Equal Pay for Equal Work

Here is another factor.

People who are better negotiators receive better compensation packages.

Why should someone who doesn't care enough to negotiate receive the benefits of someone that does?

That's a valid point...but dosn't explain the lack of knowledge about relative compensation when corporate culture prohibits transparency about who makes what....That is what the prez is addressing ...Transparency in the workplace .so that those who r underpaid would have relevant and timely data for effective negotiation...and legal proceedings if need be.
But ur right...women need to learn more about kicking ass in the workplace.

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What is Obama's track record about transparency with anything?
Bad enough that employers still get away with blatant discrimination but some of our own people are in favor of it.

My bet is that this vote will follow party lines - Dems are in favor of Constitutionally guaranteed equality, Repubs are against it.

Edited to add "some of" because I know that not all Americans are stupid.

People who want more litigation need to personally experience what it's like to be wrongfully sued. When a doctor or small business gets sued, it becomes very personal.

Even the most frivolous cases take months and often years to resolve. The lawyers make a claim such that when the defendant is wrong, they pay through the nose. But when the plaintiff is wrong, its lawyer owes nothing for the bad lawsuit.
Bad enough that employers still get away with blatant discrimination but some of our own people are in favor of it.

My bet is that this vote will follow party lines - Dems are in favor of Constitutionally guaranteed equality, Repubs are against it.

Edited to add "some of" because I know that not all Americans are stupid.

There is no discrimination, if there were you would be able to point to actual examples.

There are multitudes out there...but u need to take the time to research them if ur truly interested. Lilly Ledbetter's case is a highly publicized one wherin she was ripped off of hundreds of thousands of dollars due her over decades of work...her case was turned down because the judge ruled that although it had merit...she could not prevail because her complaint was not reported in a timely fashion "from the date of employment"..
This she could not do because corporate culture prevented her getting this information in time.
The Paycheck Equity bill that was turned down for debate is designed to address that shortcoming in the law.

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Dear "dr d,"

The PREMISE on which the President has issued this Executive Order is fundamentally flawed and he (Our Beloved President) knows it. There is no .77/1 "wage gap." Thus he is doing nothing but posturing during an election year to draw attention away from the miserable job he is doing as President.

Ur pronouncement has no substance and therefor makes no sense.

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Bad enough that employers still get away with blatant discrimination but some of our own people are in favor of it.

My bet is that this vote will follow party lines - Dems are in favor of Constitutionally guaranteed equality, Repubs are against it.

Edited to add "some of" because I know that not all Americans are stupid.

There is no discrimination, if there were you would be able to point to actual examples.

There are multitudes out there...but u need to take the time to research them if ur truly interested. Lilly Ledbetter's case is a highly publicized one wherin she was ripped off of hundreds of thousands of dollars due her over decades of work...her case was turned down because the judge ruled that although it had merit...she could not prevail because her complaint was not reported in a timely fashion "from the date of employment"..
This she could not do because corporate culture prevented her getting this information in time.
The Paycheck Equity bill that was turned down for debate is designed to address that shortcoming in the law.

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Lily Ledbetter? Isn't she the woman that admitted, under oath, that she knew about the fact that she was payed less than her male peers and didn't actually raise a stink about it? Then decided, years later, that she wanted to, and then lied about what actually happened in public?

By the way, the law did not mention anything about the date of employment, so that makes you as much a lying scum bag as she is.
There is no discrimination, if there were you would be able to point to actual examples.

There are multitudes out there...but u need to take the time to research them if ur truly interested. Lilly Ledbetter's case is a highly publicized one wherin she was ripped off of hundreds of thousands of dollars due her over decades of work...her case was turned down because the judge ruled that although it had merit...she could not prevail because her complaint was not reported in a timely fashion "from the date of employment"..
This she could not do because corporate culture prevented her getting this information in time.
The Paycheck Equity bill that was turned down for debate is designed to address that shortcoming in the law.

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Lily Ledbetter? Isn't she the woman that admitted, under oath, that she knew about the fact that she was payed less than her male peers and didn't actually raise a stink about it? Then decided, years later, that she wanted to, and then lied about what actually happened in public?

By the way, the law did not mention anything about the date of employment, so that makes you as much a lying scum bag as she is.

Actually...I believe Ledbetter did not discover her pay inequity until shortly prior to her lawsuit..and the judge in the case ruled against her SPECIFICALLY because she allegedly "waited too long" from her date of employment to file her complaint.
And quantum...I really don't see that calling her or myself "lying scumbags" justified simply because recollect facts differently...and a weak ploy to discredit those u disagree with simply because of ur ignorance.

