Eric Holder Explodes at GOP Rep: ‘You Don’t Want to Go There, Buddy!’

I think someone hit a nerve. Holder hasn't cooperated with past investigations and it is frustrating to see someone acting like they are above the law. Holder doesn't want to cooperate and doesn't want to be called up on it. Holder is clearly angry for being reminded of how he refused to turn over documents. He should have complied a long time ago instead of stalling. Yes, Holder, we do want to go there and I hope people stay on this until you do cooperate. It's just amazing how Holder acts indignant for being questioned at all, as if he has a right to ignore the investigators. It's difficult to treat him with respect when he has done nothing to earn it.

Eric Holder Explodes at GOP Rep: ‘You Don’t Want to Go There, Buddy!’

Eric Holder Explodes at GOP Rep: ?You Don?t Want to Go There, Buddy!? (Video) | Top Right News

Good for Holder, that asshole gomert was out of line.

Easy there on Louie. He's got chutzpah. I like him. If Holder can't handle the heat he can resign. He'll be doing the world a favor. Imo.

Holder obviously has chutzpah as well, I really don't see what's so "bad" about Holder.
Go ahead and be outraged at a comment. I am more outraged at the actions of Holder and others because they came up with programs that got people killed and now they refuse to own up to it. Holder has been out of line numerous times by his actions and refusal to cooperate with investigations.
I'm not outraged. I don't know what you are specifically referring to regarding his alleged refusal to cooperate.

Proud Liberal

Typical proud liberal.

Proud for no reason.

Don't know shit except, Bush did it too!

Reading some of the "conservative" replies on this thread makes me even MORE proud to be a Liberal! :lol:

P.S. Where did I say that "Bush did it too!"? Thanks for the laugh.
not seeing any explosions....



whiny rightwingers, yes.

and Gohmert's a moron.

You know, this should creep you out:
“I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight,” Gohmert said.

“You don’t want to go there, buddy! You don’t want to go there, okay,” Holder shot back.

“I don’t want to go there?” the Texas Republican responded.

“No,” Holder said, leaning forward in his seat.

“About the contempt?” Gohmert asked.

“You should not assume that that is not a big deal to me. I think that it was inappropriate, I think it was unjust. But never think that that was not a big deal to me. Don’t ever think that,” Holder said pointing at Gohmert.

Read more: Holder explodes at GOP rep: 'You don't want to go there, buddy!' | The Daily Caller

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. He made a threat against a GOP rep. who had every right to question him because he is under investigation whether he likes it or not. People who make threats are in fear. Why is he fearful? Because he's guilty and he knows it.

What was the ALLEGED "threat"???
I think someone hit a nerve. Holder hasn't cooperated with past investigations and it is frustrating to see someone acting like they are above the law. Holder doesn't want to cooperate and doesn't want to be called up on it. Holder is clearly angry for being reminded of how he refused to turn over documents. He should have complied a long time ago instead of stalling. Yes, Holder, we do want to go there and I hope people stay on this until you do cooperate. It's just amazing how Holder acts indignant for being questioned at all, as if he has a right to ignore the investigators. It's difficult to treat him with respect when he has done nothing to earn it.

Eric Holder Explodes at GOP Rep: ‘You Don’t Want to Go There, Buddy!’

Eric Holder Explodes at GOP Rep: ?You Don?t Want to Go There, Buddy!? (Video) | Top Right News

Good for Holder, that asshole gomert was out of line.

Gohmert was out of line? How? For doing his job? You little uneducated retard! Go back to school, that is, if your IQ is above total retard!!

He was out of line for trying to assert that "contempt" is not important to Holder, he was being disrespectful toward Holder by trying to assert something that has no real merit.

Your last three sentences reflect they type of mental midget that you are. Thanks for the laugh clown. :lol:
Gohmert had his ass handed to him the first time he attacked the AG & got it handed to him AGAIN after attacking the AG. Wonder if he learned his lesson???
not seeing any explosions....



whiny rightwingers, yes.

and Gohmert's a moron.

No one has been held accountable for a failed program, sanctioned by the Justice Department, that allowed thousands of assault weapons to cross an international border and into the hands of murderous drug cartels--weapons that are still turning up at homicides in Mexico. NOT ONE PERSON.

