Eric Cantor lost his seat

Tea party =giant killers!!! Tea party going after big goverment tax and spenders!!!
Amnesty isn't the vote getter he thought it would be. He was warned. He just didn't believe it.

It's bigger than that. I have said many times on this board that the GOP is eating its own. Proof from Virginia tonight.

Two years ago no one would believe this would have happened to him. He was poised to take over Boehner's seat.
Former congressman Ben Jones (D-Ga.), better known as "Cooter" from Dukes of Hazzard, has a plan to knock Eric Cantor out of the House. He's urging his fellow Democrats to cross over and vote for a tea party-backed candidate in Virginia's primary election.

Cooter, who ran against Cantor in 2002, has penned an open letter calling upon Democrats in his former Virginia district to vote in the open primary next Tuesday for tea party opponent Dave Brat in order to defeat U.S. House Majority Leader Cantor.

Crossing party lines to vote in an open primary has a long tradition in the solidly one-party South, Cooter argues in his letter. "y voting for David Brat in the Seventh District Republican primary, we Democrats, independents, and Libertarians can make a big difference in American politics," he argues. "It is your right to cast that vote. It is an 'open' primary and it doesn’t preclude anyone from voting anyway they wish in November. It may be the only way to empower those who want to make a statement about the dysfunctional Congress and 'politics as usual.'"
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Nobody said they were a "flash in the pan". But, they're not a political party. They're just koch dupes and cranky old people.

Horseshit...plenty said they were just a passing fad. In real estate it's all about location, location, politics it's all about influence, influence, influence.
HUGE!!! Just Huge!!! Real americans have had enough of big goverment solutions that will never work!! Liberal dems shaking in their boots for this year and 2016!!
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Cantor lost because of his support for amnesty. Dave Brat's entire campaign was Cantor's support for amnesty.

So long, puke face.
Nobody said they were a "flash in the pan". But, they're not a political party. They're just koch dupes and cranky old people.
Nobody said it was a political party. And actually, we're working age people with senses of humor.

The TEA Party is what many people say they are not, not realizing that it's what they actually are.

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