EPA poised to formally repeal Clean Power Plan in major blow to Obama’s climate legacy

It would have been like the Interstate Highway Program that Eisenhower put through. The GOP was not going to let President Obama have anything like that. That is why the next time the pendulum swings their way, the Dems need to have a workable program for energy, for healthcare, already thought out and ready for legislation.
That is hilarious.

Obama doubles the national debt, yet spends little on infrastructure and alternative energy...but it is the Rs fault.

How does one get so dumb?
Just look in the mirror, you blitherin' idiot. President Obama inherited the makings of the Second Great Republican Depression. His actions prevented that, but at the cost of a major increase in the National Debt. As far as spending on alternative energy goes, you GOP did every thing that it could to prevent any progress there.

However, what was spent was enough, because of the fact that now alternative energy is cheaper than fossil fuels or nuclear. Cheaper to construct, cheaper by the kw produced.
What utter horseshit. The recovery was underway before Obama ascended the throne. The only thing he prevented is a quick and strong recovery. We would have had much more revenue and less debt if Obama had done nothing. All he did is line the pockets of his public employee union allies.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008 - Wikipedia

Hey Pattycake, are you and Silly Billy siblings? For you both like to pull stinky 'facts' out of your ample asses.
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?
Your are Goddamned right. Let's add it up, and then compare it to the fuels used in mining the coal, and transporting that coal. Or the amount of CO2 created in creating the steel for the natural gas pipelines, the CO2 created in transporting those pipe, and creating the pipeline. Coal, when burned creates 4.4 tons of CO2 for every 1.2 tons of coal burned. So you want to compare the CO2 created in manufacturing solar panels compared to the CO2 created in using coal and natural gas? God, you are fucking stupid. You lose very big time.
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?
Your are Goddamned right. Let's add it up, and then compare it to the fuels used in mining the coal, and transporting that coal. Or the amount of CO2 created in creating the steel for the natural gas pipelines, the CO2 created in transporting those pipe, and creating the pipeline. Coal, when burned creates 4.4 tons of CO2 for every 1.2 tons of coal burned. So you want to compare the CO2 created in manufacturing solar panels compared to the CO2 created in using coal and natural gas? God, you are fucking stupid. You lose very big time.

Let's do it.

Show me the numbers.

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

That is awesome!

What's the current installed wind capacity?

Financial crisis of 2007–2008 - Wikipedia

Hey Pattycake, are you and Silly Billy siblings? For you both like to pull stinky 'facts' out of your ample asses.
You posted a chart with no explanation of what the squiggles represent.

You proved nothing. Here's the proof that the recovery began before Obummer ascended the throne:

Notice that Rocks in the Head doesn't want to address this chart. None of the Obama cock sucking snowflakes do.
It would have been like the Interstate Highway Program that Eisenhower put through. The GOP was not going to let President Obama have anything like that. That is why the next time the pendulum swings their way, the Dems need to have a workable program for energy, for healthcare, already thought out and ready for legislation.
That is hilarious.

Obama doubles the national debt, yet spends little on infrastructure and alternative energy...but it is the Rs fault.

How does one get so dumb?
Just look in the mirror, you blitherin' idiot. President Obama inherited the makings of the Second Great Republican Depression. His actions prevented that, but at the cost of a major increase in the National Debt. As far as spending on alternative energy goes, you GOP did every thing that it could to prevent any progress there.

However, what was spent was enough, because of the fact that now alternative energy is cheaper than fossil fuels or nuclear. Cheaper to construct, cheaper by the kw produced.
What utter horseshit. The recovery was underway before Obama ascended the throne. The only thing he prevented is a quick and strong recovery. We would have had much more revenue and less debt if Obama had done nothing. All he did is line the pockets of his public employee union allies.
It is utter bullshit but many on the Left believe that Obama saved us from a second Great Depression, so his failure to bring the economy back and doubling the national debt, is forgiven. This is what the DNC media has proclaimed for years, and dumb asses like Old Crotch believes whatever the DNC media tells him.

The power over simple minds, by the DNC media, should not be underestimated.
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?
Yes, it's true that making solar panels creates carbon dioxide, but over the life of a solar installation it produces on average of 30x less CO2 than coal power.
July 17, 2010, 5:32 p.m.



Photo: EnviroThink
Whenever I sing the praises of solar PV as a means to hugely reduce U.S. carbon emissions while strengthening the security of the grid, I get people complaining that I'm not disclosing the carbon impacts of solar panel production.

