Equity of outcome. The big leftist lie behind all of this.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Wait for the left to engage in pure hyperbole. People.

Prager blah blah blah
Peterson blah blah blah

Wait for the left to engage in pure hyperbole. People.

Prager blah blah blah
Peterson blah blah blah

You summed it up nicely. No need for further comment.
Prager and Peterson both sold out a long time ago.
Nothing that either says should be given any credence whatsoever.
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I believe in the equity of opportunity, meaning children and young adults should be provided chances to develop their talents, whether they be in (just sticking with some m's) math, music, medicine, mechanics, etc. Their opportunity in life afterwards then would be dependent on how well they developed their talent and the public's demand for it. After all, the doctor you see shouldn't be somebody whose qualification was having his name picked from a hat. And somebody with skills to be a great doctor shouldn't be wasting away life flipping hamburgers for lack of opportunity.
I believe in the equity of opportunity, meaning children and young adults should be provided chances to develop their talents, whether they be in (just sticking with some m's) math, music, medicine, mechanics, etc. ...

What does that mean, exactly? The schools are open, teachers try and teach. But Baltimore is a prime example of public school failure.

We have been playing this game since the 1960s when they used forced busing to have little black children sit in the classroom with little white children because the left said blacks would do better in school then.

And since that failed there have been more failed experiments, including the constant dumbing down of testing, requirements, etc.
Equity of outcome is another non existent nice sounding thing that liberals are trying to force in America.
Equity of effort and responsibility would be far better but feelings get into the mix so that’s a No No
Equity of outcome is another non existent nice sounding thing that liberals are trying to force in America.
Equity of effort and responsibility would be far better but feelings get into the mix so that’s a No No
The founders had it right all along. All humans are created equal. After creation that equality changes with each passing minute as the person either has ambition and work ethic or a lack of it. This is how it should be. Great rewards have always demanded great sacrifices. The equal opportunity exists for all.
The founders had it right all along. All humans are created equal. After creation that equality changes with each passing minute as the person either has ambition and work ethic or a lack of it. This is how it should be. Great rewards have always demanded great sacrifices. The equal opportunity exists for all.

The created equal part meant as to their rights, not to outcomes. The left has misappropriated that and so much else thus we are in the mess we are in.

Wait for the left to engage in pure hyperbole. People.

Prager blah blah blah
Peterson blah blah blah

I love it when some rightie wants to point to the NBA. I mean first of all, the NBA, NFL, and MLB are among the most socialist organizations on the planet. They share revenue, there are salary caps, and the allocation of draft picks is clearly a means of the successful sacrificing for the unsuccessful. But there is no equal opportunity within professional sports. I mean there may have been, fifty years ago, but not today.

Contrary to popular perception, poverty and broken homes are underrepresented in the NBA, not overrepresented. For example, while 45 percent of black male children in the U.S. live in households earning no more than 150 percent of the poverty line ($22,050 for a family of four in 2010), just 34 percent of black athletes in the NBA grew up in that financial situation, according to Dubrow and Adams. Thirty percent of white American males come from below-average-income homes without two parents, but not one white NBA player had that background. Economics and family boost or drag an athlete, like in other professions.

Not one white NBA player came from a single parent home with below average income. NOT ONE. So equal opportunity for everyone within pro sports is a damn myth, and especially in the NBA. Travel ball, in any sport, is expensive. It is the domain of the upper middle class, and it is the primary means to both a college scholarship and a shot at the big leagues. I can guarantee, there is some poor white kid dominating the court in the streets of Philly right now, who given the opportunity would eclipse the success of even Larry Bird. But he will never make it to the college courts, let alone get a chance to play in the D league. He will work a low-wage job and play pickup games at the Y. He might even win a few three on three tournaments with some buddies, and maybe even hustle a bit on the street. But in the end, his skills will be underdeveloped and society will pay an "opportunity cost" for that. That is just one poor white kid playing basketball in Philly. Add up all the underdeveloped talent in this country, due to economic and social misfortune, and the numbers would eclipse the budget deficit the right now seems absorbed with.
The founders had it right all along. All humans are created equal. After creation that equality changes with each passing minute as the person either has ambition and work ethic or a lack of it. This is how it should be. Great rewards have always demanded great sacrifices. The equal opportunity exists for all.
Sorry, but that is just stupid. All people are not created equal. Some are smarter than others. Some are stronger than others. Some are taller than others. Some happen to have talents that are valued by society, and some might have talents that are not valued. There is no equality of opportunity, nor should there be an equality of outcome. Society should be structured so that the advantages one has, through the talents they are born or to the circumstances of their birth, are exploited, not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of the weakest members of our society. Take David Letterman. He made millions and millions of dollars because society valued his talent. Does he not owe a debt to that society that values his talents. Because make no mistake about it, had he been born a thousand years ago that talent would not have been so valued, and if he wasn't a good hunter and gatherer, well he might have found himself dependent upon the goodwill of others.

