Erasing Obama


Tell me what was illegal about these regulations being repealed:

  • Coal mining companies will no longer be bligated to protect the nation's streams from debris when extracting coal from mountain tops.
  • Electronic cigarette makers won't have to meet the same labeling and approval processes as other tobacco providers
  • Coal companies will no longer have to have sufficient funds set aside to reclaim the land (as background history - they were notorious for reorganizing and avoiding reclamation costs prior to this).
  • Brokers who manage retirement accounts will no longer be required to act in their consumer's best interest rather than their own.
  • Postponing (maybe repealed now) implementation of a rule that would minimize exposure of 2.3 million American workers' exposure to silica dust (a known contributor to lung cancer among other lung diseases).
  • Repealing plans to streamline patient medical information into a one-page form which would make it easier for consumers to understand how to use their prescription drugs safely (as opposed to 10 pages of tiny print).
  • Revoked SJ Res 34 - internet privacy rule: Trump signs internet privacy repeal "The FCC regulations would have required broadband companies to get permission from their customers in order to use their “sensitive” data — including browsing history, geolocation and financial and medical information — to create targeted advertisements."
  • Ending a rule that allowed consumers to file class-action suits against financial companies.
  • Blocked implementation of a rule that would have made it easier for farmers to sue big agricultural companies.
  • Canceled a phaseout of the use of private prisons.
  • Reversed a ban on civil forfeiture. Law enforcement officials are now once again able to seize assets from suspects who haven’t been convicted of any crime.
  • Suspended a rule limiting methane leaks from drilling on federal land. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
  • Ended a study on the health effects of mountaintop-removal mining. The process involves blasting away the tops of hills and mountains to get at coal seams under the surface.
  • Rescinded a rule mandating that rising sea levels be considered when building public infrastructure in flood-prone areas.
  • Rescinded a limit on the number of sea animals that can be trapped or killed in fishing nets.
  • Repealed 72 documents defining the rights of students with disabilities. The administration argues that this won’t affect how those students are educated.
  • Canceled a partnership with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at policing student loan fraud.
  • Revoked an Obama rule barring those who’d served as registered lobbyists the prior year from taking jobs with the administration.
  • Scrapped an Obama-era rule requiring that airlines disclose baggage fees.

Source (amongst many): Analysis | What Trump has undone

The Clean Water Act that you reference was nothing more than a way for the epa to steal private property by declaring man made ponds as wetlands and then suing the farmers for violations of the CWA. Further the epa was fining companies millions of dollars for not using a biofuel that doesn't even exist. That is the sort of abuse that your incredibly biased sources forget to mention when they rail against what trump is doing.

A Fine for Not Using a Biofuel That Doesn’t Exist
Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel

I don't think any of that was in what I fact I know biofuel wasn't.

That's because they won't report the entire effect of the laws. That is the point I was making. They only give you the surface reports, but ignore the actual, real effect that the laws will have.

Like which ones? Are you going to tell me all those laws were bad?

Most ot eh laws and regulations that came from the epa under the obama admin had very bad consequences for the poor and the middle class. The policy's they wanted to enact, and were enacting were raising the cost of EVERYTHING. The rich don't care, as don't the poor who get the government to take care of them, but the middle class was being screwed by those regs. Energy prices UP. Food prices UP. Fuel prices UP. Entertainment prices UP. Everything was going up at their expense. about telling me specifically why some of the ones I listed are bad and illegal. What you're giving me are generalities. :meow:
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
Yep....Obama holds the record as the most corrupt president in U.S. history. Not by a long shot. You guys have tried so hard to find something to pin on him :lol:
Well, he spied on the incoming president by using perjured evidence to get a search warrant.
He gave billions to our enemies after the election
His health care program is imploding and will cause a health care crisis by the first of next year
If half of the shit I know he's guilty of becomes public.....he's going to prison for a long time.

No...he didn't.
Don't force me to buy it. Dont make me add $25K solar cells before I can sell a house. It takes 25 years to break even. At that point you need new cells. Who wants that?

Frankly I don't want a bunch of illegal mexicans pounding nails in the roof causing leaks! When it will sell.
The Clean Water Act that you reference was nothing more than a way for the epa to steal private property by declaring man made ponds as wetlands and then suing the farmers for violations of the CWA. Further the epa was fining companies millions of dollars for not using a biofuel that doesn't even exist. That is the sort of abuse that your incredibly biased sources forget to mention when they rail against what trump is doing.

A Fine for Not Using a Biofuel That Doesn’t Exist
Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel

I don't think any of that was in what I fact I know biofuel wasn't.

That's because they won't report the entire effect of the laws. That is the point I was making. They only give you the surface reports, but ignore the actual, real effect that the laws will have.

Like which ones? Are you going to tell me all those laws were bad?

