Eric Garners daughter in coma after suffering heart attack ( I can't breathe)

he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.'s a double tragedy.
Liberals elect dems who tax the shit out of them forcing the very people who voted for them to go around the law to make a buck.
But of course he'd been warned several times by the big government they voted for to stop....he didnt listen.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.
you are in dreamland/tv land with TJ Hooler, Stever MacGarret, Starsky and Hutch

This was not a chance meeting on the street. It was a product of a police strategy to crack down on the sort of disorder that, to the police, Mr. Garner represented.

The spot where officers approached Mr. Garner on July 17 had already that year been the site of at least 98 arrests, 100 criminal court summonses, 646 calls to 911 and nine complaints to 311.

“We chased him; we arrested him,” one police official said of Mr. Garner, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the department’s internal investigation has yet to be disclosed publicly. “But once you’ve chased a guy, what’s a warning going to do?”

Beyond the Chokehold: The Path to Eric Garner’s Death
over THIRTY arrests!!
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

it wasn't illegal? is that what you are saying??
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

Oh there's no doubt it was ridiculous.

But it's on the dead guy and all who vote for progressive politicians,so in a way he's culpable in his own death.
Anyone ever consider the possibility that she was close to her father,and his death resulted in a condition called "broken heart syndrome"? It's a real thing. When someone is close to someone who dies, the person can soon follow by suffering a heart attack from the loss. Might be why she has had so many since his death.

And, for the OP to call this "karma" is beyond stupid. Why? Because in order for karma to affect you, you have to do something really good and get rewarded, or something really bad, and you are punished for your actions. What exactly did she do that karma would send her heart attacks that would put her in a coma? Just being his daughter? Sorry, that's not how karma works.

Blind Whore is just being herself again, a mean spirited catty little bitch.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

there's that stupid shit again
he was taken down for resisting--not selling

who the F cares if he is dead? I feel safer when someone-- with over THIRTY arrests--is dead
they weren't trying to kill's his own fault for:
1. being stupid
2. being a career criminal
3. resisting
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

there's that stupid shit again
he was taken down for resisting--not selling

who the F cares if he is dead? I feel safer when someone-- with over THIRTY arrests--is dead
they weren't trying to kill's his own fault for:
1. being stupid
2. being a career criminal
3. resisting

I care if he is dead. His family cares if he is dead. Human beings care if he is dead. Clearly you are a statist so like the fact that government is all powerful. Enjoy the gulag when they tire of you.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

it wasn't illegal? is that what you are saying??

No, it was definitely illegal. It was also 23 fucking cents. That is the ridiculous part. We also understand that certain asshats don't care about how ridiculous laws are so long as they are the ones who get to enforce them.
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

there's that stupid shit again
he was taken down for resisting--not selling

who the F cares if he is dead? I feel safer when someone-- with over THIRTY arrests--is dead
they weren't trying to kill's his own fault for:
1. being stupid
2. being a career criminal
3. resisting

I care if he is dead. His family cares if he is dead. Human beings care if he is dead. Clearly you are a statist so like the fact that government is all powerful. Enjoy the gulag when they tire of you.

he had an arrest for assault with over 29 more arrests--and you care?
o the POOR criminals....these type of people --like MBrown--attack innocent people
I guess you would give him a flower for assaulting your grandfather??

if you make bad choices, they can turn out one's fault but your own
..if a criminal dies, I'm happy and glad
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

it wasn't illegal? is that what you are saying??

No, it was definitely illegal. It was also 23 fucking cents. That is the ridiculous part. We also understand that certain asshats don't care about how ridiculous laws are so long as they are the ones who get to enforce them.

ok --at what price should we arrest people?
if someone stole a kids bike? it can't be worth much
rocking chair?
so we are picking what crimes people should be arrested? !!??
he was courting trouble for so long, it finally caught up with him
over 30 arrests!! including assault !!
people should be HAPPY he's off the streets
they did NOT try to kill him--please prove that
they were trying to subdue a large, resisting man
let me tell about the laws of physics--one something resists and you have to use force, that something will break

The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

it wasn't illegal? is that what you are saying??

No, it was definitely illegal. It was also 23 fucking cents. That is the ridiculous part. We also understand that certain asshats don't care about how ridiculous laws are so long as they are the ones who get to enforce them.

I believe Obama was president when this happened. A simple reduction in taxes would have saved his life.