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There are multitudes out there...but u need to take the time to research them if ur truly interested. Lilly Ledbetter's case is a highly publicized one wherin she was ripped off of hundreds of thousands of dollars due her over decades of work...her case was turned down because the judge ruled that although it had merit...she could not prevail because her complaint was not reported in a timely fashion "from the date of employment"..
This she could not do because corporate culture prevented her getting this information in time.
The Paycheck Equity bill that was turned down for debate is designed to address that shortcoming in the law.

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Lily Ledbetter? Isn't she the woman that admitted, under oath, that she knew about the fact that she was payed less than her male peers and didn't actually raise a stink about it? Then decided, years later, that she wanted to, and then lied about what actually happened in public?

By the way, the law did not mention anything about the date of employment, so that makes you as much a lying scum bag as she is.

Actually...I believe Ledbetter did not discover her pay inequity until shortly prior to her lawsuit..and the judge in the case ruled against her SPECIFICALLY because she allegedly "waited too long" from her date of employment to file her complaint.
And quantum...I really don't see that calling her or myself "lying scumbags" justified simply because recollect facts differently...and a weak ploy to discredit those u disagree with simply because of ur ignorance.

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When Ledbetter was hired she was offered compensation for her labor. She accepted.

If she was given any promotions or raises during her employment, she accepted.

End of story.
There are multitudes out there...but u need to take the time to research them if ur truly interested. Lilly Ledbetter's case is a highly publicized one wherin she was ripped off of hundreds of thousands of dollars due her over decades of work...her case was turned down because the judge ruled that although it had merit...she could not prevail because her complaint was not reported in a timely fashion "from the date of employment"..
This she could not do because corporate culture prevented her getting this information in time.
The Paycheck Equity bill that was turned down for debate is designed to address that shortcoming in the law.

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Lily Ledbetter? Isn't she the woman that admitted, under oath, that she knew about the fact that she was payed less than her male peers and didn't actually raise a stink about it? Then decided, years later, that she wanted to, and then lied about what actually happened in public?

By the way, the law did not mention anything about the date of employment, so that makes you as much a lying scum bag as she is.

Actually...I believe Ledbetter did not discover her pay inequity until shortly prior to her lawsuit..and the judge in the case ruled against her SPECIFICALLY because she allegedly "waited too long" from her date of employment to file her complaint.
And quantum...I really don't see that calling her or myself "lying scumbags" justified simply because recollect facts differently...and a weak ploy to discredit those u disagree with simply because of ur ignorance.

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If you believe 5 years is shortly before, then your belief is based on a really distorted view of time. If you don't, then your belief is based on lies.
It could be a trial lawyer plot for more business. Millions of women filing claims for back wages.

An issue hard to prove or disprove. And a lawyer for the plaintiff, and another one for the defendant.
So you claim women make only $.77 for each dollar a man makes....

If you have fly, have you noticed that almost all the pilots are men, but a majority of flight attendants are female? Is there anything discriminatory about that?
So you claim women make only $.77 for each dollar a man makes....

If you have fly, have you noticed that almost all the pilots are men, but a majority of flight attendants are female? Is there anything discriminatory about that?

Again...we are talking about EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK....The work of a steward is not equivalent to that of a pilot.
Stop straying from the crux of the matter...which is that both male and female pilots, stewards, docs, nurses, execs...what ever....WITH THE SAME TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE...should be paid by the job...not the gender.

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Heard a funny but poignant joke about the matter at a telecast of last nite's prez and correspondents' dinner...
Something to the effect that Hillary would be an economic choice for prez...since we would pay her only 77% of the salary for a male prez....

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I get so sick of this stuff - 77 cents? This equality crap in everything that touches our lives is ridiculous. Being paid equal pay right down to the penny is a bit much. If Mary Sue has 10 pairs of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans then every woman in the country is ENTITLED to have 10 pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans in every cut or style that Mary Sue has. If Marcus has a Porsche, then everybody else in the country is ENTITLED to have a Porsche - and it's got to have EVERY feature that Marcus' Porsche has - right down to the EXACT mileage per gallon to the last drop - never mind the driving habits, road/weather/topographical differences and on and on and on.

We have enough problems to deal with in this country and a 77 cent pay differential should not be one of them.

This is true. There are women whose talents, qualifications and work product far exceed men and they get paid more. The first woman that comes to mind is Meg Crofton, who focuses exclusively on her duties as president of all operations for Disney theme parks in the United States and Europe.
Obama is the biggest friend to Corporations, Obamacare will save them Billions and now lawyers will be suing us left and right

what a hero huh?
Yesterday prez Obama signed an EO supporting women's ability to sue for equal pay...Today, the Senate will vote on a bill to increase realization of pay equity for all employees.
Over 50 years after the Equal Pay Act was passed, women still make .77 to every $ men make...for the same work with the same training and experience.
Apparently, the EPA is either being ignored or has no teeth...And something needs to be done about it.
Kudos to the prez for leading the effort to correct this great wrong...