Most ot eh laws and regulations that came from the epa under the obama admin had very bad consequences for the poor and the middle class. The policy's they wanted to enact, and were enacting were raising the cost of EVERYTHING. The rich don't care, as don't the poor who get the government to take care of them, but the middle class was being screwed by those regs. Energy prices UP. Food prices UP. Fuel prices UP. Entertainment prices UP. Everything was going up at their expense. about telling me specifically why some of the ones I listed are bad and illegal. What you're giving me are generalities. :meow:

Alright, i will, but it will have to be tomorrow because we are going to be leaving for dinner soon. And it is going to take a loooong time to go over them.
The polls have the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's rating at all over 50% disapproval, some as high as 67% disapproval. Far from erasing President Obama's record, the clown's enormous incompetence has made us appreciate what an excellent President Obama truly was.

No, far from having President Obama's renewable energy record erased, the utilities of this nation are proving that he was correct in backing the development of them.

US Renewable Energy Eclipses Fossil Fuels For Second Year Running, Says BNEF

More gigawatts of renewable energy were installed worldwide in 2016 than in any previous year, according to a new report.

The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2017 report shows the costs of solar and wind energy continue to fall dramatically. But it also documents a slowdown in investment in several major countries.

A total of 138.5 gigawatts of wind, solar, biomass and other renewable sources were installed worldwide last year, the report says, up 8 percent from 2015.

Clean power accounted for 55 percent of all new energy generation. That's the highest proportion ever, and the second year in a row in which renewables made up the majority of new installations.

Investment in renewables fell by 23 percent, however. That's partly because of good news.

"A lot of that is due to lower costs," lead author Angus McCrone, chief editor of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, told VOA. Onshore wind power, offshore wind and solar are by far the dominant technologies, and "all of them fell in price by at least 10 percent. That's a big part of the reason why you had capacity up and investment down."

Coal is effectively dead in the US, and will begin to be replaced by renewables worldwide. The nation manufacturing those renewables will do well.

Clean power accounted for 55 percent of all new energy generation.

Only 55%? What's the percentage of total energy generation?

Why are you so against clean power and moving towards that?

If you have a source of clean power that is reliable
and in large enough quantities to be worthwhile, let's hear it.
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
Yep....Obama holds the record as the most corrupt president in U.S. history. Not by a long shot. You guys have tried so hard to find something to pin on him :lol:
Well, he spied on the incoming president by using perjured evidence to get a search warrant.
He gave billions to our enemies after the election
His health care program is imploding and will cause a health care crisis by the first of next year
If half of the shit I know he's guilty of becomes public.....he's going to prison for a long time.

No...he didn't.
Yes he did, and much...much worse.
He's a criminal.
Not the fake criminal the corrupt media claims Trump is.
A real criminal.
He's a drug trafficker running a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the president.
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Indeed. And trump is erasing the illegal actions that obama actually DID. I find it ironic that for all of the progressive left whining about how trump is going to be a dictator, it is trump that is restoring the Republic after the abuses of the obama admin.

WHICH of the rules that I listed Trump is erasing are illegal actions?
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
Yep....Obama holds the record as the most corrupt president in U.S. history. Not by a long shot. You guys have tried so hard to find something to pin on him :lol:
Well, he spied on the incoming president by using perjured evidence to get a search warrant.
He gave billions to our enemies after the election
His health care program is imploding and will cause a health care crisis by the first of next year
If half of the shit I know he's guilty of becomes public.....he's going to prison for a long time.

No...he didn't.
Yes he did, and much...much worse.
He's a criminal.
Not the fake criminal the corrupt media claims Trump is.
A real criminal.
He's a drug trafficker running a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the president.

That's just nuts Muddie...:rolleyes:

He is not a criminal. You might hate him, you might hate his policies, but some of this stuff is really way out there.
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change

That must be why Kyoto passed with such a huge margin.
What was the vote again?
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.
And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Just 51 percent of respondents were willing to pay $1 a month to combat global warming, a figure that dropped to 18 percent when the prospective monthly fee increased to $100.

And as the blue wave rolls in, everything Trump does can be reversed or erased just as easily. Even more easily actually, as his Democrat successor won't be saddled with Trump's immeasurable incompetence.

meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change

That must be why Kyoto passed with such a huge margin.
What was the vote again?

Again....look at what Americans want now.

Are they all liars? Or is there a problem with their representatives?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either but the donors sure are!
Ultimately...he's not erasing Obama. It won't alter his place in the history books, however that comes out. It also doesn't erase the facts.

But it does make it look like a petulant two year old in control of the candy store acting out against his predessor.

