Eric Cantor on repealing ObamaCare - again

What's wrong with that? Illegal Alien Amnesty has failed 3 times already yet it keeps coming up.

You hate our Representative Republic OP? Got the Communist Party all set for you.
If at first you don't succeed ...

Props to anyone who keeps trying, but the insurance industry isn't going to let go of their crowning achievement.
They're not trying to repeal ObamaCare.

Even the idiot rw's know that.

I hear ya. They're no different the sellout Democrats. If there was a real chance of succeeding the insurance lobby would be all over their asses. As it is, they're just scoring points with gullible voters - hoping they'll be able to play it off as though the seriously opposed it when they're up for re-election.
Why don't Republicans just pass 38 bills to make it better?
Actually it looks like Obama is repealing provisions of Obamacare in pieces. Why would he instruct the Treasury Secretary to announce that a key provision that would have forced corporations to offer health care would be delayed for a year or two? Maybe the freaking 3,000 page law doesn't work
Actually it looks like Obama is repealing provisions of Obamacare in pieces. Why would he instruct the Treasury Secretary to announce that a key provision that would have forced corporations to offer health care would be delayed for a year or two? Maybe the freaking 3,000 page law doesn't work

A while ago, here in PA, they caught a couple of judges getting kickbacks from a juvenile detention contractor for sentencing offenders. PPACA strikes me as approximately the same sort of arrangement.
Actually it looks like Obama is repealing provisions of Obamacare in pieces. Why would he instruct the Treasury Secretary to announce that a key provision that would have forced corporations to offer health care would be delayed for a year or two? Maybe the freaking 3,000 page law doesn't work

Maybe we should have read it before we passed it.

Nah...that would never work.
Actually it looks like Obama is repealing provisions of Obamacare in pieces. Why would he instruct the Treasury Secretary to announce that a key provision that would have forced corporations to offer health care would be delayed for a year or two? Maybe the freaking 3,000 page law doesn't work

Maybe we should have read it before we passed it.

Nah...that would never work.

What are you talking about?

Of course the bill was read....many times and in great detail
rw idiots STILL don't get it. They get free care at the emergency room with socialist/republican EMTALA. Why do they think that ObamaCare will give free care? This fool isn't the only one who just doesn't get it. We've seen rw's post the same WRONG and STUPID crap right here on this board.

Actually it looks like Obama is repealing provisions of Obamacare in pieces. Why would he instruct the Treasury Secretary to announce that a key provision that would have forced corporations to offer health care would be delayed for a year or two? Maybe the freaking 3,000 page law doesn't work

Maybe we should have read it before we passed it.

Nah...that would never work.

What are you talking about?

Of course the bill was read....many times and in great detail

Anyone who wants to learn about the bill ... link in my sig.

Just kidding.

Oh, the link is there all right, but rw's don't want to educate themselves. Its far more fun for them to keep whining and lying.
Maybe we should have read it before we passed it.

Nah...that would never work.

What are you talking about?

Of course the bill was read....many times and in great detail

Anyone who wants to learn about the bill ... link in my sig.

Just kidding.

Oh, the link is there all right, but rw's don't want to educate themselves. Its far more fun for them to keep whining and lying.

coming from one of the biggest Whiners in the forum.....have you no shame Dudley?....
Damn funny coming from you.

As far as I can see, all you ever do is follow along behind me and make snotty little baby accusations. Get a grip, grow up and try actually contributing.

Or don't.

Dumb shit.

Damn funny coming from you.

As far as I can see, all you ever do is follow along behind me and make snotty little baby accusations. Get a grip, grow up and try actually contributing.

Or don't.

Dumb shit.

so what do you contribute besides just endless attacks on anyone who does not agree with you?......everything you put up is just another anti Republican/Conservative that contributing?......or is that just trolling? you have the balls to answer Duds?....

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