EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million

Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

So you mean there will be no rules at all protecting drinking water?
There's rules, but not to protect our drinking waters. But to protect corporations. Our drinking water has never been drinkable since the 50's. The chemicals that they are putting into our waters is hazardous. And screwed the EPA. They are not doing a thing about this corporate control environment. They are a part of the Establishment. Obama was helping to infiltrates Monsanto's warriors all throughout his administration. But now since President Trump has been elected. That the truth is coming out about some of their stuff, like round up. But if Hillary was elected, she will be the next administration to help cover up for them. But now they are playing a Rush job on the president, by trying to make him to fill up his cabinet real fast. Not giving him a chance to investigate their background. Everytime he tries to lay back and think. They will shout out Russia, Russia, Russia !!! in order to distract him from concentrating. The new CIA director is a Monsanto's shill.

The Amazing Revolving Door -
Monsanto, FDA & EPA The Amazing Revolving Door - Monsanto, FDA And EPA

Six Reasons Why Obama Appointing Monsanto's Buddy, Former Iowa Governor Vilsack, for USDA Head Would be a Terrible Idea

Is Hillary a Shill for Monsato?
Is Hillary a Shill for Monsato? - Democratic Underground

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study

EPA Official Accused of Working with Monsanto to Hide Roundup Cancer Link EPA Official Accused of Working with Monsanto to Hide Roundup Cancer Link


Drinking water has been safe for decades for the most part, Your Roundup hysteria withstanding....

Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2017...-california-to-put-cancer-warning-on-roundup/

I just had posted this on another thread.

Yeah -- you ever LIVE in Cali? NO ONE pays attention to Prop 65 warnings, because they are on EVERY DOOR you enter. Even your home (if it was a public place). Certain HIGH HEELS have a Prop 65 warning on them.

So when you panic like that and make damn near EVERYTHING "a cancer causing agent" -- you're not doing science anymore. You're just fillibustering.

Cancer rates in Cali have not substantially decreased after 30 years of Prop 65..
Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2017...-california-to-put-cancer-warning-on-roundup/

I just had posted this on another thread.

That disagrees with even Europe, and those pussies put warnings on everything.

That is why they wanted to put Hillary into office. So she can stop Russia from spreading the word about Their poisonous products. If they put a sanction on Russia, that will bring their economy down. And so then they will not care about what they are eating because they will be so hungry like the way the country of Venezuela .

Russia bans all GM corn imports; EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings
Russia bans all GM corn imports; EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings

3 More European Countries Begin Banning Glyphosate and Monsanto's Roundup

Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World's Most Progressive Seed Laws

buddy you can link-bomb me all you like, but I am not going to fall for the pseudo-science being used to scream about GMO's.

and using Venezuela as an example when it can't even provide food to its people is fucking pathetic.

But before they could provide. But all of a sudden for some reason that they could not feed the people anymore. But I guess you are right that we should not give a damn about them brown-skinned Mexicans and South Americans, and the Brown-skinned people all across the globe. But we should only use them as an political pawn. I heard that they are great for sodomizing.

One hallmark of Western imperialism has been the spread and even the mandate of Big Ag GMO seeds where the Anglo-American empire cannot spread itself by corruption, bribes and covert means, militarily conquered nations are often forced to abandon traditional agriculture in favor of “biotechnology” particularly products that belong to multinational corporations like Monsanto. As a result, those nations who have some concept of the Anglo-American game plan, have moved to claw back agricultural rights and practices while others have wisely banned GMOs from within their borders completely.

Those nations, of course, have found themselves under complete attack. While Syria is perhaps the most well-known victim in 2016, Russia, also painted as a villain by the U.S. media, has been increasingly resistant to “free market reforms” and the promotion of GMOs having banned the production, and importation of GMOs earlier this year.U.S. Backed Opposition in Venezuela Attempts to Usher in Monsanto

One hallmark of Western imperialism has been the spread and even the mandate of Big Ag GMO seeds where the Anglo-American empire cannot spread itself by corruption, bribes and covert means,

Making better, pest-resistant, higher yielding seeds available to other countries. Bastards!!

Those poor countries should continue to starve their own people with their inefficient, organic methods, eh?

Better dead than fed with GMOs.

Yeah, it is too bad that those countries cannot afford their herbicide that the plants needs in order to make their plants grow. And plus they cannot afford to buy the seeds for ever season, because they are not allowed to save the seeds that they has been practicing for generations. But now these poor countries are thankning the Presifdent for removing the trade agreement.
That disagrees with even Europe, and those pussies put warnings on everything.

