Ermac's Diary: Capitalism 101 [Villains/Warlocks]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is capitalism a system of fortune or theosophy?



My name is Ermac. I'm from Venus. I analyze human civilization from Earth's moon. Capitalism is a rich subject for me, since I'm interested in game theory and competitive economics. Can capitalism be coordinated with democracy? That's a question that weighs on my mind. Therefore, I evaluate what kinds of gods/figures and merchants (and politicians) construct the 'dominion' of capitalism. After all, if we can't analyze our own brands of competitiveness, are we any different from survival-minded competing animals in the forest?



I believe the diamond is very symbolic to capitalism-theory. The diamond has many edges and lines, just like the decisions made for capitalism societies! Every cut of a diamond represents a complexity of capitalism and how competition can be evaluated in terms of rationalism. We can appreciate a diamond for how it reminds us of the general sophistication of 'capitalism idealism.'



Let me tell you about Cyclonus. He's an A.I. robot from the planet Cybertron. He's a wolfish first-knight robot who believes in terrorism and Machiavellian ruthlessness towards the profitability of piracy and power-schemes. Cyclonus will always consider capitalism societies (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') as 'branches' of a general imagination about fortune and victory, never about trade or equitable negotiations. That's why Cyclonus is like the 'diamond-thief' of capitalism. Be warned...



Let me next tell you about the underworld demon-deity/goddess Medusa. She's a woman with a head of hair made of snakes. Medusa is a master of hypnosis and can turn men to stone with her deadly gaze. Medusa is therefore a 'ministress' of obsession and focus. When we think of Medusa, we think of the general facets of capitalism that make the economic system one of great allure or even marketing dazzle. We think of Medusa when we realize that major American corporations such as Microsoft can quickly become 'towers of absolutism.'



Finally, I will tell you about the villainous warlock and terrorist named Cobra Commander. This guy's a real character. Cobra Commander is the head of a supreme terrorist organization, and he believes the best way to 'celebrate' capitalism is to magnify its paths to wealth and power through methods of subversion of federalism economics (e.g., World Bank terrorism). In other words, this guy believes that capitalism can be manipulated to illuminate basic monopoly-ambition instincts. Is he right?


So that's it. That's my Capitalism Diary. It's a catalog of the kinds of perspectives/thoughts that make capitalism societies (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') great beacons of wealth and fortune analysis. It is my assertion that without proper analysis of the consciousness behind capitalism dissection, we can't appreciate why such a complex system of economics gives rise to asset-diamonds such as Trump Tower, NASDAQ, and the World Bank. What's your capitalism digest?



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