Entire U.S. Army Wiped Out; China, Russia, Asia, Europe and the Middle East Rejoice


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now







That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

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What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

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What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains

And lying to the world about the chinese disease

how liberals could admire and defend china is a mystery to me
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D3mocrats are right behind em ...they're wishing death on beach goers in fla
And one just said republicans need to die cause we need muh 29 month stay at home order and any republican politician who doesnt enforce stay at home needs to be lined up against the wall lol

I'd say they're losing it big time but that happened years ago
That was Red China's intention all along. They want to take over the world the same way they took over the WHO and the Democrat party. They have declared war on the free world. I hope our allies catch on. We should stop all flights from Communist China forever. You can't trust those Commie bastards. Better dead than red.
Whatever your source is, it smells an awful lot like Russian propaganda.
REAL stuff--not the shit we heard on CNN for 4 years.
Tell us more about how the internet smells to you? Do you ever hear voices with the smells?

Sure you want to get cute with me this morning Huckleberry ?
You know, I haven't had my daily blowjob yet, and I'm a little testy just so you know.
You never heard of smellavision ?
Didn't you ever watch Emeril ?
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

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It will be interesting when their economy is wiped out in consequence to this attack upon the West, which will be seeking retribution.
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

View attachment 325659

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Meh, we had a good run
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

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Hey, lamb chop. Nobody is supporting China. What intelligent people are doing is to recognize that China is a big player in world affairs and is a force to be reckoned with. Trump, with his belligerent and boorish approach, has chased our trading partners into China's lap.
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

View attachment 325659

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View attachment 325665
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains

And lying to the world about the chinese disease

how liberals could admire and defend china is a mystery to me

Here is your blob thanking China
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

View attachment 325659

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View attachment 325665
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains

And lying to the world about the chinese disease

how liberals could admire and defend china is a mystery to me

Remember that asshole Pelosi marching in a Chinatown parade after the Pandemic had already started? Pleading "please don't blame the Chinese"?
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

View attachment 325659

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View attachment 325665
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains
What do you expect from people eating raw monkey brains

And lying to the world about the chinese disease

how liberals could admire and defend china is a mystery to me

Which liberals are "defending" China? Any idiot knows that China is an important player in world affairs and hardly needs defending. Trump has a lot to do with this development as our trading partners have tilted toward China and away from us.
The Chinese are there, pal, and dissing them resolves nothing except maybe to make you feel better. Trump, not being the
smartest rock in the pile, is in way over his head with the Chinese dictator.
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Chinatown is in the United States.
That's right everyone, it has been reported on the Chinese Military news agency website, Xilu ,
that the entire U.S. Army has been wiped out from 'the new coronary pneumonia', Crown Pneumonia

So, while the WHO director, UN Secretary General and Pelosi, along with CNN,
and the rest of the MSM treasonous ilk are bashing Trump and defending China,
the Chinese Military news agency has reported that our entire U.S. Army
was wiped out by the Crown Pneumonia the U.S. created and released

Yep, that's right, the Chinese Military news agency makes reference to
Crown Pneumonia, Crown virus or the new coronary pneumonia
more then they refer to this 'virus' as CoVid-19

I know they are making distinctions
To me, it's obvious
I have too much time invested
uncovering too much shit not to realize it

The more I search the more I uncover
The more shit I could make sense of

We were attacked and it was assisted
from outside and within
and as far as I'm concerned, we are at war

If I thought I even had, just a sliver of a chance,
of doing my homework, putting together a plan and using drastic measures
to force myself on national television and unload the real weapons
my iPad and notebook... I would go for it

That is the fucking point I'm at

I took screenshots of the propaganda
so no one had to risk another virus from China
Myself.... I didn't care then nor do I fucking care now

View attachment 325659

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View attachment 325663

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View attachment 325665

It will be interesting when their economy is wiped out in consequence to this attack upon the West, which will be seeking retribution.

The "story" will disappear as all falsehoods disappear.
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