Eric Clapton : I can't sleep cause of pain

A 77 year old former heroin addict/alcoholic is blaming his aches and pains on the vaccine that he was against from the very beginning.


"I had 5 different doctors confirm that my condition was caused by the vaccine, and they all said they cannot go on record.

My question is why can't they? Are they threatened or something?

Maybe because he just made it up and those doctors do not actually exist.
You didn't see those videos last year of the Pfizer CEO stating that the "vaccine" was all a hoax, and governments wanted more "vaccine" than they could deliver, so they were shipping out placebos and even tainted "vaccine" med....which is why pollutants were found in some of the bottles.
Since last year, Clapton has repeatedly used his vast platform to do his utmost to undermine expert medical advice. He claimed that he was experiencing temporary adverse reactions to the Astrazeneca vaccine, but detailed symptoms he'd disclosed as early as 2013 and previously blamed on neurological problems.
Oh man....So, he already struggled with Neuropathy, but since he seems to believe that the vax either heightened, or made worse his symptoms, that makes him "bigoted" and a "science denier"?

Once I see those types of smears, especially from outlets like NBC, I immediately dismiss the opinion.
Oh man....So, he already struggled with Neuropathy, but since he seems to believe that the vax either heightened, or made worse his symptoms, that makes him "bigoted" and a "science denier"?

Once I see those types of smears, especially from outlets like NBC, I immediately dismiss the opinion.
Eric is an attention whore his story is nothing new with people playing on your sympathies.
He had issues long before COVID came around.

Ok, maybe he feels they were compounded by the vax....I had both the original vax, and the booster, and haven't experienced anything adverse yet....That I know of that is...
Oh sure....What in the world, other than your disdain for anyone who bucks the progressive orthodoxy, would lead you to that conclusion?

You mean other than the fact that he is a 77 year old former heroin addict/alcoholic that blaming his aches and pains he has had for a decade or more on a shot he got less than 2 years ago?
You mean other than the fact that he is a 77 year old former heroin addict/alcoholic that blaming his aches and pains he has had for a decade or more on a shot he got less than 2 years ago?
That's not what he is doing....But, what you are doing here is exactly what leftists do...Attacking someone with a different viewpoint of yourself, labeling them, and smearing them to silence their opinions....You asked before how it was that people think you a leftist? This post is a perfect example.

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