Eric Holder- 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

According to your god in the White House ....
WHY must you lie when you falsely attempt to speak for others?

There is only 1 God, despite your blasphemy in a personal attack against me. Most people try to discuss issues and talk using facts, evidence, truth....You snowflakes have to insult, attack, blaspheme, lie...... How pathetic........

nice spin, heaven forbid you answer the question.

poor little snowflake
Yours was not a question. It was a blasphemous false claim perpetrated by a petty Trump-Hating America Hating Racist's supporter.

Try not to speak for others because you suck at it. Stick to what you falsely believe / claim to believe.

who knew you were such a religious snowflake!
Is claiming the country was never great any worse than claiming it is not great now?

Not if you are Michelle Obama....

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According to your god in the White House the US was not great prior to 2016 and I am not sure yet if he considers it great.

Why is saying "the US was never great" so much worse than saying "the US is not great now"?

Are not both insults to this great country?

It’s the people, the value system, the likemindedness, the traditions and culture that make a nation great. You know...all that shit your Lefty buddies want to change.
Is claiming the country was never great any worse than claiming it is not great now?

Not if you are Michelle Obama....

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According to your god in the White House the US was not great prior to 2016 and I am not sure yet if he considers it great.

Why is saying "the US was never great" so much worse than saying "the US is not great now"?

Are not both insults to this great country?

It’s the people, the value system, the likemindedness, the traditions and culture that make a nation great. You know...all that shit your Lefty buddies want to change.

sort of funny the proudest racist on this forum talking about a value system.
Is claiming the country was never great any worse than claiming it is not great now?

Not if you are Michelle Obama....

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According to your god in the White House the US was not great prior to 2016 and I am not sure yet if he considers it great.

Why is saying "the US was never great" so much worse than saying "the US is not great now"?

Are not both insults to this great country?

It’s the people, the value system, the likemindedness, the traditions and culture that make a nation great. You know...all that shit your Lefty buddies want to change.

sort of funny the proudest racist on this forum talking about a value system.

You and your people demanded that I become racist....remember?
I’m gonna guess you agree with what I said....right? You know, since you seem scared to address it and all.

“It’s the people, the value system, the likemindedness, the traditions and culture that make a nation great. You know...all that shit your Lefty buddies want to change.”
You and your people demanded that I become racist....remember?
I’m gonna guess you agree with what I said....right? You know, since you seem scared to address it and all.

I did not demand you do anything, but it is pretty cowardly to blame your racism on other people. Nobody can make you become a racist, it is a free choice that you happily made.

Typical of you, always blaming someone else for your own faults.
sort of funny the proudest racist on this forum talking about a value system.

Go water your flowers, wing-wiper.

America's was great when scumbags like you didn't exist. People like you have never created anything other than anger, pain, failure and destruction. Even in your own personal life, it is that way. We all know it. You can't separate yourself from your personal failures, it's why you hate those of us you deem successful because -- You're not. You are, despite your protestations and posturings, what we would call -- A loser.

Somewhere along the line, people like you got created by an out-of-control educational system and a disgusting media. Unable to make it through life without a support system.

Go away. Go somewhere quiet and take your medications.

You need them.
You and your people demanded that I become racist....remember?
I’m gonna guess you agree with what I said....right? You know, since you seem scared to address it and all.

I did not demand you do anything, but it is pretty cowardly to blame your racism on other people. Nobody can make you become a racist, it is a free choice that you happily made.

Typical of you, always blaming someone else for your own faults.

The founders were racist as fuck....they had amazing value systems. They were right along. America should have stayed racist as fuck. Think about it; consider how much more productive and safe this nation would be...Truth sucks’s so fucking scary isn’t it?
No surprise, I don't think there's a single black person in this country that has ever believed America was great.

Don't get drawn into that quagmire. You just handed that scumbag a victory
Hey Eric, America certainly wasn't great from 2009 - 2016. But thanks to President Trump America is back!
sort of funny the proudest racist on this forum talking about a value system.

Go water your flowers, wing-wiper.

America's was great when scumbags like you didn't exist. People like you have never created anything other than anger, pain, failure and destruction. Even in your own personal life, it is that way. We all know it. You can't separate yourself from your personal failures, it's why you hate those of us you deem successful because -- You're not. You are, despite your protestations and posturings, what we would call -- A loser.

Somewhere along the line, people like you got created by an out-of-control educational system and a disgusting media. Unable to make it through life without a support system.

Go away. Go somewhere quiet and take your medications.

You need them.

You and your people demanded that I become racist....remember?
I’m gonna guess you agree with what I said....right? You know, since you seem scared to address it and all.

I did not demand you do anything, but it is pretty cowardly to blame your racism on other people. Nobody can make you become a racist, it is a free choice that you happily made.

Typical of you, always blaming someone else for your own faults.