You are okay with that. You are okay with this administration covering for those responsible. What does that say about you.
Good for Holder, that asshole gomert was out of line.

Gohmert was out of line? How? For doing his job? You little uneducated retard! Go back to school, that is, if your IQ is above total retard!!

He was out of line for trying to assert that "contempt" is not important to Holder, he was being disrespectful toward Holder by trying to assert something that has no real merit.

Your last three sentences reflect they type of mental midget that you are. Thanks for the laugh clown. :lol:

Holder was held in contempt because he refused to cooperate with a Congressional investigation into who ultimately signed off on a program that allowed thousands of assault weapons to be transported into Mexico by known criminals with drug cartel connections. These weapons are still turning up at crime scenes in Mexico.

Why is that not important to you? Why would this administration, after unequivocally denouncing Bush for doing it, invoke executive privilege to protect the people responsible for this?

Are you really that partisan?
OP- Pretty obvious to the whole world except the 20% hater dupes that all those ''investigations'' were ridiculous witch hunts... for bs propaganda only...

If it's all BS, then why:
-are witnesses to the Benghazi attack being kept from testifying?
-documents connected to F&F hidden under "executive privilege"?
-is Lois Lerner asking for immunity if she did nothing wrong?

Stinkbug liberal.

All bs, brainwashed dingbat. No real reason to do more for a bunch of nothing is good enough liars...a disgrace...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
OP- Pretty obvious to the whole world except the 20% hater dupes that all those ''investigations'' were ridiculous witch hunts... for bs propaganda only...

If it's all BS, then why:
-are witnesses to the Benghazi attack being kept from testifying?
-documents connected to F&F hidden under "executive privilege"?
-is Lois Lerner asking for immunity if she did nothing wrong?

Stinkbug liberal.

All bs, brainwashed dingbat. No real reason to do more for a bunch of nothing is good enough liars...a disgrace...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

You are an uninformed idiot.

Lois Lerner wants immunity in exchange for IRS testimony

Obama invokes executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents - Los Angeles Times
I'm not outraged. I don't know what you are specifically referring to regarding his alleged refusal to cooperate.

Proud Liberal

Typical proud liberal.

Proud for no reason.

Don't know shit except, Bush did it too!

Reading some of the "conservative" replies on this thread makes me even MORE proud to be a Liberal! :lol:

P.S. Where did I say that "Bush did it too!"? Thanks for the laugh.

you shouldn't be when you take a party's side over your country and your fellow countrymen and women...
I call that shamful
It truly baffles me how leftists can justify this administration invoking Executive Privilege to hinder an investigation into who authorized state-sanctioned international gun trafficking--with NO WAY OF TRACKING THEM.

No one has been held accountable. That is that narrative of this administration, no one is ever held accountable for ANYTHING. Certainly not the president, the F-ing buck stops anywhere but at his desk.
They gave up more than enough paper work, nothing is good enough for Issa and a few other bought off House Pubs who are no longer even listened to by rational people...for hater dupes only lol...
They gave up more than enough paper work, nothing is good enough for Issa and a few other bought off House Pubs who are no longer even listened to by rational people...for hater dupes only lol...

You do understand that your posts make you seem like you have the intellect of a four year old, right?

You have never, ever written one substantive or thoughtful post. It is all the same childish, repetitive comments--regardless of the topic. You never contribute anything to the conversation.

Typical proud liberal.

Proud for no reason.

Don't know shit except, Bush did it too!

Reading some of the "conservative" replies on this thread makes me even MORE proud to be a Liberal! :lol:

P.S. Where did I say that "Bush did it too!"? Thanks for the laugh.

you shouldn't be when you take a party's side over your country and your fellow countrymen and women...
I call that shamful

I agree with you! That description fits a lot of people on this forum and in the political forum as well. I CERTAINLY have no party loyalty, I vote for and support who I agree with and like. It's amazing that you would post the above to me, but have thusfar show your disdain for some of your fellow "conservatives" and republicans who have said things about Holder like "Big Nig" as well as some of the other racially charged comments regarding Holder on this thread.

Those people might as well as said "How dare that ****** talk back to a White Man!". That's the message some of your fellow conservatives and republicans are projecting, yet again you so far haven't addressed those comments now, have you? :lol:
It truly baffles me how leftists can justify this administration invoking Executive Privilege to hinder an investigation into who authorized state-sanctioned international gun trafficking--with NO WAY OF TRACKING THEM.

