stick with fiction.
Corporate control of government has gone too far when scientific research is muted or severely misrepresented. Good government uses science to help determine its policies for the common good. But when corrupted individuals get into positions of power, science reports are covered up and the authors become frustrated, give up and quit, or get laid off.

Most scientists are not rich. They don't do their type of work for the money, but for the quest for knowledge. So, they don't have the legal means to protect themselves from powerful corporate interests - unless their government does it for them. Similarly, the rest of us citizens expect the same from our government.

Climate scientists have known for decades that humans are hurting our Earth's environment with emissions from our machines and processes. But their reports have been erroneously and repeatedly dismissed as invalid by corporate powers that depend on continued use of their products for their profit levels, which have been enormous. This action to dismiss real science is illegal, as is any mass misinformation passed to influence the public. Having been frustrated for too long, a group of scientists has written a letter to the White House to prosecute the corporate offenders under the RICO Act. The prosecutor for the tobacco case agrees. Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up Should Be Investigated By DOJ, Tobacco Prosecutor Says

Thom Hartmann explains the criminal evidence. Maybe at last this will restore the respect science deserves. What do you think?

Look at what an oil company did to our gulf and Republicans apologized to the oil company and kept away any meaningful investigation. When you have people who do that against the best interests of the country in charge, there's not a lot we can do. We can only hope that shrinking party shrinks faster than their increasing damage.

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