He didn't get to pick the society he was born into. None of us can. Nor can we pick either our parents, or even our birth order. Yet both make a huge difference in outcome. I love the lecture from Michael Sandel where he explains just this. Here he is at Harvard University, big lecture class, probably close to a thousand students. He asked everyone who is a first born child to raise their hands. It is probably at least eighty percent of the class, and as the camera pans through the class you can see the light bulbs going off. Suddenly, all these students, who really believed that they were sitting in Harvard strictly because of their hard work and dedication to their studies, come to the realization that a part of their success just might have came from their birth order, which they had no control over.

Here is the thing, this whole bullshit myth, equal opportunity, ambition and work ethic is all it takes to succeed, is simply a con perpetuated by the rich and powerful to protect their own position in society and to minimize, what rightfully should be taken, the price they pay to a society that values their talents. Obama said it himself, there are plenty of poor people that both work hard and have ambition. If that is all it took to succeed in our society they would be successful as well. But the real problem here is that by denying the justice that is compensating society for the gifts one has that are not of an individuals own creation, we as a society lose so much. Today, in Charlotte NC, one set of students is sitting in a classroom with mold on the walls and using books that are more than a decade old. In another section of the city a group of students is working on their school provided laptops, in pristine classrooms. Is the difference due to ambition and work ethic? No, it is simply a function of the circumstances of their birth. In the former set of circumstances I can promise you, there is someone that might discover the cure for cancer, might build a warp drive, might be the next great artist. But they won't get there. In the later will be some slackass, not unlike myself, that will piss away his opportunities and still live a successful life. Society as a whole pays that price in opportunity costs, and until we rectify the situation, we will never become as "great" as we proclaim to be.
I have to laugh at people who are where they are due to a series of legislation that excluded groups of people to insure a positive outcome for whites.
Sorry, but that is just stupid.
I replied to your first line because that pretty much describes your last two clap trap posts. At the moment of birth, all humans are equal. One second later it begins to change because of all of the extraneous bullshit that happens in a person's life. As for your "white kid in Philly" analogy, how do you explain the white players that have excelled, John Stockton from pure white Spokane, WA. Tony Kukoc and Drazen Petrovic from white Croatia which was war torn during much of their lives. Pau Gasol, Spain--do they even play b-ball in that country? Maybe you should wise up before calling others stupid.
What does that mean though? We know what the left means, race-based quotas, affirmative action, etc.
Plain pure and simple it means that you are not denied the interview nor the job because you are black
Libs have spun that fact into a reality absent fantasy
I have to laugh at people who are where they are due to a series of legislation that excluded groups of people to insure a positive outcome for whites.
I have to laugh at people who make no effort while chiding those who succeed. Blaming white people is a 50 years ago crutch that you still limp around with to blame your failure and lack of responsibility and effort.
The founders had it right all along. All humans are created equal. After creation that equality changes with each passing minute as the person either has ambition and work ethic or a lack of it. This is how it should be. Great rewards have always demanded great sacrifices. The equal opportunity exists for all.

And we've departed from this. Everyone now gets an award; even those who never show up!!
I have to laugh at people who make no effort while chiding those who succeed. Blaming white people is a 50 years ago crutch that you still limp around with to blame your failure and lack of responsibility and effort.

I have to laugh at a white person who has what they do because of the government makings statements like this. Whites like you whine all the time, so shut the fuck up.
I have to laugh at people who are where they are due to a series of legislation that excluded groups of people to insure a positive outcome for whites.

That's ok you scamp, we laugh at grifters like you every day.

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