Enough with the WE STRONGLY CONDEMN this or that bullshit responses

They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us

Well, that's a pretty massive overreaction. Then again, not shocking. Conservatism is all about emoting.
Bad guys don't give a fuck about our sensibilities. They care about their cause and nothing more. Strongly worded letters are pointless unless you start acting on them.

Well nobody wopuld expect the empty suit to act on anything, but at least strongly condemn it, that isn't asking too much really.
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.

Oh Obama loves them.

Mr. Obama, speaking shortly after his Republican challenger, said there was "no justification'' for the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other American diplomats but that the incident "will not break the bonds'' between the two nations.

What a freaking nutcase!

Romney Slams Obama Over Embassy Attacks - WSJ.com
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us

Well, that's a pretty massive overreaction. Then again, not shocking. Conservatism is all about emoting.

Over reacting?? No... You don't deal with enemies by coddling them... You don't aid or pussyfoot with tyrant regimes... You crush... You make a definitive statement that not only will aggression be responded in kind, but to such a level that it is really going to be with massive consequence to those who dare attack us, or support those who attack us...
It's being report on the Guardian that the police forces helped them.

A Benghazi bank official who did not want to be named, told the Libya Herald that the protestors were all Salafists who had turned up to the building intent on causing maximum damage, bringing guns and RPGs with them

. He claimed members of the Islamist militia Ansar Al-Sharia were among them. He said that fierce clashes between them and security forces lasted for five hours. He confirmed that the protestors had got into the building.

According to him, the police guarding the office had allowed the protestors into the consulate. They then forced those inside to leave before trying to set the building on fire.

Yeah they're your friends alrighty. Freaking 4 dead.

US ambassador Chris Stevens killed in Libya - live updates | World news | guardian.co.uk
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us

Well, that's a pretty massive overreaction. Then again, not shocking. Conservatism is all about emoting.

Over reacting?? No... You don't deal with enemies by coddling them... You don't aid or pussyfoot with tyrant regimes... You crush... You make a definitive statement that not only will aggression be responded in kind, but to such a level that it is really going to be with massive consequence to those who dare attack us, or support those who attack us...

No one suggested "coddling" anyone. The problem is that your response doesn't solve anything. In fact, it breeds more militancy.
Nothing to see here people. They're our "Friends." And you bought & paid for these good "Friends." How does it feel?
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.

Locate the rebel/terrorist camp and bury it.

If we knew where the people responsible were we should have bombed them THEN released some bullshit statement. We are supposed to defend our people. That is the top priority the president is tasked with. Talking our enemies to death is not in the constitution.
It's being report on the Guardian that the police forces helped them.

A Benghazi bank official who did not want to be named, told the Libya Herald that the protestors were all Salafists who had turned up to the building intent on causing maximum damage, bringing guns and RPGs with them

. He claimed members of the Islamist militia Ansar Al-Sharia were among them. He said that fierce clashes between them and security forces lasted for five hours. He confirmed that the protestors had got into the building.

According to him, the police guarding the office had allowed the protestors into the consulate. They then forced those inside to leave before trying to set the building on fire.

Yeah they're your friends alrighty. Freaking 4 dead.

US ambassador Chris Stevens killed in Libya - live updates | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gangs Penetrate the US Military | Military.com
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.

Locate the rebel/terrorist camp and bury it.

If we knew where the people responsible were we should have bombed them THEN released some bullshit statement. We are supposed to defend our people. That is the top priority the president is tasked with. Talking our enemies to death is not in the constitution.

I'll quote Warrior..."why don't you fucking enlist"?
I will give Obama the benefit of a doubt for now. But if swift decisive action isn't taken in the next week my tune will change
Condeming the movie was the correct response. Now it's time to find and strike at the group who planned these attacks. However we should try to work with the local governments to capture these terrorists.
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us

Well, that's a pretty massive overreaction. Then again, not shocking. Conservatism is all about emoting.

We can't let a few dead United States citizens get in the way of Obama, and how he is going to unite the planet...Like he did so well at home... Keep sending them our Tax dollars, we can always print more. Liberalism is all about the utopian dream.
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.

Locate the rebel/terrorist camp and bury it.

If we knew where the people responsible were we should have bombed them THEN released some bullshit statement. We are supposed to defend our people. That is the top priority the president is tasked with. Talking our enemies to death is not in the constitution.

I'll quote Warrior..."why don't you fucking enlist"?

I tried when I got out of prison. They denied me. My heart is in the right place even if I'm not allowed to act on it.

I have nothing left but my voice.
Heard that the govt knew that there was going to be trouble and they did nothing to stop it. A host country is supposed to protect an embassy and our good friends just sat back and watched. 5 hour assault and no govt intervention to save those in the embassy.
obama's already apologized. Next he will track down and punish those responsible for defaming the child molester big mo himself. That's what he did to the men who burned korans that had been defaced.

The only proper response would be a world wide, everybody insult mohammed day.
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us

We dont fight like that anymore DD.

What you will see though.

Is the low life left once again start up code pink when Romney wins.

Even in war the left remains two faced low life.

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