Erasing Obama

The military has a tendency to follow orders.
Even when they're morally wrong.
Or didn't you know that, you fucking tosser.

As posts like that show, it's no secret that Trumpflakes largely despise the US military.

Why? Because their DearLeaderBoneSpur looks so craven in comparison. And since Trumpflakes worship a coward, that makes them cowards by proxy.

For example, Mueller has bronze star and purple heart. His stellar military record isn't the only reason they despise him, but it's a big reason.

Geez.....where does this meathead get this shit?:eek-52::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The military has a tendency to follow orders.
Even when they're morally wrong.
Or didn't you know that, you fucking tosser.

As posts like that show, it's no secret that Trumpflakes largely despise the US military.

Why? Because their DearLeaderBoneSpur looks so craven in comparison. And since Trumpflakes worship a coward, that makes them cowards by proxy.

For example, Mueller has bronze star and purple heart. His stellar military record isn't the only reason they despise him, but it's a big reason.

Geez.....where does this meathead get this shit?:eek-52::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Garbage in....garbage out.
If he chooses to get his news from CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Compost, and the NY Times.....then this is the the kind of crappola that we get from them.
Normal people become card carrying Communists after subjecting themselves to the utter stupidity of the MSM.
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
Of course it will change Obama's legacy. There are varying degrees of consequence (not always for the better), and Obama is the least consequential president of in my lifetime, save Gerry Ford.
So, still no Trumpflakes are willing to explain why those Obama regs were illegal or bad. Instead, we just get more whining and deflections.

That is, the Trumpflakes were busted for making crap up, again. Ho hum. Dog bites man.
So, still no Trumpflakes are willing to explain why those Obama regs were illegal or bad. Instead, we just get more whining and deflections.

That is, the Trumpflakes were busted for making crap up, again. Ho hum. Dog bites man.
Listen troll, it's been explained to your sorry ass time and again, but like always, you spin, lie and deflect and ask the same question again. Here's the first two rules that govern your every paid post:
1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect
The only thing that could be better than eliminating Obama's policies one at a time.
If it was proven that Obama was actually born in keyna and any thing he signed into law is now null and void.
Listen troll,

A fine weepy rant, to help you evade.

If you can manage to locate your balls --- check your groin area, and use high magnification -- just tell us why the Obama regs were illegal or harmful, as your side keeps claiming.

And if you can't find your balls, then you should probably stop whining about that fact here.
No...he didn't.
Yes he did, and much...much worse.
He's a criminal.
Not the fake criminal the corrupt media claims Trump is.
A real criminal.
He's a drug trafficker running a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the president.

That's just nuts Muddie...:rolleyes:

He is not a criminal. You might hate him, you might hate his policies, but some of this stuff is really way out there.
I don't hate him.
He's just a criminal who never should have been president.
Did you know he not only gave Iran, which is our worst enemy in the Middle East billions, but he literally flew one of our top secret drones into Iranian airspace and landed it safely at one of their airports, just so they could design drones of their own.

The US government gave Iran money that belonged to it. It was THEIR money. Not ours. At some point it had to go back to them.

The drone thing? That was not deliberate. He does not personally fly drones and I seriously doubt the military would be complicit in something like that.
The drone thing was deliberate. How the fuck do you think they were able to fly it into Iran without crashing the damned thing???
Just exactly how stupid are you???
If Trump had done that he would have been impeached for giving aid to the enemy.

And we didn't owe Iran Jack Squat.
Those bastards broke into our embassy and kidnapped our diplomats.
They helped shoot down our Blackhawks in Somalia
They designed most of the shape charges that have killed 4000 Americans in Iraq.
Who's God Damned side are you on?

So you are claiming Obama personally flew the drone into Iran? That's lunacy.

Or are you claiming the military aided and abbetted? Again that is lunacy.

I'm on the side of law.
So not one person can go through that list of regulations and point out what was illegal about them. Or even particularly bad.

It's just makes my point that this is about Obama - not the regs. They have Obama's name on it and these people hate him so much they want to try and destroy what ever he accomplished. If they had their way they'd erase him from the history books Soviet style.

It's mind boggling.
Listen troll,

A fine weepy rant, to help you evade.

If you can manage to locate your balls --- check your groin area, and use high magnification -- just tell us why the Obama regs were illegal or harmful, as your side keeps claiming.

And if you can't find your balls, then you should probably stop whining about that fact here.
Told you already troll, all you are doing is playing the regressive game of demand answers and then spin it off. Like you did when you replied to me.
Listen troll,

A fine weepy rant, to help you evade.

If you can manage to locate your balls --- check your groin area, and use high magnification -- just tell us why the Obama regs were illegal or harmful, as your side keeps claiming.

And if you can't find your balls, then you should probably stop whining about that fact here.

lol........."find your balls"...........look at the guys avatar!!:popcorn:Calls skeptics "snowflakes":up:

Tax overhaul hammers clean energy and electric cars

Who's not winning??:slap:

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