The truth about Jeff Sessions is now undeniable

It's funny how many Trump hirees end up under the bus. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to go to work for him now.


True, but you had to be a fucking idiot to ever stand next to the freak in the first place, so............

When Trump made his biggest mistake by initially appointing Jeff Sessions as AG, many "conservatives" here cheered. Jeff is a "good conservative," and yada yada....

Of course, Jeff wasn't a good conservative or a patriotic American. He is a W loving Zionist Traitor, and he brought his "boss," Rod the Mossad Rosenstein, with him to make sure.....

1. Jeff Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open
2. there would be "no investigation of Obama" in Sessions' own words
3. allowed the Steele Dossier to end up as a Special Prosecutor
4. found no problem with the FBI's behavior during the Russia hoax
5. refused to investigate Hunter Biden
6. let all the old stuff, 911 etc. never get "re-opened"
7. found no evidence of "corruption" except from the Steele Dossier

Jeff Sessions is a great example of the post 1998 GOP. Sessions has NO PATRIOTISM to America, no concern for the solvency of America, no regard for truth, no allegiance to the Republican Party or the values it held prior to 1998. Jeff Sessions is a completely treasonous kleptocrat whose only allegiance is to whoever puts the most cash in his pocket, or the pockets of his kids and grandkids....

Some of you "conservatives" here are just like Jeff,


The Pro Israel Christian in America = the DUMBEST LIFEFORM IN THE UNIVERSE

Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open?

And Barr allowed him to be disappeared and allowed Ghislaine Maxwell to slither back into the shadows, as americans said nothing at all, merely watched.
Um, Trump was not in office when Low IQ Joe got the prosecutor fired....

THAT is when Hunter got the kickback.....

Joe Biden Still Can’t Answer Basic Questions About Hunter and Burisma

"“You’ve had a lot of time. Isn’t this something you want to get to the bottom of?,” Allen countered.

“No,” Biden said, “because I trust my son.”"

When did Trump ask for Hunter Biden to be investigated?

Think REAL hard, retard. You can do it!

About 2 years ago
I'd have to look up the exact date though.
When Trump made his biggest mistake by initially appointing Jeff Sessions as AG, many "conservatives" here cheered. Jeff is a "good conservative," and yada yada....

Of course, Jeff wasn't a good conservative or a patriotic American. He is a W loving Zionist Traitor, and he brought his "boss," Rod the Mossad Rosenstein, with him to make sure.....

1. Jeff Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open
2. there would be "no investigation of Obama" in Sessions' own words
3. allowed the Steele Dossier to end up as a Special Prosecutor
4. found no problem with the FBI's behavior during the Russia hoax
5. refused to investigate Hunter Biden
6. let all the old stuff, 911 etc. never get "re-opened"
7. found no evidence of "corruption" except from the Steele Dossier

Jeff Sessions is a great example of the post 1998 GOP. Sessions has NO PATRIOTISM to America, no concern for the solvency of America, no regard for truth, no allegiance to the Republican Party or the values it held prior to 1998. Jeff Sessions is a completely treasonous kleptocrat whose only allegiance is to whoever puts the most cash in his pocket, or the pockets of his kids and grandkids....

Some of you "conservatives" here are just like Jeff,


The Pro Israel Christian in America = the DUMBEST LIFEFORM IN THE UNIVERSE

Translation: Sessions refused to turn the AG's office into Trump's personal Gestapo. Even Barr as partisan as he is cannot find any reason to prosecute Trump's enemies. Trump and his supporters are UNPATRIOTIC AND UN-AMERICAN. You are the treasonous one.

Your so-called conservatives are nothing but part of the alt-right. White supremacists, neo-nazis and other hate groups.
Jeff Sessions was the only person on the face of the planet who thought The Donald would win the election ... and he was universally considered a moron for thinking that ... so why the big surprise here three years later? ...
Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open?

Amazing how that happened for all 8 years of Cocksucker Obama and Bigot Holder.

I'm certain all the $$$$$$$$$ donated by Epstein to the Democrats had nothing to do with it.....
When Trump made his biggest mistake by initially appointing Jeff Sessions as AG, many "conservatives" here cheered. Jeff is a "good conservative," and yada yada....

Of course, Jeff wasn't a good conservative or a patriotic American. He is a W loving Zionist Traitor, and he brought his "boss," Rod the Mossad Rosenstein, with him to make sure.....

1. Jeff Epstein remained above the law and his island remained open
2. there would be "no investigation of Obama" in Sessions' own words
3. allowed the Steele Dossier to end up as a Special Prosecutor
4. found no problem with the FBI's behavior during the Russia hoax
5. refused to investigate Hunter Biden
6. let all the old stuff, 911 etc. never get "re-opened"
7. found no evidence of "corruption" except from the Steele Dossier

Jeff Sessions is a great example of the post 1998 GOP. Sessions has NO PATRIOTISM to America, no concern for the solvency of America, no regard for truth, no allegiance to the Republican Party or the values it held prior to 1998. Jeff Sessions is a completely treasonous kleptocrat whose only allegiance is to whoever puts the most cash in his pocket, or the pockets of his kids and grandkids....

Some of you "conservatives" here are just like Jeff,


The Pro Israel Christian in America = the DUMBEST LIFEFORM IN THE UNIVERSE
Translation ;

Jeff sessions didn't protect tRump while he used the Constitution for toilet paper.

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