Entire US Senate called to the White House for NK briefing...

I have already posted about that stuff and NOBODY wanted to discuss it.

Here several weeks ago, copy and paste of my post:
Well I care about it. There was a time when the world knew where the United States of America's lines were and they knew not to cross those lines. We use to stand for justice and freedom and now we run from anything that sounds difficult. It may be time to reset those boundaries and enforce our standards of conduct. No one else will.

We agree that North Korea is a completely unacceptable situation, we just differ on what approach should be taken to neutralise them.

I also think there should be more cohesion in The West about dealing with horrendous Regimes, which is why I frequently mention the hypocrisy about Saudi Arabia, horrendous on all levels, yet not only are they appointed to the UN Human Rights Council, yesterday they were appointed to the UN Women's Rights Commission.

Anger after Saudi Arabia 'chosen to head key UN human rights panel'

UN elects Saudi Arabia to Human Rights Council, oversight on women's rights - UN Watch

Saudi Arabia elected to UN women's rights commission

No Joke: U.N. Elects Saudi Arabia to Women's Rights Commission, For 2018-2022 Term - UN Watch

ISIS and Saudi Arabia, no difference:

Yes anything to avoid all out war is always the right way if possible. I just get tired of hearing how bad ass the NK army is. Half of them don't eat regularly and all of their weaponry comes from outside of their nation. They have nothing but coal. That's it. I would give the US military about a month to completely level NK and their half starved military.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.
You left out the part where the two bit moronic dictator has missiles that could strike our closest allies in the Pacific and that he has been testing nuclear bombs for years and that he just threatened to blow America off the face of the Earth. I'm not saying we should go to war over it, but you shouldn't leave that part out, either.
Then let those allies invade and destroy the asshole.
Why? He threatened US.
Who doesn't threaten the US.....did he bruise the US's mighty ego? Oh noes.
Wednesday 4/26/2017 should be an interesting news day.

Nope, tomorrow the 25th.....they like to celebrate their holidays with military action and tomorrow marks an anniversary (100th?) of their own military. If there is going to be fireworks, it will happen tomorrow.....their time.

I think their time is way ahead of ours.

Yep and it's already morning over there. It's UTC +8 1/2 hours
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.

As long as Kim keeps threatening the US.......how does that have NOTHING to do with US???

Who doesn't threaten the US? The US is a bully who needs put in their place. NK is just one of 4 nations with no Rothschild owned bank...shocker we are threatening them.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.
You left out the part where the two bit moronic dictator has missiles that could strike our closest allies in the Pacific and that he has been testing nuclear bombs for years and that he just threatened to blow America off the face of the Earth. I'm not saying we should go to war over it, but you shouldn't leave that part out, either.

North Korea has not proven they could hit the broad side of a barn and their nukes are like popcorn farts compared to our smallest warheads.

Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.
You left out the part where the two bit moronic dictator has missiles that could strike our closest allies in the Pacific and that he has been testing nuclear bombs for years and that he just threatened to blow America off the face of the Earth. I'm not saying we should go to war over it, but you shouldn't leave that part out, either.

North Korea has not proven they could hit the broad side of a barn and their nukes are like popcorn farts compared to our smallest warheads.

Well if thats correct, then you have nothing to worry about, so there would be no reason to bomb North Korea as they are no threat to America, they have no missiles that could successful reach America.

As I've said many a time.........just because he hasn't, doesn't mean he won't........sooner or later. Each time he screws up, he's learning. He's been getting lots of practice and practice does make perfect...sooner or later
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.

As long as Kim keeps threatening the US.......how does that have NOTHING to do with US???

Who doesn't threaten the US? The US is a bully who needs put in their place. NK is just one of 4 nations with no Rothschild owned bank...shocker we are threatening them.

What are the other 3?
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.

As long as Kim keeps threatening the US.......how does that have NOTHING to do with US???

Who doesn't threaten the US? The US is a bully who needs put in their place. NK is just one of 4 nations with no Rothschild owned bank...shocker we are threatening them.

Who else has threatened us in the same manner as NK, or to the extent NK has? Kim's dad may have to some extent, but Kim himself has been very proactive at it......so far, he's failed. But how long before he manages some kind of success? At the expense of our people?

