Entitled Karen has complete meltdown over SFFD vehicle parked in bike lane

I have been to the bay area many times. Bicyclists there are out of hand. They think they own the road. I had a similar thing happen to me in Sausalito. I was turning right into a filling station and of course, I had to cross a bike lane to make my right turn. A whack job bicyclist rode up behind me while I was making my turn and slapped my car, screaming at me to get the F out of the way.
I saw the same thing happen in SF on Columbus St.--Traffic was heavy and a militant biker rode up behind a pickup and banged his truck. LOL, the driver got out, knocked the moron off his bike, picked it up and threw it in the back of his truck and drove away leaving the asshole biker whining on the side of the road.

I live around there. You are 100% correct!

"They're killing us".

Let me get my hands on the ****.

We need to start treating these people like they are asking to be treated.

Fucking useless parasites.

Wow! what a fucking moron!
Here, I got a good one for you.

The other day I'm fixing my sprinklers cause one of the heads popped off.

So this guy stops his car in the MIDDLE of the street right in front of my house, jumps out, and runs across the street over to me.

He says, "I don't know if you're aware, but the city only lets us water between 4am and 9am".

I go "oh... are you with the city?"

Suddenly he looks distraught. He says "no, I'm not with the city".

I go "oh... well, I hope you have a nice holiday".

But he doesn't take the hint.

He says, "I just wanted you to know, because some people water their lawn all day long".

Then he started to say something else, but he must have seen the look in my eye, cause he thought better of it.
Here, I got a good one for you.

The other day I'm fixing my sprinklers cause one of the heads popped off.

So this guy stops his car in the MIDDLE of the street right in front of my house, jumps out, and runs across the street over to me.

He says, "I don't know if you're aware, but the city only lets us water between 4am and 9am".

I go "oh... are you with the city?"

Suddenly he looks distraught. He says "no, I'm not with the city".

I go "oh... well, I hope you have a nice holiday".

But he doesn't take the hint.

He says, "I just wanted you to know, because some people water their lawn all day long".

Then he started to say something else, but he must have seen the look in my eye, cause he thought better of it.

Isn't it curious how some folks just make it clear that they are not going to be happy until they get themselves knocked the fuck out?

The guy in your story was lucky.

If on an Emergency Run the Rescue Squads have all the rights. We live in a crime laden era and leaving the lights and engine on with the doors unlocked is not going to do it.
And if he was on an emergency run, she would have been wrong.

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