The founders were racist as fuck....they had amazing value systems. They were right along. America should have stayed racist as fuck. Think about it; consider how much more productive and safe this nation would be...Truth sucks’s so fucking scary isn’t it?

Ahhh...poor little BL longs for the days when people could own other people and women were nothing more than property themselves.

you were just born a couple centuries too late
No surprise, I don't think there's a single black person in this country that has ever believed America was great.

There are tens of thousands of them. Maybe millions.

The racist scum in here don't represent all Black People. Not by a long shot. The Patriotic Blacks get shouted down by the racist Blacks.

And, OBTW, not EVERY Black person in this Country is descended from Slavery.

If you're stupid enough to believe that Barak Sr was the Lying Cocksucker's Daddy (he wasn't; Frank Marshall Davis was) then obama had no slave blood in him.

Many, many Black people immigrated here through the normal path. Paperwork, travel, acceptance.

Plus, a LOT of Black People lived in the Free States. In fact, the USA was one of the first Countries to outlaw slavery in the Constitutions of several States. That the Federal Government didn't do it until 1863 is a testament to our Republic...... The fact that it was, and remains, imperfect.

dimocraps are scum Never forget that
The more the Democrats LOSE the more they come out of the closet as AMERICA-HATING Socialist racist anti-Semites!
Especially American Jews that vote democrat about 70percent of the time.

What a disgrace they are. Always have been. Nothing new. Prophets have warned over and over about the wolves in sheep's clothing.
The more the Democrats LOSE the more they come out of the closet as AMERICA-HATING Socialist racist anti-Semites!
Especially American Jews that vote democrat about 70percent of the time.

What a disgrace they are. Always have been. Nothing new. Prophets have warned over and over about the wolves in sheep's clothing.

What did they have to say about scum in wolf's clothing??
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

"It turns out New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t the only prominent Democrat who questions whether America was ever that great.

In pointed terms during an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday,
Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great?"

Personally, I think Holder is just still bitter over the fact that a bi-partisan Congress Censured him for his proven Felony Perjury under oath before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal hidden. That Censure secured his 'legacy' (and part of Obama's) as the only Presidential Cabinet member in US history to ever be CENSURED!

Eric Holder is a weasel, he looks the part most definitely
The more the Democrats LOSE the more they come out of the closet as AMERICA-HATING Socialist racist anti-Semites!
Especially American Jews that vote democrat about 70percent of the time.

What a disgrace they are. Always have been. Nothing new. Prophets have warned over and over about the wolves in sheep's clothing.

What did they have to say about scum in wolf's clothing??
Like any and all hypocrites, most American Jews are not faithful to the religion that they claim they are, except when it is either convenient or if it advances them. Much like how blacks that make a living from the grievance INDUSTRY.

The first time, the Babylonians took Daniel and the noble families of the land (Dan 1:1–3, 6) back to Babylon. Eight years later, the Jews rebelled, and the Babylonians took the king and 10,000 captives. One of those captives was a priest named Ezekiel. All this had happened because the Jews had broken God’s laws.

They were supposed to worship God and God alone, but they turned to the idols of the surrounding nations. They desecrated the temple of the Lord and brutally persecuted His prophets.

So God disciplined them (like He said He would in Deuteronomy). The Babylonians came once. Then they came again. But instead of turning to God, the people still chased the gods of the nations. They still mistreated the poor. They still disregarded God’s laws. Now it’s been five years since the Babylonians last attacked Jerusalem. The Jews in the city would soon revolt again (2 Ki 24:20), but they’d been rebelling against a far greater King than Nebuchadnezzar for a long, long time.

This is what we see today. Most Jews (particularly American liberal Jews) have most certainly turned their backs on God and their own (Israel.) The democrats have clearly made Israel synonymous with racism, white privilege and Trump supporters. Hilarious isn't it, how they refer Trump as a nazi, as the democrats are the ones that persecute Israel?

Israelis refer to those Jews that WORKED FOR HITLER as KAPOS. That, is what the 70percent of democrat Jews are. Schiff, Schumer, boxer, Feinstein, nadler, and on and on and on. Not to mention hollywood and on and on.
"We got lots of Killers. You think our country is so innocent"

That's old Trumpybear equivocating the United States of America to the Russian States' assassination of prominent opposition leaders and investigative reporters.

Putin Smiled bigly on that one.

Trumpybear is the most un-Patriotic, un-American candidate the Republicans have ever backed. They should never be trusted again.
"We got lots of Killers. You think our country is so innocent"

That's old Trumpybear equivocating the United States of America to the Russian States' assassination of prominent opposition leaders and investigative reporters. Putin Smiled bigly on that one.
Not as much as he did when his Cyber team let him know they were able to get their hands on the TOP SECRET information that was on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted server that was sitting in the bathroom of a tech company that did not have the required clearances to have the server in their possession.....

President Trump never suggested that America was NEVER great, as Michelle and Obama's Censured criminal US AG have....

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