Epoch Times - 80% Of Americans Aged 17 to 24 Are Unfit For Military Service. And 55 Year Old AR-15 Fetishists Are Our Defense Against Tyranny?



I can see the appeal.


chicks dig you?

(The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse is an archetype representing rebirth and renewal in the face of conquest, war, famine, and death. And, the fifth horseman isn’t even a man. She is a woman, feminine and ruthless with her soft healing powers. Her name is Providence.)
Clearly I've upset you..

Are you another embittered dead ender?
Almost 80 Percent of Americans Aged 17 to 24 Unfit for Military Service

no, seriously...

if these Spartans want to march around compensating, they should be obliged to pass a grueling fitness test, before being sold a weapon designed for combat.
Unfortunately this headline is clickbait for Epoch Times to solicit money

So I never managed to find out why most Americans are not qualified for military service

I assume its more than being fat and lazy

The quality of our education is low whereas the military need for literacy is rising

Too bad that the people most qualified to serve are repelled by the gay transgender agenda of the modern military
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