EPA poised to formally repeal Clean Power Plan in major blow to Obama’s climate legacy

Little fucked up cocksuck, you think that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going to stop at just the regulations that President Obama put in?
Little fucked up cocksuck, you think that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going to stop at just the regulations that President Obama put in?
The ones Clinton imposed can go too without any noticable change to the environment. The fact is that the regulations passed by the time Reagan was elected eliminated 95% of the problem. Since then the EPA has just been piling on for the sake of power and keeping their jobs.
It would have been like the Interstate Highway Program that Eisenhower put through. The GOP was not going to let President Obama have anything like that. That is why the next time the pendulum swings their way, the Dems need to have a workable program for energy, for healthcare, already thought out and ready for legislation.
That is hilarious.

Obama doubles the national debt, yet spends little on infrastructure and alternative energy...but it is the Rs fault.

How does one get so dumb?
Just look in the mirror, you blitherin' idiot. President Obama inherited the makings of the Second Great Republican Depression. His actions prevented that, but at the cost of a major increase in the National Debt. As far as spending on alternative energy goes, you GOP did every thing that it could to prevent any progress there.

However, what was spent was enough, because of the fact that now alternative energy is cheaper than fossil fuels or nuclear. Cheaper to construct, cheaper by the kw produced.
This is interesting.

Donora, Pennsylvania - environmental, pollutants, history, industrial, human, health

Another picture taken in the 50s. You haven't got anything taken after the Reagan administration. Also, that still looks like fog.

Case closed.

Looks like fog...except for the soot on the car.

No interest in reading the short article in the link?

How is it relevant to 21st Century America?
Well, if dolts like you get their way, we will see that again.
Oh, you mean that's how it was when Obama got elected? Repealing his shit is going to take us back to the 1950s?

Not necessarily. But it is moving in the wrong direction.
Another picture taken in the 50s. You haven't got anything taken after the Reagan administration. Also, that still looks like fog.

Case closed.

Looks like fog...except for the soot on the car.

No interest in reading the short article in the link?

How is it relevant to 21st Century America?
Well, if dolts like you get their way, we will see that again.
Oh, you mean that's how it was when Obama got elected? Repealing his shit is going to take us back to the 1950s?

Not necessarily. But it is moving in the wrong direction.
No it isn't. At best it's been halted. The EPA is out of control. It needs to be defanged.
#114 thinks Montana should cede anyway, though what EPA can't stop in Montana is can't stop in Ohio, The argument fails when it attempts to add stack-scrubbers. The schizoid part is EPA's flapping Kentucky chimp lips about what it can do, while what it gives with one hand it takes away with the other. Thus, Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves. Yesterday we were successful in smuggling the basic diabetes-Alzheimer's message to 15 prisoners who reside in the Toledo area.
Whining Billy-Bob post @116 asks where the science, apparently amnesia after only 6 messages. The science was begun in post @100. Billy-Bob, like the EPA, seems to require some serious pop quizzes and exams on the material presented in this thread.
7 Oct 2017 Ohio Mayor Asks Trump for Help Combating Lake Erie Algae
'....a general mistrust....'

This is a condensed form for distribution:

6 Oct 2017 Beijing, China: Microcystin / GSK / Hyperphosphorylation / Insulin Signaling
Microcystin-LR disrupts insulin signaling by hyperphosphorylating insulin receptor substrate 1 and glycogen synthase. - PubMed - NCBI

3 Oct 2017 Zhejiang, China: GSK / Alzheimer's
#123 thinks Obama's EPA regulated the Chinese coal burning power plants and then Trump ruined things.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD........:ack-1::2up::ack-1:........some of the thinking of these dumbasses.:deal:.

I think before you get to post in here you need to pass some kind of a minimum competency test for knowledge in civics/world politics...........at least be able to display you have some kind of a clue.
"My English-speaking lucid unreason is not afraid of chaos."
(Antonin Artaud, Manifesto in Clear Language)
Rolling Back Obama EPA Rule Could Save $33 Billion

But the Eco-Freaks will scream and moan that it would destroy the ecology.

Reversing an Obama administration energy regulation will save energy companies $33 billion in compliance costs through 2030—costs that would have otherwise been borne by consumers, senior Trump administration officials said in providing details about scrapping the plan.

Read both sides @ Trump Rolls Back Obama EPA Regulation
Rolling Back Obama EPA Rule Could Save $33 Billion

But the Eco-Freaks will scream and moan that it would destroy the ecology.

Reversing an Obama administration energy regulation will save energy companies $33 billion in compliance costs through 2030—costs that would have otherwise been borne by consumers, senior Trump administration officials said in providing details about scrapping the plan.

Read both sides @ Trump Rolls Back Obama EPA Regulation
And how much in increased medical costs to the public from the pollution? The people pushing this should have their teeth kicked in.They are literally harming our children for their profit.

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