No one has been held accountable. That is that narrative of this administration, no one is ever held accountable for ANYTHING. Certainly not the president, the F-ing buck stops anywhere but at his desk.

You're dealing with people unable to get beyond "my team good, other team stinks." So anything their team does is good as long as it sticks it to the other team.
Yes, we've come down to this.
Reading some of the "conservative" replies on this thread makes me even MORE proud to be a Liberal! :lol:

P.S. Where did I say that "Bush did it too!"? Thanks for the laugh.

you shouldn't be when you take a party's side over your country and your fellow countrymen and women...
I call that shamful

I agree with you! That description fits a lot of people on this forum and in the political forum as well. I CERTAINLY have no party loyalty, I vote for and support who I agree with and like. It's amazing that you would post the above to me, but have thusfar show your disdain for some of your fellow "conservatives" and republicans who have said things about Holder like "Big Nig" as well as some of the other racially charged comments regarding Holder on this thread.

Those people might as well as said "How dare that ****** talk back to a White Man!". That's the message some of your fellow conservatives and republicans are projecting, yet again you so far haven't addressed those comments now, have you? :lol:

Nor should he. Nor am I going to try and denigrate you by digging up hateful and ignorant comments leftists make on the board. Now concentrate, think hard--why would that be unfair? Why would that be not actually making a point at all?

The message conservatives have is why has this administration invoked Executive Privilege to keep the identity of those at the Justice Department that signed off on state-sanctioned international gun trafficking of assault weapons--still being found at homicides in Mexico--to drug cartels from being discovered.

Pull your head out of your ass, try to resist the temptation to invoke race in this and answer that question.

Why are you okay with this administration protecting those responsible for Fast and Furious? Why do you not care about the Mexicans being murdered with those guns.

It's like you and the liberals on this board are saying "fuck those spics"--see how ignorant your arugment is?
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It truly baffles me how leftists can justify this administration invoking Executive Privilege to hinder an investigation into who authorized state-sanctioned international gun trafficking--with NO WAY OF TRACKING THEM.

No one has been held accountable. That is that narrative of this administration, no one is ever held accountable for ANYTHING. Certainly not the president, the F-ing buck stops anywhere but at his desk.

You're dealing with people unable to get beyond "my team good, other team stinks." So anything their team does is good as long as it sticks it to the other team.
Yes, we've come down to this.

Says one of the most partisan people here. Grade-A hypocrisy. Look at your posts, your avatar--do you understand why what you just posted is laughable? :lol:
It truly baffles me how leftists can justify this administration invoking Executive Privilege to hinder an investigation into who authorized state-sanctioned international gun trafficking--with NO WAY OF TRACKING THEM.

No one has been held accountable. That is that narrative of this administration, no one is ever held accountable for ANYTHING. Certainly not the president, the F-ing buck stops anywhere but at his desk.

You're dealing with people unable to get beyond "my team good, other team stinks." So anything their team does is good as long as it sticks it to the other team.
Yes, we've come down to this.

Says one of the most partisan people here. Grade-A hypocrisy. Look at your posts, your avatar--do you understand why what you just posted is laughable? :lol:
Fuck you. I'm hardly partisan. I just look at the facts.
Gohmert was out of line? How? For doing his job? You little uneducated retard! Go back to school, that is, if your IQ is above total retard!!

He was out of line for trying to assert that "contempt" is not important to Holder, he was being disrespectful toward Holder by trying to assert something that has no real merit.

Your last three sentences reflect they type of mental midget that you are. Thanks for the laugh clown. :lol:

Holder was held in contempt because he refused to cooperate with a Congressional investigation into who ultimately signed off on a program that allowed thousands of assault weapons to be transported into Mexico by known criminals with drug cartel connections. These weapons are still turning up at crime scenes in Mexico.

Why is that not important to you? Why would this administration, after unequivocally denouncing Bush for doing it, invoke executive privilege to protect the people responsible for this?

Are you really that partisan?

What was the final disposition of those contempt charges? Was he indicted? I didn't know Bush did the same thing, were the Republicans outraged by it then, did they hold a Congressional investigation into it?

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