So let's get this straight.. solar panels are at least 20x better on the climate than coal, kWh for kWh. I say at least because the most often cited report is by Danish utility Vattenfall from 1999. It looks at only 3 countries -- Japan, Sweden and Finland -- all of which are fairly dark and dreary, and it does not account for recent advances in PV production (new solar panels are significantly more efficient).

Based on that study, solar PV works out to about 50g of CO2 per kWh compared to coal's 975g of CO2 per kWh, or about 20x "cleaner."


Coal power plants in the U.S. are considerably less regulated (and therefore less efficient) than their European counterparts, making them more carbon-intensive. And the U.S. has much greater solar access than Japan or Sweden, making solar PV less carbon-intensive.

Not that you would ever look this up for yourself, or even bother to read the rest of the link. You will work hard to preserve your willful ignorance.

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”

What's next old rocks , is Musk going to eliminate automation and robotics so you can claim it takes more workers to build a battery car compared to an ICE car?

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”

What's next old rocks , is Musk going to eliminate automation and robotics so you can claim it takes more workers to build a battery car compared to an ICE car?
And what does this have to do with the amount of CO2 involved in creating a solar panel? Why should Musk eliminate automation? The Tesla using American built batteries, has the highest amount of American made components, over 90%, as compared to the runner up, a Ford F-150, at 75%. No, nobody has room for people who only know how to work with their hands and back. You have to know something if you want a middle class paying job. There are 6 million jobs unfilled in the trades in this nation. Many of of those jobs pay over 100 K a year after a few years.

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”

What's next old rocks , is Musk going to eliminate automation and robotics so you can claim it takes more workers to build a battery car compared to an ICE car?
And what does this have to do with the amount of CO2 involved in creating a solar panel? Why should Musk eliminate automation? The Tesla using American built batteries, has the highest amount of American made components, over 90%, as compared to the runner up, a Ford F-150, at 75%. No, nobody has room for people who only know how to work with their hands and back. You have to know something if you want a middle class paying job. There are 6 million jobs unfilled in the trades in this nation. Many of of those jobs pay over 100 K a year after a few years.

This is to funny, what you forgot about how coal mine jobs are down but production of coal is up?

Two you ever see how much telsa is paying workers for his cars, I have and posted it before...not union wages pal, just got to the job boards.
Progressives supporting the CPP either..........

1) Do not have the thought processing ability to connect the dots on worldwide carbon emission impacts


2) Are very aware of the cost impacts on the poor and middle class of America and the long stated goal of controlling energy as another way to seize power by turning more towards government assistance.

It is one or the other for anybody even half paying attention.

C'mon now....... controlling emissions on only one side of the world is beneficial to the environment??:2up::boobies::boobies:

More than 1,000 new coal plants planned worldwide, figures show
World Resources Institute identifies 1,200 coal plants in planning across 59 countries, with about three-quarters in China and India

"Coal plants are the most polluting of all power stations and the World Resources Institute (WRI) identified 1,200 coal plants in planning across 59 countries, with about three-quarters in China and India. The capacity of the new plants add up to 1,400GW to global greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of adding another China – the world's biggest emitter. India is planning 455 new plants compared to 363 in China, which is seeing a slowdown in its coal investments after a vast building programme in the past decade."


And if output scrubbing technologies are used they will be cleaner than human farting.. It must suck to be an alarmist with facts about scrubbing technologies that lay their hyperbole claims waste.

If it was good enough for the 19th century it’s good enough for today!

Make America Great Again!

Windmills, worked in the 1500s, work today. Kind of. Sometimes.

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016
5 Heartland states now more than 20% wind-powered
March 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20 percent of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). It shows wind supplied over 5.5 percent of electricity nationwide, up from 4.7 percent in 2015.

With 99 percent of wind turbines located in rural areas, wind power’s steady growth as a share of the nation’s electricity supply has been accompanied by a surge of investment in rural America. The industry invested over $13.8 billion in new turbines last year, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in addition to operating a fleet now over 52,000 turbines.

“Wind is now cheaply and reliably supplying more than 20 percent of the electricity in five states and is a testament to American leadership and innovation,” said Tom Kiernan, AWEA CEO. “For these states, and across America, wind is welcome because it means jobs, investment, and a better tomorrow for rural communities.”

US wind generation reached 5.5% of the grid in 2016

That is awesome!

What's the current installed wind capacity?

Considering just 16-17% is on line and producing that would make it about an 83% unusable rate at any given time.. I don't know of any business that would call an 83% failure rate acceptable..
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?
Yes, it's true that making solar panels creates carbon dioxide, but over the life of a solar installation it produces on average of 30x less CO2 than coal power.
July 17, 2010, 5:32 p.m.



