Eric Holder Cleared in Fast and Furious Debacle


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Eric Holder Cleared in Fast and Furious Debacle

Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, was cleared of all implications from the Fast and Furious scandal Wednesday. The Justice Department official appointed by President Obama had been accused of having prior knowledge of a botched gunrunning operation.

Eric Holder's innocence- or at least ignorance of the operation- was proclaimed by the Justice Department's Inspector General Michael Horowitz. His year-long investigation found that subordinates in the Office of the Attorney General did know of Fast and Furious, but that Holder did not.

"We found no evidence that Department or ATF staff informed Holder about Operation Fast and Furious prior to 2011," read the Inspector General's report. "Our investigation did not identify evidence that contradicted Holder's statements to us regarding his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious and the use of 'gun walking' tactics in that investigation."

Holder had been lambasted by various Republican politicians for what they saw as hiding information from Congress and others seeking inquiries into Fast and Furious. President Obama's intervention- he used executive privilege to withhold 74,000 documents from Congressional investigators in June- only heightened the scrutiny surrounding Holder and the DOJ's role in the operation. Now that he has been cleared of wrongdoing, the Attorney General is essentially saying "I told you so."

"The key conclusions (of Horowitz's report) are consistent with what I, and other Justice Department officials, have said for many months now," Holder said in a statement. "The leadership of the Department did not know about or authorize the use of the flawed strategy and tactics; and the Department's leadership did not attempt to cover up information or mislead Congress about it."

Others are being held accountable for the gunrunning operation that led to an American life- U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry- being taken. Kenneth Melson, the former Acting Director at ATF is retiring, as well as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein. Finally, officials from ATF and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona are also being reviewed.

Rightwingers are fucking cowards.

You couldn't start enough threads accusing AG Holder, but now that he has been vindicated you all hide like a bunch of pussies.

The truth has most likely been buried. Some kind of National Security issue or it may cause civil unrest. Either way Politicians are corrupt pricks.. we all know it. We pick a side for what ever reason and hope for the best.
Eric Holder ought to have KNOWN about this operation.

If he was kept in the dark about it, heads ought to roll.

If he CHOOSE not to know about it, his head ought to be among them.
Eric Holder Cleared in Fast and Furious Debacle

Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, was cleared of all implications from the Fast and Furious scandal Wednesday. The Justice Department official appointed by President Obama had been accused of having prior knowledge of a botched gunrunning operation.

Eric Holder's innocence- or at least ignorance of the operation- was proclaimed by the Justice Department's Inspector General Michael Horowitz. His year-long investigation found that subordinates in the Office of the Attorney General did know of Fast and Furious, but that Holder did not.

"We found no evidence that Department or ATF staff informed Holder about Operation Fast and Furious prior to 2011," read the Inspector General's report. "Our investigation did not identify evidence that contradicted Holder's statements to us regarding his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious and the use of 'gun walking' tactics in that investigation."

Holder had been lambasted by various Republican politicians for what they saw as hiding information from Congress and others seeking inquiries into Fast and Furious. President Obama's intervention- he used executive privilege to withhold 74,000 documents from Congressional investigators in June- only heightened the scrutiny surrounding Holder and the DOJ's role in the operation. Now that he has been cleared of wrongdoing, the Attorney General is essentially saying "I told you so."

"The key conclusions (of Horowitz's report) are consistent with what I, and other Justice Department officials, have said for many months now," Holder said in a statement. "The leadership of the Department did not know about or authorize the use of the flawed strategy and tactics; and the Department's leadership did not attempt to cover up information or mislead Congress about it."

Others are being held accountable for the gunrunning operation that led to an American life- U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry- being taken. Kenneth Melson, the former Acting Director at ATF is retiring, as well as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein. Finally, officials from ATF and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona are also being reviewed.

So Holder had no idea what his department was doing. Innocent by reason of incompetence, then.
Holder didn't know because the operation was started by the Bush Administration, it had undergone a series of name changes and changes of commanding officers. It was one of thousands of things requiring attention in a short period of time. Had Agent Terry not been killed (R.I.P.) then the matter would have in due time been given proper attention and the operation shut down.

That said, in that the gun was left behind is very suspicious. Why leave an untraceable gun behind? As a plant, to discredit someone that will shut down the operation maybe?
The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[27] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border"Betty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.
Issa Not Finished With Holder or Fast and Furious Just Yet

not so fast. Holder may have won this battle, but it's not over, we want to see why executive privledge was used for this aint over yet sister

Now he's pretty-much begging (for additional-data), to make himself.....

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Amazing, the left is more worried over Holder being cleared than the people that were killed from Fast and Furious

This why this administration believe it can just walk all over the people in this country..

Vote them out folks
Issa Not Finished With Holder or Fast and Furious Just Yet

not so fast. Holder may have won this battle, but it's not over, we want to see why executive privledge was used for this aint over yet sister

I agree.

If Holder was so innocent then why did Barry use EP to quash the investigation. FF was no threat to National Security. Just Barry covering his pal Holder ass.

If that don't stink to high heavens nothing does.
Eric Holder Cleared in Fast and Furious Debacle

Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, was cleared of all implications from the Fast and Furious scandal Wednesday. The Justice Department official appointed by President Obama had been accused of having prior knowledge of a botched gunrunning operation.

Eric Holder's innocence- or at least ignorance of the operation- was proclaimed by the Justice Department's Inspector General Michael Horowitz. His year-long investigation found that subordinates in the Office of the Attorney General did know of Fast and Furious, but that Holder did not.

"We found no evidence that Department or ATF staff informed Holder about Operation Fast and Furious prior to 2011," read the Inspector General's report. "Our investigation did not identify evidence that contradicted Holder's statements to us regarding his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious and the use of 'gun walking' tactics in that investigation."

Holder had been lambasted by various Republican politicians for what they saw as hiding information from Congress and others seeking inquiries into Fast and Furious. President Obama's intervention- he used executive privilege to withhold 74,000 documents from Congressional investigators in June- only heightened the scrutiny surrounding Holder and the DOJ's role in the operation. Now that he has been cleared of wrongdoing, the Attorney General is essentially saying "I told you so."

"The key conclusions (of Horowitz's report) are consistent with what I, and other Justice Department officials, have said for many months now," Holder said in a statement. "The leadership of the Department did not know about or authorize the use of the flawed strategy and tactics; and the Department's leadership did not attempt to cover up information or mislead Congress about it."

Others are being held accountable for the gunrunning operation that led to an American life- U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry- being taken. Kenneth Melson, the former Acting Director at ATF is retiring, as well as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein. Finally, officials from ATF and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona are also being reviewed.

So Holder had no idea what his department was doing. Innocent by reason of incompetence, then.

Like Bush and Abu Ghraib? :lol:
Amazing, the left is more worried over Holder being cleared than the people that were killed from Fast and Furious

This why this administration believe it can just walk all over the people in this country..

Vote them out folks

Issa Not Finished With Holder or Fast and Furious Just Yet

not so fast. Holder may have won this battle, but it's not over, we want to see why executive privledge was used for this aint over yet sister

I agree.

If Holder was so innocent then why did Barry use EP to quash the investigation. FF was no threat to National Security. Just Barry covering his pal Holder ass.

If that don't stink to high heavens nothing does.

Oh, look - it's a meeting of the Bitter Bitches Club! :lol:
Rightwingers are fucking cowards.

You couldn't start enough threads accusing AG Holder, but now that he has been vindicated you all hide like a bunch of pussies.

He wasnt vindicated ass wipe.

Investigating one self has so little credibility, you clung to it.

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