
This is a redoux of the Community Reinvestment Act, where lenders were encouraged to make unsecured loans to people they knew couldn't afford them, with the feds underwriting their losses. No skin in the game for borrowers or lenders, with expected results; housing prices doubled, forfeitures everywhere, blight, and taxpayers on the hook again. There goes the 14th amendment, equal protection under the law.


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Equity means a society helps those members who need the most help

Equity does not mean tax cuts for Billionaires
Equity means EQUAL OUTCOMES.

Why should someone who dropped out of high school in 11th grade, with a baby, be entitled to have the same standard od living as a college graduate who worked 10 years getting her career established before she had her first child?
Equity means EQUAL OUTCOMES.

Why should someone who dropped out of high school in 11th grade, with a baby, be entitled to have the same standard od living as a college graduate who worked 10 years getting her career established before she had her first child?
Not necessarily
Our Society can never have equal outcomes. No society can.

What it can do is decide where to put its revenue.

Do you help the exceedingly wealthy or the poor and working class?
despite being in two distinct places in the dictionary ~S
Grammar by Whatever

A permissive ("descriptive") dictionary is a contradiction in terms, what the ignorant media mistakenly call an "oxymoron." Postmodern idiots with degrees in English are put in charge of these reefer reference books. Losers wanting to be loved, they pander to poorly educated college graduates.

Our language no longer has standards. Anything goes, so this ilk of standard-bearers needs to go away.
Equity is just "redistribution of wealth" by means of force. As Marx put it, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Language Changed to Create a Socialist Mindset

Marxists today collectivize the grammar, changing the slogan to "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."
The chart to the left suggests that giving everyone the same level starting point doesn’t work because some people have innate traits that require you give them more of a boost. That, or you are comparing blacks to children.
The chart was displaying a basic point that not everyone is on a level playing field. If we apply that to what we know of American history and it's treatment of black people then we know that not everyone got the same level start.
Equity means EQUAL OUTCOMES.

Why should someone who dropped out of high school in 11th grade, with a baby, be entitled to have the same standard od living as a college graduate who worked 10 years getting her career established before she had her first child?
Because ensuring some basic level of social assistance helps to combat generational poverty and its better for society to have fewer citizens and communities stuck in cycles of poverty.
It's Equality where someone gets to put their finger on the scale based on what they think would be equal.
you get it Marty

and it's easy to find how well that's been workin' out on this rock


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