Eric Clapton : I can't sleep cause of pain

They are not new. If you read what he is saying now and what he said back in 2013 and 16 you will see they are not new.

The extreme was new. And while things do degrade with age, it is VERY SLOW.
The mRNA injections cause very RAPID problems, that can easily be associated with cause/effect from the mRNA injections.
The mRNA injections can ONLY cause harm.
They have absolutely no positive, long range, effects.
The mRNA causes your own cells to start growing spike proteins and then get attacked and destroyed.
How could that not cause harm and existing problems to be made greatly worse?

In the US more than 260 million people have gotten an mRNA vaccine shot...why do they not all have greatly worse problems than before the shot?

I have COPD, why did it not get worse after I got the jab?

My son is a Type-1 diabetic, why has that not gotten worse since he got the jab?

My sister has Lupus, why has that not gotten worse since she got the jab?
No, it is not a left or right issue.

The fact partisan sheep have made the vaccine a political issue is not my concern.

Not everyone is a mindless drone like you that views every single thing in their life through the prism of politics
Yeah? Suck a dick…you walk like a duck, talk like a duck, and smell like a duck…And you absolutely suck at golf.
It started long before that. That was symptom of the division, not the cause of it.

There has been a designed, purposeful dividing of the nation ever since 1992 when a little guy named Ross scared the shit out of the duopoly.

They have since then done all they can to ensure the people never unite behind anyone not them again.
Oh? And tell us what sort of mind control “they” use?
How did these doctors make this call?

My FIL died of lung cancer and even with that no doctor would say it was 100% due to his smoking. But now we have doctors that can unequivocally claim that the vaccine is the reason for a condition that Clapton had for decades getting worse.

Either the doctors are quacks or Clapton lied.
You really have a comprehension problem…
Many people have a bad reaction to the shot.

How many?

Can you give a number?

out of the 260,000,000 plus people in this country that have had the shot, how many have had a bad reaction?
Oh? And tell us what sort of mind control “they” use?

There is no mind control, but you are living proof of the power they have. In your tiny little mind there is only left vs right, there is only Repub vs Dem. You view the other side as the enemy that must be destroyed.

Your beloved GOP knows that no matter how many times they lie to you, you will always vote for them as the other side is too evil and must be destroyed.,
Lupus, diabetes, COPD, these are good questions to ask about. Clapton doesn't seem to have had any history of viral infections, thus is on shakier credible grounds than David Crosby, because we can link both the SARS2 infection and "vaccination" to risk of death for Crosby's history with hepatitis C.
How many?

Can you give a number?

out of the 260,000,000 plus people in this country that have had the shot, how many have had a bad reaction?
Enough for this to be a thing

Enough for this to be a thing

That has been a thing since 1986.

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