Eradicate Multiculturalism - Ban Foreign Language Use

You can't ban foreign language use in the U.S. and as a matter of fact it's a violation of the 1st Amendment if you try. What you can do is stop catering to foreign language users. Personally I'm tired of wading through instructions in Spanish when I buy a new tool or appliance. Sometimes the instruction booklet gets so thick with French and German as well as Spanish that you have to tear it apart. This ain't Canada and there is no law that we accept any other language except English. Remember when the Peanut man tried to force Americans to use the metric system and highway signs were in metric and even cars had metric speedometers? How did that work out?
I agree with most of what you say expect for the part about banning foreign language use - sure we can.
A truly silly idea that would require a change to our Constituion. Unlikely going to happen.
Doesn't require change to the Constitution. Liberals need to stop saying "Unlikely going to happen" They should have learned their lesson when Trump got elected. They're slow learners.

Yes, it would. Also, it's moronically unenforceable.
Just ban white people. What's the point in idiots Iike us.

The same white people who built this country to be the greatest in the world?
Imagine if sports teams banned / fired their best players?
Makes perfect sense in the backward world of Bizarre-O Land.
I don't watch sport.

I wouldn't think so...that's a past time practiced by real American's.
White people are all fags and gang stalkers with gender confusion. Why bother with such rubbish?

Did you forget your meds as well as your password? lol
You can't ban foreign language... that's speech. Now, I am in favor of not having to teach kids in a foreign language. We have a problem here in my Parish where kids refuse to speak English and thereby the school system is forced to hire additional teachers in order to teach these kids in their native tongue. That's absurd.
I agree it's absurd "to hire additional teachers in order to teach these kids in their native tongue"

But of course you can ban use of foreign language. Sure, it's speech. So what ?

You think you can't ban speech ?

Slander......libel......perjury........inciting a riot.......threats.......fighting words.......yelling fire in a crowded theater.....child pornography .......All examples of SPEECH. All are ILLEGAL.
A Steve Bannon disciple.
Just admit it. You and Bannon are trying to make America white again.
Ain't going to happen you white supremacist neonazi.
Just admit it. You're a GLOBALIST, who has been programmed to disregard the concept of NATION

PS - I'm half Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently, desde mil novicientos cinquente y nueve (since 1959)
You can't ban foreign language... that's speech. Now, I am in favor of not having to teach kids in a foreign language. We have a problem here in my Parish where kids refuse to speak English and thereby the school system is forced to hire additional teachers in order to teach these kids in their native tongue. That's absurd.
I agree it's absurd "to hire additional teachers in order to teach these kids in their native tongue"

But of course you can ban use of foreign language. Sure, it's speech. So what ?

You think you can't ban speech ?

Slander......libel......perjury........inciting a riot.......threats.......fighting words.......yelling fire in a crowded theater.....child pornography .......All examples of SPEECH. All are ILLEGAL.

These are all things that we as a society have deemed harmful. How is two people conversing in Spanish, or whatever language harmful?
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Yes, it would. Also, it's moronically unenforceable.
No it would not. And it's easily enforceable. You print something in a language other than English, you broadcast a radio or TV show in non-English, you get fined or arrested. Gee that was tough, huh ? :rolleyes:
The KKK, John Birch Society and Breitbart News thanks you for this thread.
Liberals are programmed to regard Brietbart as fake news. Actually, Breitbart rarely prints false "info", as the New York Times does routinely. Liberals have a tendency to to think that we sane people accept their bizarre premises.:rolleyes:
Yes, it would. Also, it's moronically unenforceable.
No it would not. And it's easily enforceable. You print something in a language other than English, you broadcast a radio or TV show in non-English, you get fined or arrested. Gee that was tough, huh ? :rolleyes:

Good thing this silly and massive expansion of the government isn't going to occur.

Would this apply to foreign words as well? Does saying 'hallelujah' or 'gesundheit' land one in the hoosegow? lol
Yes, it would. Also, it's moronically unenforceable.
No it would not. And it's easily enforceable. You print something in a language other than English, you broadcast a radio or TV show in non-English, you get fined or arrested. Gee that was tough, huh ? :rolleyes:

ASL signs vs. English signs. ASL (American Sign Language) is a complete, unique language developed by deaf people, for deaf people and is used in its purest form by people who are Deaf. Being its own language, it not only has its own vocabulary, but also its own grammar that differs from English.

Under your view deaf translators would be prohibited. Think about it.
While I agree with the premise of English as the "national language" and would like there to be a cultural/social expectancy of English, even if simply to save money on having to translate everything to whatever all languages, I'm not particularly keen to "ban" any languages... Alaska speaks some 90 languages, most of them Native Alaskan dialects which we actively fight to keep alive up here so they are not lost to history. I would not be keen to prevent teachers in the villages from teaching in their language as many of them will never leave their villages anyway. I guess I think banning foreign languages is a bit too harsh...
Yes, it would. Also, it's moronically unenforceable.
No it would not. And it's easily enforceable. You print something in a language other than English, you broadcast a radio or TV show in non-English, you get fined or arrested. Gee that was tough, huh ? :rolleyes:

Show me in the US Constitution where it designates English as the one and only language ever to be used. A State might get by with limiting it's publications to English only but outlawing the use of other languages by the public is a laughable proposition.

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