Entire US Senate called to the White House for NK briefing...

Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

A more likely scenario is that the Trump administration will leak the details themselves- in order to get the right spin on it- and to hell with the safety of the military.

/---- more likely you will leak the info through your job as White House janitor and to hell with the safety of the military.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.

I don't think the daily accelerated threats from Kim is making up 'some bogus bullshit' for a war. How much longer should we just sit back & let that little bugger dance a jig before he actually follows thru with those threats & is capable of hitting the target? Just because he hasn't yet, doesn't mean he won't figure it out.

N.Korean media issue threat to 'wipe out' US
Preemptive war. NK, Iran, Syria, . We learned nothing from Iraq. & Iraq did not have backers such as Russia & China.

This is a prime example of Trump's ignorance. He thinks he can bully everyone with no consequences.
So, are these Senators showing up without staff? That would be a waste of time ass many are sofa king old, they won't remember what was said by the time they leave.
Trump is trying a ratings week.

He needs all the help he can get.

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with trying to improve his ratings. This is serious business
I'm afraid I agree it sounds serious.

That's as intelligent as you get, isn't it? Totally uninformed "gloating" about your "team" winning.

Even as your team raids your healthcare, depresses your wages, de-funds federal programs that you disproportionately rely on, and will possibly get you vaporized in nuclear war. But still....go team!

I notice you conveniently didn't answer a direct question and went straight for attacking the poster.

Probably the "straightest" thing you've done in years.

It was not a personal attack. It was me pointing out to you that you've just voted away your money, health care, and likely your safety.

Hold onto your butts, ww3 here we come. :(
If you realize that, then why do you celebrate this horrific so-called president we have?
This President we have is better than the last pussy we had in office.
"If Trayvon Martin Had Been Korean, He Would Have Looked Like Kim Jong-un"

FUBARack Wussein Obambi would have called any criticism of Kim Jong-un "racist."
I seriously doubt this has anything to do with trying to improve his ratings. This is serious business
I'm afraid I agree it sounds serious.

I notice you conveniently didn't answer a direct question and went straight for attacking the poster.

Probably the "straightest" thing you've done in years.

It was not a personal attack. It was me pointing out to you that you've just voted away your money, health care, and likely your safety.

Hold onto your butts, ww3 here we come. :(
If you realize that, then why do you celebrate this horrific so-called president we have?
This President we have is better than the last pussy we had in office.
"If Trayvon Martin Had Been Korean, He Would Have Looked Like Kim Jong-un"

FUBARack Wussein Obambi would have called any criticism of Kim Jong-un "racist."
No evidence, logic, or fact supports your statement of stupidity.

I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post, I add I am meaning that China deal with North Korea....The West can take a back seat and assist China through diplomatic channels and help China with say logistical support but not going in dropping bombs.

"I do NOT support The West getting involved militarily in the Syrian conflict.

In this instance with North Korea though Odium, there might not be a choice, Kim Jong-Un is a deranged maniac and the people in North Korea are a combination of brainwashed, terrorised and repressed. Given the opportunity Kim Jong-Un is going to at some point launch something horrible at South Korea and also very possibly at Japan.

Then there are actual concentration camps in North Korea. It's a sordid situation all round.

You can read about North Korea's myriad of concentration camps and also there's a map of them at the below link:

North Korea’s Largest Concentration Camps on Google Earth

Also you can read the words of Oh Gyeung Seob, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute, he spoke at a symposium called “Anti-Human Rights in North Korean Political Prison Camps,” which was hosted by the Korean Peninsula Forum and was sponsored by the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.

North Korea's Climate of Fear Explained"

The link to the thread where I made the above post:

We might go to war with North Korea
Nuke Mecca and the Jihad Is Over

Doesn't anybody realize that Kim Jong-un will give non-missile nuclear bombs to ISIS? Because that Saudi affiliate is not recognized for being one, not even recognized as the responsibility of Islam itself, there's no way we can retaliate under our present ignorance and squeamishness. So there's nothing to deter the thrill-killing beasts.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.

I don't think the daily accelerated threats from Kim is making up 'some bogus bullshit' for a war. How much longer should we just sit back & let that little bugger dance a jig before he actually follows thru with those threats & is capable of hitting the target? Just because he hasn't yet, doesn't mean he won't figure it out.

N.Korean media issue threat to 'wipe out' US
Preemptive war. NK, Iran, Syria, . We learned nothing from Iraq. & Iraq did not have backers such as Russia & China.

This is a prime example of Trump's ignorance. He thinks he can bully everyone with no consequences.
Yes, but really now, america has long thought it can bully everyone with no consequences, Don is merely carrying on the tradition just as Hilary would have. The citizens of this nation do not matter and neither does their votes or wishes. Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, Exxon Mobile, Wall Street, et.al.; those are the voters who decide.

I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post, I add I am meaning that China deal with North Korea....The West can take a back seat and assist China through diplomatic channels and help China with say logistical support but not going in dropping bombs.

"I do NOT support The West getting involved militarily in the Syrian conflict.

In this instance with North Korea though Odium, there might not be a choice, Kim Jong-Un is a deranged maniac and the people in North Korea are a combination of brainwashed, terrorised and repressed. Given the opportunity Kim Jong-Un is going to at some point launch something horrible at South Korea and also very possibly at Japan.

Then there are actual concentration camps in North Korea. It's a sordid situation all round.

You can read about North Korea's myriad of concentration camps and also there's a map of them at the below link:

North Korea’s Largest Concentration Camps on Google Earth

Also you can read the words of Oh Gyeung Seob, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute, he spoke at a symposium called “Anti-Human Rights in North Korean Political Prison Camps,” which was hosted by the Korean Peninsula Forum and was sponsored by the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.

North Korea's Climate of Fear Explained"

The link to the thread where I made the above post:

We might go to war with North Korea
Nuke Mecca and the Jihad Is Over

Doesn't anybody realize that Kim Jong-un will give non-missile nuclear bombs to ISIS? Because that Saudi affiliate is not recognized for being one, not even recognized as the responsibility of Islam itself, there's no way we can retaliate under our present ignorance and squeamishness. So there's nothing to deter the thrill-killing beasts.
So, you think Trump will use the Bush excuse. If we don't attack NK the smoking gun might in the form of a mushroom cloud? What if ISIS get one og Pakistan's nukes!!! Better attack them too.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

A more likely scenario is that the Trump administration will leak the details themselves- in order to get the right spin on it- and to hell with the safety of the military.

/---- more likely you will leak the info through your job as White House janitor and to hell with the safety of the military.

More likely you will leak the info through your job as White House hooker- and to hell with the safety of the military.
He thinks he can bully everyone with no consequences

Now ya see.....I don't see it that way. IMHO, what I see is that Trump won't be bullied by Pudgybutt, or Assad or anyone else. Trump didn't start this shit, it's been going on for years and we've always turned the other cheek. But Trump won't do that, he'd rather put out the fire right up front than to let it continue to smoke & smolder. But maybe that's just me :dunno:
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Brilliant move by Trump. Sends a clear message to NK and our allies.

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