God bless President Trump.
The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

there's that stupid shit again
he was taken down for resisting--not selling

who the F cares if he is dead? I feel safer when someone-- with over THIRTY arrests--is dead
they weren't trying to kill's his own fault for:
1. being stupid
2. being a career criminal
3. resisting

I care if he is dead. His family cares if he is dead. Human beings care if he is dead. Clearly you are a statist so like the fact that government is all powerful. Enjoy the gulag when they tire of you.

he had an arrest for assault with over 29 more arrests--and you care?
o the POOR criminals....these type of people --like MBrown--attack innocent people
I guess you would give him a flower for assaulting your grandfather??

if you make bad choices, they can turn out one's fault but your own
..if a criminal dies, I'm happy and glad

He was not doing anything against the cops. He didn't raise a hand against them, he was trying to keep from being tossed to the ground. Brown got what he deserved. This man didn't. The punishment should be commensurate with the crime. This wasn't. Anyone who claims otherwise is a moron.
Anyone ever consider the possibility that she was close to her father,and his death resulted in a condition called "broken heart syndrome"? It's a real thing. When someone is close to someone who dies, the person can soon follow by suffering a heart attack from the loss. Might be why she has had so many since his death.

And, for the OP to call this "karma" is beyond stupid. Why? Because in order for karma to affect you, you have to do something really good and get rewarded, or something really bad, and you are punished for your actions. What exactly did she do that karma would send her heart attacks that would put her in a coma? Just being his daughter? Sorry, that's not how karma works.

Blind Whore is just being herself again, a mean spirited catty little bitch.

You never see that with the exception being Very Old people.
I lost my father when I was sixteen but I didnt have a heart attack.
Of course I wasn't obese and on drugs at the time.
The fact remains that he was taken to the ground for selling a cigarette for a buck. That is too ridiculous to contemplate. That is what happens when you let government dictate what you can, and can't do.

wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

it wasn't illegal? is that what you are saying??

No, it was definitely illegal. It was also 23 fucking cents. That is the ridiculous part. We also understand that certain asshats don't care about how ridiculous laws are so long as they are the ones who get to enforce them.

ok --at what price should we arrest people?
if someone stole a kids bike? it can't be worth much
rocking chair?
so we are picking what crimes people should be arrested? !!??

It is assinine to arrest someone, to incarcerate someone, and to potentially kill someone for a crime that is not violent. The amount of money that would have been spent charging him, and imprisoning him is orders of magnitude more than the amount that he was denying the State. Moronic people don't care about economics. They only care about power, and the ability to use it on others.
Anyone ever consider the possibility that she was close to her father,and his death resulted in a condition called "broken heart syndrome"? It's a real thing. When someone is close to someone who dies, the person can soon follow by suffering a heart attack from the loss. Might be why she has had so many since his death.

And, for the OP to call this "karma" is beyond stupid. Why? Because in order for karma to affect you, you have to do something really good and get rewarded, or something really bad, and you are punished for your actions. What exactly did she do that karma would send her heart attacks that would put her in a coma? Just being his daughter? Sorry, that's not how karma works.

Blind Whore is just being herself again, a mean spirited catty little bitch.
Snipes-Garner (mom) said her daughter’s cardiac arrest was brought on by an asthma attack Saturday night.

Erica, already the mom of an 8-year-old daughter, gave birth to a boy in August, Snipes-Garner said. She named him Eric, after her dad, family said.

After that pregnancy, Erica suffered a first cardiac arrest a few months ago, her mother said.

The pregnancy had put a strain on her heart, which doctors discovered was enlarged.
wrong people are in TV land
he was taken to the ground for RESISTING---after they tried to bring him in peacefully for doing something illegal when someone doesn't want to get arrested, the cops should say ''ok, we'll see you later''?????!!!!!!!!
if he would've went peacefully, he would be alive
..stop the stupid shit '''for selling cigarettes''''
just like ASterling--was shot for having a GUN and resisting arrest--NOT for selling cds

see, this is what happens when you comply

please answer the question:
when someone resists arrest, should the police just:
talk to them for hours?
let them go?
say ''pretty please''?
call for psychiatrist?
ask the nicely/talk nicer?

And the reason why he was resisting was they were going to arrest him for selling a cigarette for a buck. The government wasn't getting their cut, so they were pissed. A man died for 23 cents. That is fucking ridiculous.

there's that stupid shit again
he was taken down for resisting--not selling

who the F cares if he is dead? I feel safer when someone-- with over THIRTY arrests--is dead
they weren't trying to kill's his own fault for:
1. being stupid
2. being a career criminal
3. resisting

I care if he is dead. His family cares if he is dead. Human beings care if he is dead. Clearly you are a statist so like the fact that government is all powerful. Enjoy the gulag when they tire of you.

he had an arrest for assault with over 29 more arrests--and you care?
o the POOR criminals....these type of people --like MBrown--attack innocent people
I guess you would give him a flower for assaulting your grandfather??

if you make bad choices, they can turn out one's fault but your own
..if a criminal dies, I'm happy and glad

He was not doing anything against the cops. He didn't raise a hand against them, he was trying to keep from being tossed to the ground. Brown got what he deserved. This man didn't. The punishment should be commensurate with the crime. This wasn't. Anyone who claims otherwise is a moron.

it's on video..did you not look at the video??
at the 1.34-1.40 mark
UNDENIABLY resisting

swatting away cuffs/hands

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