I would agree that the US has in the past acted as the world police and a bully in many cases. Personally I think the UN should be, but they don't and makes me wonder WTF good are they.

But Trump didn't start this shit, neither did Obama or Bush or Clinton. They did. Since past administrations have ignored NK & their threats, I'd say we've been more than patient. Trump won't just lay back & take it like past admins have done, he's going to step up & take care of it, before it gets worse.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.

Do they have a room big enough to hold all of Congress?

This sounds weird.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
We know he has nukes and the facts are we are only in a cease fire with him that either side can break at anytime. It's time to face the devil for our choice to tarry for five decades.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.

Do they have a room big enough to hold all of Congress?

This sounds weird.

I dunno, but around here we say "we'll find a nail to hang ya from'.....when it gets too crowded
Aries has a thing though about posting things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread they are posting in :rolleyes-41:
That's you, Lucy. Trump is always concerned about his ratings. Your deflection is noted and discarded.

Says the Forum King of Deflection, nobody listens to you Jake when you post such idiocy.

The thread is about North Korea....and it's not just Trump there are also crazy people on the Left who want to bomb North Korea as well as having a full-on war with Syria and having a full-on war with Iran, there are many Warmongers on the Left who don't give a crap about how many people will perish on this planet if they get their wish of just bombing any nation they want to bomb.
Ah, my queen of Deflection is at it again. Trump, darling, is all about ratings, as you well know. Now if you are concerned about Trump and NK, I hope he is figuring a way to eliminate Kim without burning Japan and SK down.
Clinton and Obama were all about ratings also.As I commented on previous threads, China should be left to deal with North Korea. Period.
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.

Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
That's you, Lucy. Trump is always concerned about his ratings. Your deflection is noted and discarded.

Says the Forum King of Deflection, nobody listens to you Jake when you post such idiocy.

The thread is about North Korea....and it's not just Trump there are also crazy people on the Left who want to bomb North Korea as well as having a full-on war with Syria and having a full-on war with Iran, there are many Warmongers on the Left who don't give a crap about how many people will perish on this planet if they get their wish of just bombing any nation they want to bomb.
Ah, my queen of Deflection is at it again. Trump, darling, is all about ratings, as you well know. Now if you are concerned about Trump and NK, I hope he is figuring a way to eliminate Kim without burning Japan and SK down.
Clinton and Obama were all about ratings also.As I commented on previous threads, China should be left to deal with North Korea. Period.
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.
Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
China does not want 25 million people running across the Yalu into China when the NK state implodes. Focus and study.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.

As long as Kim keeps threatening the US.......how does that have NOTHING to do with US???

Who doesn't threaten the US? The US is a bully who needs put in their place. NK is just one of 4 nations with no Rothschild owned bank...shocker we are threatening them.

Who else has threatened us in the same manner as NK, or to the extent NK has? Kim's dad may have to some extent, but Kim himself has been very proactive at it......so far, he's failed. But how long before he manages some kind of success? At the expense of our people?

I would agree that the US has in the past acted as the world police and a bully in many cases. Personally I think the UN should be, but they don't and makes me wonder WTF good are they.

But Trump didn't start this shit, neither did Obama or Bush or Clinton. They did. Since past administrations have ignored NK & their threats, I'd say we've been more than patient. Trump won't just lay back & take it like past admins have done, he's going to step up & take care of it, before it gets worse.

You also have an existing problem nearer, Venezuela, the Leftist Dictator Nicolás Maduro has seized control of the General Motors plant there just the other day.

Venezuela Seizes GM, Warning Sign to U.S. Companies?

The violence continues, the death toll at this moment is 23 but will certainly rise.

Venezuela protest death toll rises in renewed violence - BBC News

Also if you've seen any footage of the protests in the streets and Maduro sanctioned vigilante gangs with weapons provided by the Venezuelan Government, the whole scenes on the streets are pretty Apocalyptic looking.







Says the Forum King of Deflection, nobody listens to you Jake when you post such idiocy.

