Entire US Senate called to the White House for NK briefing...

Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.
You left out the part where the two bit moronic dictator has missiles that could strike our closest allies in the Pacific and that he has been testing nuclear bombs for years and that he just threatened to blow America off the face of the Earth. I'm not saying we should go to war over it, but you shouldn't leave that part out, either.

North Korea has not proven they could hit the broad side of a barn and their nukes are like popcorn farts compared to our smallest warheads.

Well if thats correct, then you have nothing to worry about, so there would be no reason to bomb North Korea as they are no threat to America, they have no missiles that could successful reach America.

What about our allies in South Korea and Japan? You do realize we have troops over there, right?

Which is all the more reason not to have a Gung-Ho Bombs Away type of situation.

North Korea cannot target the American mainland, but they do have the means to do something to Seoul which has a population of 25 million people and also probably do something to Japan.

With regard to Japan, why 72 years later does America still have troops in Japan? It's not a situation that the Japanese people are happy with....would the American people be happy if say China had a military base in Arizona for example?

What exactly is the reason for America to have so many military bases across the planet....it's certainly not for Peace Keeping is it because America is always at war with someone or on the verge of war with someone.

Permanent War, The Military Industrial Complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned about.


What are 40,000 US troops doing in Japan?

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I've been in favor of taking that regime out for years now. They are evil. If we had a decent media that would tell the truth about what goes on in North Korea everyone in the world would want something done.
Paper tiger....do not fear. They would fold like a house of cards if we launched an attack.
I've been in favor of taking that regime out for years now. They are evil. If we had a decent media that would tell the truth about what goes on in North Korea everyone in the world would want something done.

It's a pity that more are not in favour of taking out the regime of The House of Saud, the principle funders and enablers of Islamic Terrorism from September 11th 2001 to funding ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front....yet hypocritically and also dangerously Saudi Arabia are considered an Ally of The West, which is one of the greatest perversions of the term Ally.

Also Turkey should get the Shock and Awe Treatment and Erdogan and his Regime should be removed by any means necessary....yet hypocritically and dangerously Turkey are considered not only an Ally of The West but also are a member of NATO, which just illustrates why NATO should be dismantled.

With um friends like Saudi Arabia and Turkey who needs enemies.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.

And Vietnam. And, Korea the last time.

The pussy grabber said he loves and wants war and that's what he will do - kill young people, enrich 1% war profiteers.

The RWNJs will love it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post, I add I am meaning that China deal with North Korea....The West can take a back seat and assist China through diplomatic channels and help China with say logistical support but not going in dropping bombs.

"I do NOT support The West getting involved militarily in the Syrian conflict.

In this instance with North Korea though Odium, there might not be a choice, Kim Jong-Un is a deranged maniac and the people in North Korea are a combination of brainwashed, terrorised and repressed. Given the opportunity Kim Jong-Un is going to at some point launch something horrible at South Korea and also very possibly at Japan.

Then there are actual concentration camps in North Korea. It's a sordid situation all round.

You can read about North Korea's myriad of concentration camps and also there's a map of them at the below link:

North Korea’s Largest Concentration Camps on Google Earth

Also you can read the words of Oh Gyeung Seob, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute, he spoke at a symposium called “Anti-Human Rights in North Korean Political Prison Camps,” which was hosted by the Korean Peninsula Forum and was sponsored by the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.

North Korea's Climate of Fear Explained"

The link to the thread where I made the above post:

We might go to war with North Korea
The pussy grabber said he loves and wants war and that's what he will do - kill young people, enrich 1% war profiteers.
That is a lie and you know it. If you can't argue your point without out and out lying you have no point.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.

And Vietnam. And, Korea the last time.

The pussy grabber said he loves and wants war and that's what he will do - kill young people, enrich 1% war profiteers.

The RWNJs will love it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Look, that shit is utterly bipartisan. Hilary was going to war too. Obama came into 2 and left with 7. You don't get to vote, no citizen does. Goldman Sachs does. Raytheon does. Exxon Mobile, et.al. does. America is not a functional democracy. The empire will have its wars until it no longer exists.

I think we all agree that Kim Jong-Un is a deranged lunatic and that North Korea has a dangerously unstable entire regime.

There are also horrendous situations happening across the planet, but many of those are just ignored, an example would be what's going on in Burma/Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi for a very long time was held up almost as a Living Saint by EVERY Leftist organisation in the world....now they're ALL completely silent about not only her but what her Regime is doing in Burma/Myanmar.
I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post:
Well I care about it. There was a time when the world knew where the United States of America's lines were and they knew not to cross those lines. We use to stand for justice and freedom and now we run from anything that sounds difficult. It may be time to reset those boundaries and enforce our standards of conduct. No one else will.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.
So WW2 was bogus? As I recall we were attacked.
I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post:
Well I care about it. There was a time when the world knew where the United States of America's lines were and they knew not to cross those lines. We use to stand for justice and freedom and now we run from anything that sounds difficult. It may be time to reset those boundaries and enforce our standards of conduct. No one else will.

I'm glad you care and we can find agreement.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.
So WW2 was bogus? As I recall we were attacked.
That was covered sir, " ... since WWII."
I'll guess Trump knows that if he desires to draw a red line, he best have the backing of congress beforehand to avoid making an ass of himself and the nation.
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.

Nothing new, you won't get the truth from anyone. We'll make up some bogus bullshit for a war, we'll find out later it was bullshit, and we'll do nothing. You know, like ever since WWII.
So WW2 was bogus? As I recall we were attacked.
That was covered sir, " ... since WWII."
In Korea we were attacked also and in Vietnam we went to the aid of a Country being overrun by a neighbor.
I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post:
Well I care about it. There was a time when the world knew where the United States of America's lines were and they knew not to cross those lines. We use to stand for justice and freedom and now we run from anything that sounds difficult. It may be time to reset those boundaries and enforce our standards of conduct. No one else will.

We agree that North Korea is a completely unacceptable situation, we just differ on what approach should be taken to neutralise them.

I also think there should be more cohesion in The West about dealing with horrendous Regimes, which is why I frequently mention the hypocrisy about Saudi Arabia, horrendous on all levels, yet not only are they appointed to the UN Human Rights Council, yesterday they were appointed to the UN Women's Rights Commission.

Anger after Saudi Arabia 'chosen to head key UN human rights panel'

UN elects Saudi Arabia to Human Rights Council, oversight on women's rights - UN Watch

Saudi Arabia elected to UN women's rights commission

No Joke: U.N. Elects Saudi Arabia to Women's Rights Commission, For 2018-2022 Term - UN Watch

ISIS and Saudi Arabia, no difference:


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