Eric Clapton : I can't sleep cause of pain

There is no mind control, but you are living proof of the power they have. In your tiny little mind there is only left vs right, there is only Repub vs Dem. You view the other side as the enemy that must be destroyed.

Your beloved GOP knows that no matter how many times they lie to you, you will always vote for them as the other side is too evil and must be destroyed.,
I know whom ever I vote for has a chance.
Well, if you're gonna be stupid enough to take an untested drug..........................

Well in his defense and a lot of other people's defense, they were doing a good job of scaring everyone with how bad COVID was supposed to be. Talking about all the constant flow of COVID deaths, 24 hour stories of how hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID cases, businesses shutting down, schools closing, every media outlets going on endlessly about COVID. When people are scared they aren't always rational and will do things they normally wouldn't.

Then you had everyone screaming about getting the vaccine constantly. When you're government is shutting everything down and telling you to get a vaccine it will work to some extent.

So yes it was a stupid idea, but I understand why he and a lot of other people would do it.

Me, I never got one because I saw what COVID was before the panic started. I worked at a hotel next to a international airport and the entire hotel staff had COVID about 3 or 4 months before it became a national issue. None of us young or older died, most of us didn't even call in we just toughed it out and a couple weeks later we were all fine. We got it from international guests. I also was once an RN so I have knowledge of sick people of all types, granted it was only 3 years but I saw a lot and nothing about COVID set off my warning bells, plus I know how vaccines work as well as how rna, mRNA, DNA and so on work so to me that vaccine was a big turn off.
Well in his defense and a lot of other people's defense, they were doing a good job of scaring everyone with how bad COVID was supposed to be. Talking about all the constant flow of COVID deaths, 24 hour stories of how hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID cases, businesses shutting down, schools closing, every media outlets going on endlessly about COVID. When people are scared they aren't always rational and will do things they normally wouldn't.

Then you had everyone screaming about getting the vaccine constantly. When you're government is shutting everything down and telling you to get a vaccine it will work to some extent.

So yes it was a stupid idea, but I understand why he and a lot of other people would do it.

Me, I never got one because I saw what COVID was before the panic started. I worked at a hotel next to a international airport and the entire hotel staff had COVID about 3 or 4 months before it became a national issue. None of us young or older died, most of us didn't even call in we just toughed it out and a couple weeks later we were all fine. We got it from international guests. I also was once an RN so I have knowledge of sick people of all types, granted it was only 3 years but I saw a lot and nothing about COVID set off my warning bells, plus I know how vaccines work as well as how rna, mRNA, DNA and so on work so to me that vaccine was a big turn off.
Kudos for you for being a fellow pure blood who survived the greatest psyop in history
"The vaccine took my immune system and shook it around."

Sad what these drug pushers did to this legend

Lol, it's called getting old. Ya between aches, pain and having to go to the bathroom it has likely been a decade maybe two since I slept through the night. Hilarious

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