Eric Holder- 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

Holder is still in contempt of Congress and may be personally responsible for innocent deaths south of the border...he over anyone else would be well advised to keep his trap shut....
The giant Meerkat pops out of his hole to slam America again. Hey Holder you know what wasn't great? You running automatic weapons across the border arming the Mexican drug cartel. STFU loser.
"We got lots of Killers. You think our country is so innocent"

That's old Trumpybear equivocating the United States of America to the Russian States' assassination of prominent opposition leaders and investigative reporters. Putin Smiled bigly on that one.
Not as much as he did when his Cyber team let him know they were able to get their hands on the TOP SECRET information that was on Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted server that was sitting in the bathroom of a tech company that did not have the required clearances to have the server in their possession.....

President Trump never suggested that America was NEVER great, as Michelle and Obama's Censured criminal US AG have....

Hillary's private email server was not illegal. Putties thugs were never able to crack it. They only phished their way into the DNC anyway.

Trumpybear called us a not so innocent nation of killers, like Russia. Is that great or not so great?

Do you think that centuries of slavery and another hundred year treating the former slaves descendants as second class citizens is great or not so great?
Hillary's private email server was not illegal.



She had an unauthorized server.

It illegally contained TOP SECRET data she did not have legal authority to possess after being read out of programs and leaving the State Department.

It was NOT encrypted, as required by the law regarding an official server containing TOP Secret Data.

It was illegally being kept in the unsecured bathroom of a small tech company that had the server in its possession illegally because it did not have the required security clearances to have it.

The FBI reported it contained over 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED documents that:
1. Had not been released to the FBI, as required by the subpoena but that an attempt had been made to 'wipe' / destroy them instead - evidence of Obstruction - which Comey stated under oath in testimony before Congress

2. Had not been turned in for archival in accordance to the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, both crimes

.....that makes over 45,000 criminal counts alone just for Obstruction and violations of the FOIA & FRA, and that's not counting the criminal counts of illegally mishandling, storing, and destroying classified information AND espionage.

I did not even read whatever other BULLSHIT you types since the 1st sentence was a complete LIE that has been destroyed LONG ago....

....except for your false claim that China and 'other foreign actors' did NOT access any secret data on Hillary's illegal server:

'Foreign actors' accessed Hillary Clinton emails, documents show

"Foreign actors” obtained access to some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails -- including at least one email classified as “secret” -- according to a new memo from two GOP-led House committees and an internal FBI email.

Fox News obtained the memo prepared by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, which lays out key interim findings ahead of next week’s hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The IG, separately, is expected to release his highly anticipated report on the Clinton email case later Thursday."
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Hillary's private email server was not illegal.



She had an unauthorized server.

It illegally contained TOP SECRET data she did not have legal authority to possess after being read out of programs and leaving the State Department.

It was NOT encrypted, as required by the law regarding an official server containing TOP Secret Data.

It was illegally being kept in the unsecured bathroom of a small tech company that had the server in its possession illegally because it did not have the required security clearances to have it.

The FBI reported it contained over 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED documents that:
1. Had not been released to the FBI, as required by the subpoena but that an attempt had been made to 'wipe' / destroy them instead - evidence of Obstruction - which Comey stated under oath in testimony before Congress

2. Had not been turned in for archival in accordance to the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, both crimes

.....that makes over 45,000 criminal counts alone just for Obstruction and violations of the FOIA & FRA, and that's not counting the criminal counts of illegally mishandling, storing, and destroying classified information AND espionage.

I did not even read whatever other BULLSHIT you types since the 1st sentence was a complete LIE that has been destroyed LONG ago....

....except for your false claim that China and 'other foreign actors' did NOT access any secret data on Hillary's illegal server:

'Foreign actors' accessed Hillary Clinton emails, documents show

"Foreign actors” obtained access to some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails -- including at least one email classified as “secret” -- according to a new memo from two GOP-led House committees and an internal FBI email.

Fox News obtained the memo prepared by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, which lays out key interim findings ahead of next week’s hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The IG, separately, is expected to release his highly anticipated report on the Clinton email case later Thursday."

Yawn yeah sure Easy, the "Derp State" helped her get away with her many crimes, too many to list.......
The first thing that Holder pig did as AG was to publicly denounce America as "racist cowards"....right after America became the only white-majority country in history of elect a black leader. Even though Crybaby-Americans have a better life in America than any black-majority country. Even though Crybaby-Americans have all the same rights under the law that I do. Every black crybaby with whom Obama has ever associated has been a radically white-hating son of a bitch.
It was great when this shitskin Holder racist WASN'T Attorney General. I swear, black crybabies are the most violently racist, ingrate swine on this planet. I won't even allow those humanoids in my house, I'm sick and tired of black violence and black grievance-mongering. What a loathsome race they are.
The first thing that Holder pig did as AG was to publicly denounce America as "racist cowards"....right after America became the only white-majority country in history of elect a black leader. Even though Crybaby-Americans have a better life in America than any black-majority country. Even though Crybaby-Americans have all the same rights under the law that I do. Every black crybaby with whom Obama has ever associated has been a radically white-hating son of a bitch.

I still feel you are holding back some of your feelings Will. Let them out, just let them flow right out.........
I'd like to hear liberals say which country they think was ever great. Great does not mean perfect. I'll compare our founding and development to other nations' founding and development.

Judging by the liberal standard, no country on this planet has ever been great.
In a just world Holder would have been under investigation for manslaughter for his part in the Fast Furious fiasco and the subsequent killing of a Border Patrol officer.
He is straight up racist.

If the USA sucks so bad, why are so many people trying to get in illegally and why are Dimms allowing them to be subjected to this awful nation?

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