Eric Holder's new Hero = US AG Jeff Sessions


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
After spending his entire life race baiting, promoting big kleptocratic government, and selling out US justice to the highest bidder, you might think Eric Holder would be an opponent of new US AG Jeff Sessions, because you assume Sessions is different.

Time to think again....

Eric Holder: Don't Condemn Attorney General Jeff Sessions Yet - Breitbart

Eric Holder is absolutely thrilled with Sessions, who is either covering everything up or has appointed known Obama holdovers that Holder knows will cover up/sabotage what Holder fears will come out.

All the nonsense from Sessions confirmation hearings can be laid to rest. Jeff Sessions isn't going to drain anything. Jeff Sessions is a particularly unimpressive individual. His takes on marijuana prove he parrots and doesn't attempt to empirically acquire truth. Sessions is just another total sellout who doesn't care at all about the US, the status of US solvency, the US Constitution, or truth of any kind. Mr. Sessions only cares about himself and whatever bullshit he is told every Sunday (by a JDAAC preacher no doubt). He will sell out and cover up whatever this man tells him to....

After spending his entire life race baiting, promoting big kleptocratic government, and selling out US justice to the highest bidder, you might think Eric Holder would be an opponent of new US AG Jeff Sessions, because you assume Sessions is different.

Time to think again....

Eric Holder: Don't Condemn Attorney General Jeff Sessions Yet - Breitbart

Eric Holder is absolutely thrilled with Sessions, who is either covering everything up or has appointed known Obama holdovers that Holder knows will cover up/sabotage what Holder fears will come out.

All the nonsense from Sessions confirmation hearings can be laid to rest. Jeff Sessions isn't going to drain anything. Jeff Sessions is a particularly unimpressive individual. His takes on marijuana prove he parrots and doesn't attempt to empirically acquire truth. Sessions is just another total sellout who doesn't care at all about the US, the status of US solvency, the US Constitution, or truth of any kind. Mr. Sessions only cares about himself and whatever bullshit he is told every Sunday (by a JDAAC preacher no doubt). He will sell out and cover up whatever this man tells him to....

Suffer, Sucker. Shoe's on the other foot now.


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