Epoch TV: 31,696 COVID Vaccine Death Claims Submitted to CDC’s Reporting System Since 2020: Triple All Other Vaccines Combined Over 30 Years


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

I don't know if it's just on my end or what, but the video doesn't have any sound for me. But I've been wanting to find a list of all the deaths. Someone who's in a group I'm a part of didn't believe it when I said that a lot of healthy people have been dying suddenly recently, so I wanted to show that person some actual data from solid sources.
I don't know if it's just on my end or what, but the video doesn't have any sound for me. But I've been wanting to find a list of all the deaths. Someone who's in a group I'm a part of didn't believe it when I said that a lot of healthy people have been dying suddenly recently, so I wanted to show that person some actual data from solid sources.
They were not necessarily healthy. Many were already sick with some other illness which did weaken their immune system.

Johnson and Johnson had problems with blood clots, but the number of deaths because of that have largely diminished after fixing the vaccine.

Healthy people, 31, 000 of them, do not suddenly die because of flu, covid or any other vaccine.

It has not been recently, but since the start of covid in early 2020. Since then, around a million people have died mostly because of not being vaccinated.

One can attempt to blame the vaccine and try to stop people from getting it, but that continues to be a mistake.

Only 1/3 of the population has kept up with the boosters. If one does not keep up with them, the protection is gone and the possibility of contracting covid becomes greater.

Which is exactly why, as the CDC and many doctors have warned every Winter, that this is the worse season to get by, and one needs to be vaccinated for covid.

Each person makes their own choice.
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

You know the Adverse Events Reporting System is open for anybody to report anything they want to report, true or untrue, don't you? I could report 500 people died tonight in my livingroom, and my report would be just as valid as any other report turned in there.
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

That means theirs at least 3 million dead
You know the Adverse Events Reporting System is open for anybody to report anything they want to report, true or untrue, don't you? I could report 500 people died tonight in my livingroom, and my report would be just as valid as any other report turned in there.

Thank you for being so consistent.

Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

"Try and determine"? :auiqs.jpg:
You know the Adverse Events Reporting System is open for anybody to report anything they want to report, true or untrue, don't you? I could report 500 people died tonight in my livingroom, and my report would be just as valid as any other report turned in there.
That's because of stupid Democrat regulations. If someone gets a vaccine and then gets run over by a bus a few weeks later, it must have been caused by the vaccine according to lying corrupt trial lawyers like RFK Jr.
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

This is my biggest complaint. Overall, I think the vaccines are pretty safe and do seem to do quite well at reducing Covid symptoms. In most cases, I approve of people getting vaccinated.

BUT, the government and government agencies, especially under Democratic control, have been pushing many lies and misinformation about Covid and the vaccines and are engaged in a huge coverup of vaccine reactions and deaths in order to get everyone vaccinated. Vaccine reactions have been buried so that the public doesn't really know the full extent of them because that public knowledge would hurt their drive to get everyone vaccinated. Meanwhile, they have discriminated against the unvaccinated and fired them from jobs using the lie that vaccines stop the spread of Covid when they don't and have used their power to force people to get vaccinated when people have a legitimate fear of the vaccine. Medical professionals have even lost their licenses for expressing opposing views to the official government line on both Covid and the vaccines.
The video is misrepresenting VAERS. It is an unregulated first-report system, and was never intended to be a reference source the way the video tries to use it.

Liar, unless you started VAERS yourself, you cannot know what their original intention was. You may interpret through the lenses of all your biases, but you do not know.

Liar, unless you started VAERS yourself, you cannot know what their original intention was. You may interpret through the lenses of all your biases, but you do not know..
Well, as I have not yet mastered universal omniscience, I just have to rely on asking the experts, as one does in order to find out any information anywhere. In this case, their About Us and FAQ pages on their own website should do:

... along with a basic knowledge of how science works.
Excellent report using solid sources, most of all the CDC's own official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System - VAERS.

"The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is an organizational structure run jointly by the CDC and the FDA. It’s a reporting system that accepts and analyzes the reports of adverse events following vaccination in order to try and determine whether those adverse events were caused by the vaccine in question."

Epoch TV: 31,696 COVID Vaccine Death Claims Submitted to CDC’s Reporting System Since 2020: Triple All Other Vaccines Combined Over 30 Years​

Even if accurate, which is doubtful, it’s nothing relative to the total number of vaccines given in the US.
Roughly 70% of the population has been vaxxed.
Using a population of 325m , 70% is 227.5m.
31,700 is only .01393% of a single dose population. That number becomes infinitesimally smaller when factoring multiple doses.

Not only not surprising, it’s not even noteworthy.
I don't know if it's just on my end or what, but the video doesn't have any sound for me. But I've been wanting to find a list of all the deaths. Someone who's in a group I'm a part of didn't believe it when I said that a lot of healthy people have been dying suddenly recently, so I wanted to show that person some actual data from solid sources.

Here is a better one with sound.


Epoch TV: 31,696 COVID Vaccine Death Claims Submitted to CDC’s Reporting System Since 2020: Triple All Other Vaccines Combined Over 30 Years​

Even if accurate, which is doubtful, it’s nothing relative to the total number of vaccines given in the US.
Roughly 70% of the population has been vaxxed.
Using a population of 325m , 70% is 227.5m.
31,700 is only .01393% of a single dose population. That number becomes infinitesimally smaller when factoring multiple doses.

Not only not surprising, it’s not even noteworthy.

It is definitely inaccurate, a vast underestimate.

Excess mortality among young people in the US is up 40%, pro-athletes are dropping dead everywhere, but COVID is at a low. This is from multiple causes but many are heart related, blood clot-reated, tumers, fast growing cancers, and everything scientists said would happen and have observed happened since injection of the spike proteins.

"Death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show excess deaths increased by more than 40% among Americans 18 to 49 years old during a 12-month period ending in October of 2021, and that COVID caused only about 42% of those deaths.

Excess deaths are defined as the difference between the observed number of deaths during a specific time frame and the expected number of deaths during that same period.

State-level data for the same 12-month period also show increases. For example, in Nevada, excess deaths were as high as 65%, with COVID accounting for only 36%."

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology, on COVID vaccine dangers
(View in Bitchute)

Moreover, the vaxxes causing all this is no longer speculative. World class pathologists say it is a definite cause and effect. You'll just never see that on CNN. If you start a thread on it here the mod buries it.

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