Eric invokes the 5th 500 times

All 500+ questions were on arcane tax law?
How do you know?


And then, for those who are hyperventilating over the righteous parading of Don Sr.'s oft-repeated opinion that 'only criminals plead the 5th'......well, I'm quite cool with that being run up the flagpole. Hoisted on his own petard. Chickens returning to the roost. Goose sauce = Gander's sauce. What goes around comes around. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I think that is exactly what satire, ridicule, Bill Maher, and Saturday Night Live were developed for. To hold up egregious hypocrisy and ...... laugh at it.

Until, that is, the indictiments.
Then the laughter ends.
And the applause begins.

Is that right "Big Guy"? Once the 2022 elections are done, Mr. Biden will be in the crosshairs. Its called politics.

Good Lord. 500 times. There must be loads of stuff that he is looking to hide. I wonder if he even confirmed his name ?
And here we see it. Taint (who ain’t even an American) might as well just come out and admit it now. As a “liberal” or what we laughingly call a “progressive,” Taint seeks to smear Eric Trump for relying on a right guaranteed to him and all people in America. The smear is to utilize the invocation of a right in a PR effort. It is so clear that invoking that right does not constitute anything contrary to his innocence, that in a courtroom (at trial) the jury isn’t allowed to even HEAR that an accused individual invoked the 5th Amendment.

But this doesn’t deter Taint and his fellow “progressives” from attempting the smear in the public arena.

Good Lord. 500 times. There must be loads of stuff that he is looking to hide. I wonder if he even confirmed his name ?

Nothing pisses you fascists off more than our civil rights.


Good Lord. 500 times. There must be loads of stuff that he is looking to hide. I wonder if he even confirmed his name ?
Don't you have better things to do? You know, like protect your children and maybe actually deport rapists.
And here we see it. Taint (who ain’t even an American) might as well just come out and admit it now. As a “liberal” or what we laughingly call a “progressive,” Taint seeks to smear Eric Trump for relying on a right guaranteed to him and all people in America. The smear is to utilize the invocation of a right in a PR effort. It is so clear that invoking that right does not constitute anything contrary to his innocence, that in a courtroom (at trial) the jury isn’t allowed to even HEAR that an accused individual invoked the 5th Amendment.

But this doesn’t deter Taint and his fellow “progressives” from attempting the smear in the public arena.
Actually it is his own father who gets to the nub of it. I am just repeating trumps words for the edification of my friends on the forum.
Maybe Eric could mitigate his sentence by co-operating with the police ?
Actually it is his own father who gets to the nub of it. I am just repeating trumps words for the edification of my friends on the forum.
Maybe Eric could mitigate his sentence by co-operating with the police ?
Why does Trump jr. always have such a runny nose?
Actually it is his own father who gets to the nub of it. I am just repeating trumps words for the edification of my friends on the forum.
Maybe Eric could mitigate his sentence by co-operating with the police ?
You’re a hack. You agree with President Trump when he said something invalid, but you disagree with him on all the valid stuff he says.

Eric isn’t facing a sentence since he hasn’t been convicted nor even charged with a crime. Your eagerness to presume guilt for your cheap ass progressive narrative is noted.

Meanwhile, if your ever arrested when you visit the USA, it remains solid legal advice: exercise your right to stfu, you idiot.
You’re a hack. You agree with President Trump when he said something invalid, but you disagree with him on all the valid stuff he says.

Eric isn’t facing a sentence since he hasn’t been convicted nor even charged with a crime. Your eagerness to presume guilt for your cheap ass progressive narrative is noted.

