Enough with the WE STRONGLY CONDEMN this or that bullshit responses

Bad guys don't give a fuck about our sensibilities. They care about their cause and nothing more. Strongly worded letters are pointless unless you start acting on them.

If I were those assholes that did this I wouldn't put much in the words of warning from Obama. I would be VERY concerned with the two cruise missle laden friggets parked off of Lybia as we speak. You think Obama is shy to push the buttons? Ask all those dead Al Kaida guys about that. We are just awaiting targets. Don't turn off your television.. awesome explosion videos to ensue! Terrorist body parts will rain down soon. Believe THAT. I love a red mist in the morning!

I hope you are right but fear you may be wrong. Time will tell
Obama has a reputation for getting the bad guys

Give it some time

He has a record of arming the bad guys too. Helping them with deliveries , helping launder money. Loan fraud.

Where is the part where it becomes impressive?
Nope... Not going to happen. If we pull aid and start attacking people it will make Obama look like a complete unqualified idiot for taking sides in this, when we should have stayed out of it to begin with. Those responsible for the deaths of those four people will go unpunished, so that Obama will not go down as being wrong. Don't expect justice when you get victimized by Obama's Foreign policy... It just Isn't going to happen.

Yeah, they're already working on inventing their scapegoat. Now it's all about some obscure movie no one's ever seen. Sorry, not buying that scam. Their security lapses in Libya are shocking and unforgivable. Someone has to be held accountable. And it shouldn't be some buffoon filmmaker who no one's ever even heard of. This is the President's awful mess. He should be held accountable.

Exactly... The Movie was nothing more than an excuse for the Obama Administration's failure. They had that Movie lined up as a scapegoat for some time just waiting for something to pin to it... It's exactly why nobody ever heard of that Movie, yet it was being blamed as quickly as we were initially hearing about what happened... Why did I hear of the Movie's responsibility before I even heard how many people were victims? It's way too scripted for me to buy into. They better start thinking of who to blame the next act of violence on... Because a Movie isn't going to fly again.

So far, no one has been able to find a movie. There's no movie. Just the trailer. The trailer has been on the internet for two years. It's 13 minutes long. It's a matter to puzzle as to whether there ever was a movie made by anti islamics, or was it made by radicals and planted on the internet to ferment for two years until it was needed.
No, they are not

At times like these, we have to ask...What would Ron Paul do?

Oh yea....Blame America

There wouldn't be horrific times like these if you numbnuts listened to Ron Paul.

I'm sorry but Paul is no more a God that can part seas than Obama is.

These animals were acting like this before America was formed. I suspect that they will act this way till the end of time. In the meantime we MUST deal with them and the threats they pose.

Libya was never a threat to the U.S. However now it just might be. We've unleashed the radicals there. Just another unfortunate example of Blowback. It's very sad.
What do you suggest we do? We're already pouring Billions in American Tax Dollars and weapons in there. They're our "Friends." There is nothing we can do. The poor man died for absolutely nothing. It is what it is.

Oh Obama loves them.

Mr. Obama, speaking shortly after his Republican challenger, said there was "no justification'' for the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other American diplomats but that the incident "will not break the bonds'' between the two nations.

What a freaking nutcase!

Romney Slams Obama Over Embassy Attacks - WSJ.com
This is what happens when obama extends an open hand to the enemy, someone is murdered.
The 'Conservatives' are definately over the top on this one. In a nation that has just undergone a devastating civil war, a religious protest at our embassy is used by a terrorist group to attack the embassy.

So, what we have here are two groups, one using an anti-Muslim film to stir up enmity between Muslims and Christians. Then we have our 'Conservatives' that are looking for any excuse to bomb a bunch of Muslims. And we have the Al Queda that also wants a war between Christians and Muslims.

Then you have the most of the rest of us, that wish these people would go to their own little island, have a good time killing each other, and leave the rest of us alone.

I see no differance between the jokers screaming outside our embassies and the people here suggesting that we bomb Libya flat.
All experts I've seen say the Libyan Gov't and people are overwhelmingly Pro-American, and the actual embassy attack was the work of the tiny Suffist (?) radical group or had links to terrorists, so a knee jerk chickenhawk Pub big reaction would be idiocy. It's time to go back to fighting the actual criminals rather than going after these new democracies, and demonizing religions and peoples- though those now appear to be GOP "American values".
The 'Conservatives' are definately over the top on this one. In a nation that has just undergone a devastating civil war, a religious protest at our embassy is used by a terrorist group to attack the embassy.

So, what we have here are two groups, one using an anti-Muslim film to stir up enmity between Muslims and Christians. Then we have our 'Conservatives' that are looking for any excuse to bomb a bunch of Muslims. And we have the Al Queda that also wants a war between Christians and Muslims.

Then you have the most of the rest of us, that wish these people would go to their own little island, have a good time killing each other, and leave the rest of us alone.

I see no differance between the jokers screaming outside our embassies and the people here suggesting that we bomb Libya flat.