The thread is about North Korea....and it's not just Trump there are also crazy people on the Left who want to bomb North Korea as well as having a full-on war with Syria and having a full-on war with Iran, there are many Warmongers on the Left who don't give a crap about how many people will perish on this planet if they get their wish of just bombing any nation they want to bomb.
Ah, my queen of Deflection is at it again. Trump, darling, is all about ratings, as you well know. Now if you are concerned about Trump and NK, I hope he is figuring a way to eliminate Kim without burning Japan and SK down.
Clinton and Obama were all about ratings also.As I commented on previous threads, China should be left to deal with North Korea. Period.
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.
Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
China does not want 25 million people running across the Yalu into China when the NK state implodes. Focus and study.

So just how would NK 'implode' ?
Wonder if it will be aired?

Don't worry, there are enough self serving anti-Trump and ultimately anti-American rats who will leak the details to the media regardless, to hell with the safety of the military. Even if they are sworn to secrecy, you know they will stir the pot for political purposes.

A sad but accurate reality in 2017.
I think Trump is just raising the perceptions to pressure China into curbing their dog.

Not much more than that just yet.
Ah, my queen of Deflection is at it again. Trump, darling, is all about ratings, as you well know. Now if you are concerned about Trump and NK, I hope he is figuring a way to eliminate Kim without burning Japan and SK down.
Clinton and Obama were all about ratings also.As I commented on previous threads, China should be left to deal with North Korea. Period.
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.
Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
China does not want 25 million people running across the Yalu into China when the NK state implodes. Focus and study.
So just how would NK 'implode' ?
Act like an adult, don't be a troll, and ask sensible questions. How would it not collapse under a combined Chinese, Russian, and American attack. No one wants Kim with his hands on nuclear weapons.
Clinton and Obama were all about ratings also.As I commented on previous threads, China should be left to deal with North Korea. Period.
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.
Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
China does not want 25 million people running across the Yalu into China when the NK state implodes. Focus and study.
So just how would NK 'implode' ?
Act like an adult, don't be a troll, and ask sensible questions. How would it not collapse under a combined Chinese, Russian, and American attack. No one wants Kim with his hands on nuclear weapons.

Ya know, I've been patient with you & even told you to put me on ignore, but you didn't. But need I remind you this is my thread? And with your insults, you are the troll?
I asked you if Kim had threatened China & why would China need to take care it.......in order.to clarify several of your own statements.

You keep saying China should deal with NK, but I asked why would they need to if they don't have a direct problem or threat from NK? You said because they don't want 25 million border jumpers if NK implodes. I then asked just how would NK implode.....if we stay out of it and China doesn't have a problem with them, there is no implosion or refugee crisis. Then you turn around and say NK would collapse with a group attack from China, Russia and US.......that right there is a lot of shuffling back & forth on your part.....but then I'm led to ask IF China was part of the attack, why in the world would the people go running to them????

As usual, you are not making any sense......pinhead
Deflection means nothing from you. And, yes, China should handle Kim if it will.
Has Kim been threatening China? If not, then why should they handle it?
China does not want 25 million people running across the Yalu into China when the NK state implodes. Focus and study.
So just how would NK 'implode' ?
Act like an adult, don't be a troll, and ask sensible questions. How would it not collapse under a combined Chinese, Russian, and American attack. No one wants Kim with his hands on nuclear weapons.

Ya know, I've been patient with you & even told you to put me on ignore, but you didn't. But need I remind you this is my thread? And with your insults, you are the troll?
I asked you if Kim had threatened China & why would China need to take care it.......in order.to clarify several of your own statements.

You keep saying China should deal with NK, but I asked why would they need to if they don't have a direct problem or threat from NK? You said because they don't want 25 million border jumpers if NK implodes. I then asked just how would NK implode.....if we stay out of it and China doesn't have a problem with them, there is no implosion or refugee crisis. Then you turn around and say NK would collapse with a group attack from China, Russia and US.......that right there is a lot of shuffling back & forth on your part.....but then I'm led to ask IF China was part of the attack, why in the world would the people go running to them????

As usual, you are not making any sense......pinhead
My posts have been clear and to the point. I have explained the why of China handling it. You simply don't like my answers. Get over it and stop trolling your own thread.
China does not war between NK and anyone else, because when the nation collapses, the 25 million NKs will stream north across the Yalu River.

This is clear and to the point and repeated, JAN.

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