Meanwhile, if your ever arrested when you visit the USA, it remains solid legal advice: exercise your right to stfu, you idiot.
The really funny aspect is that all you guys know that he is as guilty as fuck and trying to cover up his larceny. Just own it.
The really funny aspect is that all you guys know that he is as guilty as fuck and trying to cover up his larceny. Just own it.
I don’t know any such thing. Neither do you. You are an asshole and assume it. But that’s merely because you’re an asshole. Own that, taint.
Locking her up? Why? She lost and is no longer a person of consequence. That statement was political theater, Islamist. Come on, step up your game if you're going to debate me.
Well it kind of undermines your bluster about Biden. You arent going to do anything you fucking gobshite.
Well it kind of undermines your bluster about Biden. You arent going to do anything you fucking gobshite.
I am an Independent. I won't do anything. The GOP once they take the House in 2022 may. We'll see how the "Big Guy" handles it. I am also a Jew, Islamist. Does that mean you would like me dead? LOL
"We know the government isn’t looking to do justice. We know they are looking to set-up any person related to Trump (by blood or job)."
Ummm, no we don't know.
That statement above is mere histrionics.
Hyperbole to push a polemic.
Good poster 'BackAgain' does not "know" what the government is intending with Trump. If he does know.....well, mi amigo, now is the time to show us your bona fides.

Look, anyone can come on to this fairly public chatroom and offer up their opinion, be it informed and credible......or just unsupported silliness.
In my opinion, BackAgain's comments above are the latter. He doesn't 'know'.
But, if he truly does know, now is his chance to show us.

"An ethical prosecutor wouldn’t be trying so mightily to try her case in the press."

Well, life is complicated.
And one of the complexities is a thing called "clapback".
Hell, call it.....'counterpunch'.

The Trump family has been loud and strident in their defense of themselves, and in their attacks on Prosecutor James. In the press.
They have been going there early and often.
Ergo......what goes round, comes round.
Letitia James has access to the press too.

Here's what aggreived Eric the press, and a few million other interested folks:

"Letitia you can not escape your own words. This is all window dressing for your abuse of office and ethical misconduct (which we are prosecuting you for)," he wrote on Twitter, also decrying the investigation as a "PR move to revive a political career after your gubernatorial disaster."

And as 'we all know'......sauce for the gander, is sauce for the goose.

So suck it up, Eric. Mr. Five hundred 'We plead the 5th as what I would say would incriminate me in a criminal proceedings".

Two can play the 'try-it-in-the-press' game.
Ummm, no we don't know.
That statement above is mere histrionics.
Hyperbole to push a polemic.
Good poster 'BackAgain' does not "know" what the government is intending with Trump. If he does know.....well, mi amigo, now is the time to show us your bona fides.

Look, anyone can come on to this fairly public chatroom and offer up their opinion, be it informed and credible......or just unsupported silliness.
In my opinion, BackAgain's comments above are the latter. He doesn't 'know'.
But, if he truly does know, now is his chance to show us.

Well, life is complicated.
And one of the complexities is a thing called "clapback".
Hell, call it.....'counterpunch'.

The Trump family has been loud and strident in their defense of themselves, and in their attacks on Prosecutor James. In the press.
They have been going there early and often.
Ergo......what goes round, comes round.
Letitia James has access to the press too.

Here's what aggreived Eric the press, and a few million other interested folks:

"Letitia you can not escape your own words. This is all window dressing for your abuse of office and ethical misconduct (which we are prosecuting you for)," he wrote on Twitter, also decrying the investigation as a "PR move to revive a political career after your gubernatorial disaster."

And as 'we all know'......sauce for the gander, is sauce for the goose.

So suck it up, Eric. Mr. Five hundred 'We plead the 5th as what I would say would incriminate me in a criminal proceedings".

Two can play the 'try-it-in-the-press' game.
You moron. It is already beyond doubt that the DA’s Office in NY County and the AG’s Office of NYS are operating as agents of the Democraps. The allegations about the Trump organization are only being brought in retaliation because he dared to beat Shrillary. The Dims dislike his politics. And they are now engaged in a scorched Earth campaign for the basest of cheap ass political reasons.

They want to ruin him personally, politically and professionally. Even an ignorant grunting dishonest hack like you, chiliconfuzed, could see it if it was within you to be objective enough to open your eyes. Big if.

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