That is why they wanted to put Hillary into office. So she can stop Russia from spreading the word about Their poisonous products. If they put a sanction on Russia, that will bring their economy down. And so then they will not care about what they are eating because they will be so hungry like the way the country of Venezuela .

Russia bans all GM corn imports; EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings
Russia bans all GM corn imports; EU may also ban Monsanto GMO in wake of shocking cancer findings

3 More European Countries Begin Banning Glyphosate and Monsanto's Roundup

Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World's Most Progressive Seed Laws

buddy you can link-bomb me all you like, but I am not going to fall for the pseudo-science being used to scream about GMO's.

and using Venezuela as an example when it can't even provide food to its people is fucking pathetic.
But before they could provide. But all of a sudden for some reason that they could not feed the people anymore. But I guess you are right that we should not give a damn about them brown-skinned Mexicans and South Americans, and the Brown-skinned people all across the globe. But we should only use them as an political pawn. I heard that they are great for sodomizing.

One hallmark of Western imperialism has been the spread and even the mandate of Big Ag GMO seeds where the Anglo-American empire cannot spread itself by corruption, bribes and covert means, militarily conquered nations are often forced to abandon traditional agriculture in favor of “biotechnology” particularly products that belong to multinational corporations like Monsanto. As a result, those nations who have some concept of the Anglo-American game plan, have moved to claw back agricultural rights and practices while others have wisely banned GMOs from within their borders completely.

Those nations, of course, have found themselves under complete attack. While Syria is perhaps the most well-known victim in 2016, Russia, also painted as a villain by the U.S. media, has been increasingly resistant to “free market reforms” and the promotion of GMOs having banned the production, and importation of GMOs earlier this year.U.S. Backed Opposition in Venezuela Attempts to Usher in Monsanto

One hallmark of Western imperialism has been the spread and even the mandate of Big Ag GMO seeds where the Anglo-American empire cannot spread itself by corruption, bribes and covert means,

Making better, pest-resistant, higher yielding seeds available to other countries. Bastards!!

Those poor countries should continue to starve their own people with their inefficient, organic methods, eh?

Better dead than fed with GMOs.

Yeah, it is too bad that those countries cannot afford their herbicide that the plants needs in order to make their plants grow. And plus they cannot afford to buy the seeds for ever season, because they are not allowed to save the seeds that they has been practicing for generations. But now these poor countries are thankning the Presifdent for removing the trade agreement.

Yeah, it is too bad that those countries cannot afford their herbicide that the plants needs in order to make their plants grow.

None of them need herbicide to grow.

And plus they cannot afford to buy the seeds for ever season, because they are not allowed to save the seeds

Hybrid seeds don't breed true, of course you need to buy new ones.
But I knows about paid internet trolls that works for Monsanto. But Monsanto and the rest cannot afford to pay internet trolls anymore. And so they has an artificial intelligence that supposedly to silence trolls. But it is really to censor the internet from certain information, not trolls. But they will not have to pay for this program, except for one time only. Sorry fellas, that you are going to be out of a job pretty soon. You guys works so really hard,at what you all be doing, thinking that you are able to make a future from trolling. But then they pulls the rug from under your feet. I guess that Lil' tommy is not going to have a Merry Christmas anymore.....


Did You Know About Monsanto Trolls? Monsanto Trolls take to the Internet to stop all negative talk

Can Artificial Intelligence Silence Internet Trolls? Can Artificial Intelligence Silence Internet Trolls?

Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

The rule was over reaching and devastating to property values of millions of Americans.

Sixteen states sue EPA over clean water rule

Notwithstanding all the mega volumes of rules are regs the EPA has imposed prior to the Obama Administration:

. . .Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued 2,827 new final regulations, equaling 24,915 pages in the Federal Register, totaling approximately 24,915,000 words.

The Gutenberg Bible is only 1,282 pages and 646,128 words. Thus, the new EPA regulations issued by the Obama Administration contain 19 times as many pages as the Bible and 38 times as many words. . .​
New EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 38 Times as Long as Bible

The result is that probably all of us are breaking an EPA law at any given time not even counting all the hundreds of thousands of rules and regulations the government imposes on us overall. Nobody on Earth could afford a legal team capable of devising policies and business practices that would allow us to not break some law somewhere.

The Trump Administration is rolling back and eliminating the oppressive and incomprehensible enormous weight of all those rules and regulations by getting rid of the worst of them.