Photo: EnviroThink
Whenever I sing the praises of solar PV as a means to hugely reduce U.S. carbon emissions while strengthening the security of the grid, I get people complaining that I'm not disclosing the carbon impacts of solar panel production.

So let's get this straight.. solar panels are at least 20x better on the climate than coal, kWh for kWh. I say at least because the most often cited report is by Danish utility Vattenfall from 1999. It looks at only 3 countries -- Japan, Sweden and Finland -- all of which are fairly dark and dreary, and it does not account for recent advances in PV production (new solar panels are significantly more efficient).

Based on that study, solar PV works out to about 50g of CO2 per kWh compared to coal's 975g of CO2 per kWh, or about 20x "cleaner."


Coal power plants in the U.S. are considerably less regulated (and therefore less efficient) than their European counterparts, making them more carbon-intensive. And the U.S. has much greater solar access than Japan or Sweden, making solar PV less carbon-intensive.

Not that you would ever look this up for yourself, or even bother to read the rest of the link. You will work hard to preserve your willful ignorance.
Aside from "saving the planet" that setup you posted doesn't do much else. These 8 panels will generate on average ~ 1 dollar`s worth of power per day. And at what cost? They won`t say, none of them...they only bait you with "how much" you are "saving"...which in turn factors in all the money the tax payers have to pitch in for subsidies.
18 panels of the same type produce in the real world (as opposed to advertisement brochures) only 20 Kw hours per day....maximum on clear sky days

So unless you don`t use any power at night you better be stingy with the consumption else there is nothing available to charge the batteries.
The whole scheme reminds me of "Used cars" when "Rudy Russo sells a Centurion
Last edited:
None of you want to accept the Clean Power Plan for what it really was---an attempt to grind the U.S. economy to a crawl to allow the rest of the world to catch up. Obama's job was to get in power and put on the brakes. America last.

Cry in your pinko appletinis.
You fucking dumb asshole, both wind and solar are now produce electricity cheaper than any fossil fuel or nuclear. They are also cheaper to install. Once installed, they require no pipelines, rail lines, or mines to support them. And grid scale batteries are making them power 24/7.

The lead, acids, rare earth materials, petroleum for the plastics, copper for the cables and wiring, all the transistors, diodes and other electrical components, the transport of the materials to the site, the actual construction and manufacturing of the solar panels turbines etc. . .

What is the fucking carbon footprint for all of that?

Let's add it all up.

Shall we?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?

How much CO2 does one solar panel create?
Yes, it's true that making solar panels creates carbon dioxide, but over the life of a solar installation it produces on average of 30x less CO2 than coal power.
July 17, 2010, 5:32 p.m.



Photo: EnviroThink
Whenever I sing the praises of solar PV as a means to hugely reduce U.S. carbon emissions while strengthening the security of the grid, I get people complaining that I'm not disclosing the carbon impacts of solar panel production.

So let's get this straight.. solar panels are at least 20x better on the climate than coal, kWh for kWh. I say at least because the most often cited report is by Danish utility Vattenfall from 1999. It looks at only 3 countries -- Japan, Sweden and Finland -- all of which are fairly dark and dreary, and it does not account for recent advances in PV production (new solar panels are significantly more efficient).

Based on that study, solar PV works out to about 50g of CO2 per kWh compared to coal's 975g of CO2 per kWh, or about 20x "cleaner."


Coal power plants in the U.S. are considerably less regulated (and therefore less efficient) than their European counterparts, making them more carbon-intensive. And the U.S. has much greater solar access than Japan or Sweden, making solar PV less carbon-intensive.

Not that you would ever look this up for yourself, or even bother to read the rest of the link. You will work hard to preserve your willful ignorance.
Aside from "saving the planet" that setup you posted doesn't do much else. These 8 panels will generate on average ~ 1 dollar`s worth of power per day. And at what cost? They won`t say, none of them...they only bait you with "how much" you are "saving"...which in turn factors in all the money the tax payers have to pitch in for subsidies.
18 panels of the same type produce in the real world (as opposed to advertisement brochures) only 20 Kw hours per day....maximum on clear sky days

So unless you don`t use any power at night you better be stingy with the consumption else there is nothing available to charge the batteries.
The whole scheme reminds me of "Used cars" when "Rudy Russo sells a Centurion

5 kw system for $7500, enough for the house and an EV. ADD a Powerwall 2, and you have a complete system.

Grid tie Solar Power Systems for your home - Grid-tie Home Solar Panel Systems

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