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I believe the great Ronald Reagan reffered to this as Looney Tunes.
Obama is the biggest friend to Corporations, Obamacare will save them Billions and now lawyers will be suing us left and right

what a hero huh?

U silly person...this is about INDIVIDUALS being able to sue corporations if cheated of equal pay for equal work...U have it ass backwards...like many of ur ungrounded beliefs.

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I get so sick of this stuff - 77 cents? This equality crap in everything that touches our lives is ridiculous. Being paid equal pay right down to the penny is a bit much. If Mary Sue has 10 pairs of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans then every woman in the country is ENTITLED to have 10 pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans in every cut or style that Mary Sue has. If Marcus has a Porsche, then everybody else in the country is ENTITLED to have a Porsche - and it's got to have EVERY feature that Marcus' Porsche has - right down to the EXACT mileage per gallon to the last drop - never mind the driving habits, road/weather/topographical differences and on and on and on.

We have enough problems to deal with in this country and a 77 cent pay differential should not be one of them.

This is true. There are women whose talents, qualifications and work product far exceed men and they get paid more. The first woman that comes to mind is Meg Crofton, who focuses exclusively on her duties as president of all operations for Disney theme parks in the United States and Europe.

Apparently, Meg has no need to sue for pay equity...But she dosn't represent the average worker does she?
And why should the avg. worker be systemically ripped off and retirement money truncated because of gender and evidence that the EPA has not been effectively enforced?

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I get so sick of this stuff - 77 cents? This equality crap in everything that touches our lives is ridiculous. Being paid equal pay right down to the penny is a bit much. If Mary Sue has 10 pairs of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans then every woman in the country is ENTITLED to have 10 pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans in every cut or style that Mary Sue has. If Marcus has a Porsche, then everybody else in the country is ENTITLED to have a Porsche - and it's got to have EVERY feature that Marcus' Porsche has - right down to the EXACT mileage per gallon to the last drop - never mind the driving habits, road/weather/topographical differences and on and on and on.

We have enough problems to deal with in this country and a 77 cent pay differential should not be one of them.

This is true. There are women whose talents, qualifications and work product far exceed men and they get paid more. The first woman that comes to mind is Meg Crofton, who focuses exclusively on her duties as president of all operations for Disney theme parks in the United States and Europe.

Apparently, Meg has no need to sue for pay equity...But she dosn't represent the average worker does she?
And why should the avg. worker be systemically ripped off and retirement money truncated because of gender and evidence that the EPA has not been effectively enforced?

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She could have represented the average worker that is the point. Meg exemplified a standard that Disney wanted and she achieved a high level position with a great future. The average worker can do the same male or female in their own chosen fields.
Yesterday prez Obama signed an EO supporting women's ability to sue for equal pay...Today, the Senate will vote on a bill to increase realization of pay equity for all employees.
Over 50 years after the Equal Pay Act was passed, women still make .77 to every $ men make...for the same work with the same training and experience.
Apparently, the EPA is either being ignored or has no teeth...And something needs to be done about it.
Kudos to the prez for leading the effort to correct this great wrong...

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If only you would show some numbers to back it up, instead parroting what Barry said.

I am all for equal pay for equal work. Pay the worker based on his or her productivity.

It's all about screaming "equality". Assuming that men and women are equal, how about we also talk about equal responsibilities.

Why are women today valued more so than men in every aspect of society? If woman owns the business, her company has priority when getting contract. She gets tax breaks because of the minority owned business. If divorcing, laws favoring women to get kids and support, while men get visiting rights and bills.

You take TV series and you'll notice that women are always smart, innocent, almost angelic while men are portrayed as primitive, savage, violent, and inferior. When the Titanic sank, women were given priority in being saved. If we have Titanic today, the same would happen.

Reality is, it's the men who go off and die horribly in war, and those who didn't have their heads or limbs blown off, come back physically and mentally damaged. It's the men who were building skyscrapers, houses, roads, and railroads. Women are, better nurtures and homemakers, etc. Men are better at some things, women are better in another.

We aren't equal. Problem I have is how today's men is treated by feminists. Pretty much, men is trash. Bottom line, feminists want to have the benefits of being a man without the responsibilities. And when asked to be responsible, they scream for chivalry.

Don't get me wrong, I love women, but they can't really have it both ways.

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