President Donald Trump is bringing us prosperity while former Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama brought us malaise.
Given that most of the NEW CO2 emissions are coming from the emerging nations, what are the odds that our money will make its way over there so they don't build natural gas and/or coal power plants?
meh.........Soetero had 8 years to do something about climate change and didn't do dick. Renewable energy was a joke in 2008 and its still a joke. Oh ps.....noted your you have the political IQ of a handball? Alabama will be red again in about 11 months!:bye1:. And if the economy is roaring like it is now.............well............good luck s0n!!:deal:

You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change

That must be why Kyoto passed with such a huge margin.
What was the vote again?

Again....look at what Americans want now.

Are they all liars? Or is there a problem with their representatives?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either but the donors sure are!

Again....look at what Americans want now.

They want to fix the world!!!! (As long as it doesn't cost more than $1 a month)

Are they all liars?

Are they willing to lie to pollsters?

What was that vote on Kyoto again?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either

When they hear, 24/7, that it's going to raise their taxes, of course they hate it.
When they discover it cut their taxes, instead, they'll approve.
You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change

That must be why Kyoto passed with such a huge margin.
What was the vote again?

Again....look at what Americans want now.

Are they all liars? Or is there a problem with their representatives?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either but the donors sure are!

Again....look at what Americans want now.

They want to fix the world!!!! (As long as it doesn't cost more than $1 a month)

Are they all liars?

Are they willing to lie to pollsters?

What was that vote on Kyoto again?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either

When they hear, 24/7, that it's going to raise their taxes, of course they hate it.
When they discover it cut their taxes, instead, they'll approve.

So...essentially you are saying "the people" don't know what they want but "you" they regularly poll as feeling climate change is an important issue and they want the government to deal with it but you insist they don't feel that wonder we're fucked up. The people's house is not the people's house.
You guys keep forgetting (in this age of Trump) - the President is not an Emporer. There are and should be limits on what he can do without Congressional involvement. And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

And guess where all attempts to address climate changed stalled....

Did they stall in the house "of the people"?

Maybe the house "of the people" has booted "the people"?

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change
Majorities of Americans in Every State Support Participation in the Paris Agreement - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Poll: Most Americans want government to fight climate change

That must be why Kyoto passed with such a huge margin.
What was the vote again?

Again....look at what Americans want now.

Are they all liars? Or is there a problem with their representatives?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either but the donors sure are!

Again....look at what Americans want now.

They want to fix the world!!!! (As long as it doesn't cost more than $1 a month)

Are they all liars?

Are they willing to lie to pollsters?

What was that vote on Kyoto again?

Hint: They aren't too crazy about the tax bill either

When they hear, 24/7, that it's going to raise their taxes, of course they hate it.
When they discover it cut their taxes, instead, they'll approve.'re not even reading the news apparently. What they don't like is not that "it's going to raise their taxes" - what they don't like is the huge give away to the rich. That just isn't so popular...
Yep....Obama holds the record as the most corrupt president in U.S. history. Not by a long shot. You guys have tried so hard to find something to pin on him :lol:
Well, he spied on the incoming president by using perjured evidence to get a search warrant.
He gave billions to our enemies after the election
His health care program is imploding and will cause a health care crisis by the first of next year
If half of the shit I know he's guilty of becomes public.....he's going to prison for a long time.

No...he didn't.
Yes he did, and much...much worse.
He's a criminal.
Not the fake criminal the corrupt media claims Trump is.
A real criminal.
He's a drug trafficker running a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the president.

That's just nuts Muddie...:rolleyes:

He is not a criminal. You might hate him, you might hate his policies, but some of this stuff is really way out there.
I don't hate him.
He's just a criminal who never should have been president.
Did you know he not only gave Iran, which is our worst enemy in the Middle East, billions (without approval from Congress), but he literally flew one of our top secret drones into Iranian airspace and landed it safely at one of their airports, just so they could design drones of their own. Not by a long shot. You guys have tried so hard to find something to pin on him :lol:
Well, he spied on the incoming president by using perjured evidence to get a search warrant.
He gave billions to our enemies after the election
His health care program is imploding and will cause a health care crisis by the first of next year
If half of the shit I know he's guilty of becomes public.....he's going to prison for a long time.

No...he didn't.
Yes he did, and much...much worse.
He's a criminal.
Not the fake criminal the corrupt media claims Trump is.
A real criminal.
He's a drug trafficker running a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the president.

That's just nuts Muddie...:rolleyes:

He is not a criminal. You might hate him, you might hate his policies, but some of this stuff is really way out there.
I don't hate him.
He's just a criminal who never should have been president.
Did you know he not only gave Iran, which is our worst enemy in the Middle East billions, but he literally flew one of our top secret drones into Iranian airspace and landed it safely at one of their airports, just so they could design drones of their own.

The US government gave Iran money that belonged to it. It was THEIR money. Not ours. At some point it had to go back to them.

The drone thing? That was not deliberate. He does not personally fly drones and I seriously doubt the military would be complicit in something like that.

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