There are plenty of rules and regs left at the EPA to deal with polluters.[/QUOTE]
They only attacked those that are into organic products, and which corporations are against.

That doesn't compute since organic products generally don't pollute.[/QUOTE]
But corporations thinks that organic products are in their way for innovation. And plus, if group A eats only organic foods, and group B only eats corporation's foods. If group A stays healthy while group B is sickly. That spells lawsuit with evidence that corporation's food products is not healthy. So they has to erase all healthy foods away from the world, so that they cannot compare it to their foods.

Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425
The Most Outrageous Nanny Bills Proposed to Date Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425 (Mar. 13, 2009)[/QUOTE]

Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009[/QUOTE]
Do not show me any of them snope's sites. They are worst than CNN.


You screwed up the quote function so badly I doubt anybody can decipher this post.

DISCLAIMER FOR EVERYBODY ELSE: Please do not confuse the errant information here with what I posted.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

So you mean there will be no rules at all protecting drinking water?
There's rules, but not to protect our drinking waters. But to protect corporations. Our drinking water has never been drinkable since the 50's. The chemicals that they are putting into our waters is hazardous. And screwed the EPA. They are not doing a thing about this corporate control environment. They are a part of the Establishment. Obama was helping to infiltrates Monsanto's warriors all throughout his administration. But now since President Trump has been elected. That the truth is coming out about some of their stuff, like round up. But if Hillary was elected, she will be the next administration to help cover up for them. But now they are playing a Rush job on the president, by trying to make him to fill up his cabinet real fast. Not giving him a chance to investigate their background. Everytime he tries to lay back and think. They will shout out Russia, Russia, Russia !!! in order to distract him from concentrating. The new CIA director is a Monsanto's shill.

The Amazing Revolving Door -
Monsanto, FDA & EPA The Amazing Revolving Door - Monsanto, FDA And EPA

Six Reasons Why Obama Appointing Monsanto's Buddy, Former Iowa Governor Vilsack, for USDA Head Would be a Terrible Idea

Is Hillary a Shill for Monsato?
Is Hillary a Shill for Monsato? - Democratic Underground

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study

EPA Official Accused of Working with Monsanto to Hide Roundup Cancer Link EPA Official Accused of Working with Monsanto to Hide Roundup Cancer Link


Drinking water has been safe for decades for the most part, Your Roundup hysteria withstanding....

Court Rules Against Monsanto, Allows California To Put Cancer Warning On Roundup http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2017...-california-to-put-cancer-warning-on-roundup/

I just had posted this on another thread.

Yeah -- you ever LIVE in Cali? NO ONE pays attention to Prop 65 warnings, because they are on EVERY DOOR you enter. Even your home (if it was a public place). Certain HIGH HEELS have a Prop 65 warning on them.

So when you panic like that and make damn near EVERYTHING "a cancer causing agent" -- you're not doing science anymore. You're just fillibustering.

Cancer rates in Cali have not substantially decreased after 30 years of Prop 65..

The boy who cried wolf isn't supposed to be an instruction manual....
But I knows about paid internet trolls that works for Monsanto. But Monsanto and the rest cannot afford to pay internet trolls anymore. And so they has an artificial intelligence that supposedly to silence trolls. But it is really to censor the internet from certain information, not trolls. But they will not have to pay for this program, except for one time only. Sorry fellas, that you are going to be out of a job pretty soon. You guys works so really hard,at what you all be doing, thinking that you are able to make a future from trolling. But then they pulls the rug from under your feet. I guess that Lil' tommy is not going to have a Merry Christmas anymore.....


Did You Know About Monsanto Trolls? Monsanto Trolls take to the Internet to stop all negative talk

Can Artificial Intelligence Silence Internet Trolls? Can Artificial Intelligence Silence Internet Trolls?

Yeah, keep up the spirit.. Eventhough that your job isn't going to be around much longer. Internet trolls has been uncovered years ago.

Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
LOL....Money dumb fuck... and both terms are use to explain it.. Money amounts (price-enumeration) vs money given (actual monies received-renumeratation)... Now go away..

Enumeration is an ordered list, remuneration is money received as compensation for something.

LOL... placing a price is enumerating it.
Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
LOL....Money dumb fuck... and both terms are use to explain it.. Money amounts (price-enumeration) vs money given (actual monies received-renumeratation)... Now go away..

Enumeration is an ordered list, remuneration is money received as compensation for something.

LOL... placing a price is enumerating it.

Compensation is different than creating a list. LOL!

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