I'm definitely not calling for 'bombing Libya flat.' We shouldn't have bombed them in the first place. This War wasn't even brought before our U.S. Congress. It's a tragic illegitimate War. Our Ambassador died for absolutely nothing. In fact, he was probably murdered by assholes we gave American Tax Dollars & weapons to. It's a terrible mess that shouldn't be made worse. I hope & pray the Dear Leader does not escalate this War. The American People are paying enough already.
until a couple of days ago we have only had 5 Ambassador's killed in the line of duty
The 'Conservatives' are definately over the top on this one. In a nation that has just undergone a devastating civil war, a religious protest at our embassy is used by a terrorist group to attack the embassy.

So, what we have here are two groups, one using an anti-Muslim film to stir up enmity between Muslims and Christians. Then we have our 'Conservatives' that are looking for any excuse to bomb a bunch of Muslims. And we have the Al Queda that also wants a war between Christians and Muslims.

Then you have the most of the rest of us, that wish these people would go to their own little island, have a good time killing each other, and leave the rest of us alone.

I see no differance between the jokers screaming outside our embassies and the people here suggesting that we bomb Libya flat.

I'm definitely not calling for 'bombing Libya flat.' We shouldn't have bombed them in the first place. This War wasn't even brought before our U.S. Congress. It's a tragic illegitimate War. Our Ambassador died for absolutely nothing. In fact, he was probably murdered by assholes we gave American Tax Dollars & weapons to. It's a terrible mess that shouldn't be made worse. I hope & pray the Dear Leader does not escalate this War. The American People are paying enough already.
I agree this is how the enemy you are currently fighting turns around and thanks you for the help.
There wouldn't be horrific times like these if you numbnuts listened to Ron Paul.

I'm sorry but Paul is no more a God that can part seas than Obama is.

These animals were acting like this before America was formed. I suspect that they will act this way till the end of time. In the meantime we MUST deal with them and the threats they pose.

Libya was never a threat to the U.S. However now it just might be. We've unleashed the radicals there. Just another unfortunate example of Blowback. It's very sad.

obama created a threat when there wasn't one.
I'm sorry but Paul is no more a God that can part seas than Obama is.

These animals were acting like this before America was formed. I suspect that they will act this way till the end of time. In the meantime we MUST deal with them and the threats they pose.

Libya was never a threat to the U.S. However now it just might be. We've unleashed the radicals there. Just another unfortunate example of Blowback. It's very sad.

obama created a threat when there wasn't one.

It was payback to the Euros to get Libya's Oil. We owed them. And it really is that simple.
Ron Paul is not an 'Isolationist.' That's a lie that's been pushed by the usual suspects. He's actually in favor of the exact opposite. He fully supports Free & Fair Trade with all Nations. He just doesn't support endless meddling & War. And i for one truly respect and support his position.
He is a isolationist. He gives lip service to free trade....Look I am not going to make you see this truth so I am not even going to try.... Let's just say I do not subscribe to the Paul policy of always blaming the USA for attack on US people.

SO OUR MEDDLING IN OTHERS AFFAIRS, has had no impact on how others view us?..

Even Osama pointed to our actions. We are not the worlds police..........

It must be horrible having a people feed them and give medicine.....
There's very few things I find as amusing as armchair foreign policy experts posting from their parent's basements about what Obama should be doing.
Bad guys don't give a fuck about our sensibilities. They care about their cause and nothing more. Strongly worded letters are pointless unless you start acting on them.

Cancel all foreign aid...and by that I mean money...do it first thing tomorrow morning.
Bad guys don't give a fuck about our sensibilities. They care about their cause and nothing more. Strongly worded letters are pointless unless you start acting on them.

Thanks for saying that. Too bad our gubmint idiots won't adopt that attitude. Instead they just keep up with the apologies, blaming the people who offend Muslims (btw, our mere existence offends them) and never really do anything other than appease our evil enemies. There is no incentive whatsoever for the Muslim extremists to stop what they are doing and the lack of action on our government's part only emboldens them to continue their attacks and make their unreasonable demands.
They send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue.... They send one of ours to the morgue, we flatten every military and government compound

That is the response they should get from us
Every time some right wing nut insults Muslims, like that crazy preacher in Fl or the guy who made that amateurish film, some of our people are killed.
Bin Laden was terribly upset that Obama wasn't talking about going to war with Islam.
The Middle East is a giant many-headed hydra. Cut one head off and 2 more grow in its place. We've cut off a lot of heads. We've spent a ridiculous amount of money cutting off these heads.

So yes, we can go into Libya and bomb the shit out of whoever masterminded this attack and we'll succeed at doing that because that's what we're best at.

And when that's done and those who lost their lives have been avenged, 2 more heads would've already popped up while we're patting ourselves on the back.

That is how the Middle East has always been and that's how it will continue to be. Apart from either wiping these countries completely off the map or occupying them massively to the point of colonization a la Ancient Rome, there is nothing that any US president can do about it.

Getting revenge on those who killed these people and defamed our embassies will be enough, but if you think this will somehow scare these militants or cow them, then I pity your ignorance.
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Bad guys don't give a fuck about our sensibilities. They care about their cause and nothing more. Strongly worded letters are pointless unless you start acting on them.

So, if words mean nothing, why are many Righties lying about the Condemnations being "apologies"? Huh?

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