Environmental hypocrisy caught on tape , California water


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Gov Jerry "moonbeam" Brown passed some rule that if people don't cut water by 15% their water bill could double. (or some crap)

Some organization in California said the reason why there is a water shortage is because there's a zillion illegals over here.

Their response was, that theory is ridiculous because domestic water use only accounts for less than 10% of water usage.

hmmmm ...if domestic water usage is less than 10% of water consumption, then why is it so important to threaten home owners with fines and doubled bills? I'm starting to think that the final goal is the money, not water reduction. ...and i'm still not clear on how paying the water company and the government more money, brings extra water to the state.
You surely didn't expect a state that's too dumb to build and maintain reservoir's to do anything rational did you?
Building reservoirs to hold water that doesn't exist sounds like the irrational money-wasting policy that only a conservative could love.

Arguing against fines is just dumb. It's like arguing that fines for speeding have no effect on speeding, and are just a grab for money. While they do bring in some money, they also indisputably make people careful about not speeding too much.
Building reservoirs to hold water that doesn't exist sounds like the irrational money-wasting policy that only a conservative could love.

Arguing against fines is just dumb. It's like arguing that fines for speeding have no effect on speeding, and are just a grab for money. While they do bring in some money, they also indisputably make people careful about not speeding too much.

Only a moron like you could believe that it is the right thing to do to flush millions upon millions of fresh water out into the ocean to protect a smelt.

Idiots like you never argue for a compromise. Now California is pedal to the metal going to fucking crash big time.

I can't wait to see it.
Resevoirs don't count said the liberal.....

look at what the idiot just posted.
So tinydancer also thinks reservoirs create water.


I'm a mega conservationist. If you want to dance with me get ready to fill your dance card. Because I have spent over four decades battling to save water resources including wetlands with Ducks Unlimited.

Now I'm in a battle of a lifetime to save wetlands from my government who are trying to destroy land and water to build Bi Pole III.

Would you like to join my dance card? I need every conservationist I can find to try to block this project.

You see Mamooth, I am the real deal.

I do not think resevoirs create water. That would be a lie you would be telling there.
So if reservoirs don't create water, why would more reservoirs help?

Specifically, where do you think a reservoir should be built? Because essentially every river that can be dammed economically has been dammed. The undammed rivers are all up north, short runs from mountain to sea that leave no room for a dam. And even if you did dam them, the water is hundreds of miles from the cities, with mountain ranges to cross. Not even remotely economical.

And it's not saving a fish. It's saving a whole ecosystem. Smart people understand the difference, the cost of destroying an ecosystem by drying up a river. What does Ducks Unlimited say about destroying duck habitat?
So if reservoirs don't create water, why would more reservoirs help?

Specifically, where do you think a reservoir should be built? Because essentially every river that can be dammed economically has been dammed. The undammed rivers are all up north, short runs from mountain to sea that leave no room for a dam. And even if you did dam them, the water is hundreds of miles from the cities, with mountain ranges to cross. Not even remotely economical.

And it's not saving a fish. It's saving a whole ecosystem. Smart people understand the difference, the cost of destroying an ecosystem by drying up a river. What does Ducks Unlimited say about destroying duck habitat?

Oh sweet lord. I don't think you have a clue about conservation.

California Voters Pass Key Conservation Legislation

In a significant victory for waterfowl conservation, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 1 during last November's general election. This legislation will eventually provide $7.5 billion for habitat restoration, water-storage improvements, and other vital water needs across the drought-ravaged state. Ducks Unlimited was one of several conservation organizations to provide policy analysis and political support crucial to the proposition's passage.

"Proposition 1 will provide important funding to address several key Ducks Unlimited objectives," says Mark Smith, director of public policy for DU's Western Region. "This includes habitat restoration both in the Delta and throughout the state, money for storage projects and infrastructure investments to California's water-delivery system, and important benefits to flood and ecosystem management."

This legislation will allow Ducks Unlimited to conserve wetlands and promote waterfowl-friendly agriculture so that future generations can enjoy healthy duck and goose populations and robust hunting opportunities for years to come.

Because of the unwavering support of DU members in California, legislative measures such as Proposition 1 are making waterfowl a priority in the Golden State.

Drought Eases Slightly in California
So if reservoirs don't create water, why would more reservoirs help?

Specifically, where do you think a reservoir should be built? Because essentially every river that can be dammed economically has been dammed. The undammed rivers are all up north, short runs from mountain to sea that leave no room for a dam. And even if you did dam them, the water is hundreds of miles from the cities, with mountain ranges to cross. Not even remotely economical.

And it's not saving a fish. It's saving a whole ecosystem. Smart people understand the difference, the cost of destroying an ecosystem by drying up a river. What does Ducks Unlimited say about destroying duck habitat?

Mini urban reservoirs. Too tired and going to crash tonight. But mini urban reservoirs are the key.

Conservation is the key. Longer the legislation is held up the longer they are killing the state.
Building reservoirs to hold water that doesn't exist sounds like the irrational money-wasting policy that only a conservative could love.

Arguing against fines is just dumb. It's like arguing that fines for speeding have no effect on speeding, and are just a grab for money. While they do bring in some money, they also indisputably make people careful about not speeding too much.
Wow, you really don't understand how reservoir's work do you?
Oh sweet lord. I don't think you have a clue about conservation

You seem confused. The liberals vote for programs to send more water to the delta, and you praise it, yet before you were raging at the liberals for sending water to the delta.

The only consistent thing about your positions seems to be the way you auto-blame liberals for everything.

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