Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

The cops who were beaten didn't think it was "fun & games", moron.

if you were clubbed that day you would have been crying for your Mama, so STFU.

True. "Fun and games" was your words, not ours. I just didn't bother making a point of it, because, it was not relevant.

I'm not surprised that you are now, instead of addressing any of the points made that refuted your hysteria, that you are now attacking your own words instead.

Idiot, trump could not use troops without the concent of those state government in need.
Correct for a change, except you misspelled consent. No big deal. Calling in the national guard or federal troops is usually a last resort and it makes things far worse temporarily, before it makes things better.
Correct for a change, except you misspelled consent. No big deal. Calling in the national guard or federal troops is usually a last resort and it makes things far worse temporarily, before it makes things better.
I'm always correct when it comes to dumbass leftist like you.
I'm always correct when it comes to dumbass leftist like you.
How very arrogant of you; although it's a negative trait at least the arrogance complements your ignorance. They seem to go hand in hand.

There is massive evidence that the Gestapo instigated and fomented violence at the Reichstag Fire.

Ray Epps isn't an FBI agent.

There were definitely a few FBI Agents and "sources" that seemed to be trying to push people into committing crimes but from what I've seen they failed pretty spectacularly and Babbitt hasn't been shown to have been connected to any of them.
Ray Epps isn't an FBI agent.

There were definitely a few FBI Agents and "sources" that seemed to be trying to push people into committing crimes but from what I've seen they failed pretty spectacularly and Babbitt hasn't been shown to have been connected to any of them.

There was an antifa member right behind her, filming her and screaming to go forward, be more aggressive, that type of shit.
No they didn't. That was the right wingers who did all of that. Kyle Rittenhouse and his friends were the killers, the looters and the arsonists.

The arrest records tell it all.

And we have a quote from this article:

"In testimony before a Democratic-led House Homeland Security hearing last week, Wray told lawmakers that the largest “chunk” of the FBI’s investigations involve white supremacist groups."
Rittenhouse wasn't part of any white supremacist group and there was zero evidence to suggest he had fomented any violence at all.

He was completely cleared of the charges and not only did the prosecution not prove their own case their witnesses proved the case for Rittenhouse.

ANTIFA is not a White Supremacy group either.

Wray is a proven liar so his word isn't worth anything.
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There was an antifa member right behind her, filming her and screaming to go forward, be more aggressive, that type of shit.
ANTIFA isn't part of the FBI and she acted completely of her own accord. Nobody forced her to try and climb through that window.
It isn't illegal to possess a long gun at 18. Even if he had carried it across state lines that would have been perfectly lawful.

He was charged with illegal possession of the firearm but after a review of the applicable law the charge was thrown out without objection by the prosecutor.

You probably shouldn't speak so affirmatively on subjects you know absolutely nothing about.
Wisconsin law says you have to be 21. In Illinois it was only 18. He crossed the state line to do his nefarious deeds.
Biden is by any measure the current failure in chief and the worst performing president since Jimmy Carter.
Incorrect, historians are writing the books and trump takes the Cake on that as the absolute worst president ever.
Wisconsin law says you have to be 21. In Illinois it was only 18. He crossed the state line to do his nefarious deeds.
No it doesn't and no he didn't, that was settled by the judge and the charges were thrown out.

An 18yo can possess a firearm, he just can't legally buy a pistol. He was carrying a carbine length AR which is absolutely lawful in the state.
Incorrect, historians are writing the books and trump takes the Cake on that as the absolute worst president ever.
Trump was pretty successful overall, they'll have to somehow rewrite his record to do so or simply ignore it and focus on January 6 and what led up to it.
No it doesn't and no he didn't, that was settled by the judge and the charges were thrown out.

An 18yo can possess a firearm, he just can't legally buy a pistol. He was carrying a carbine length AR which is absolutely lawful in the state.
OMG, went to check on it he was only 17 when he murdered those two people and shot the third. He wasn't legal anywhere. But the right wing judge through out all that evidence.
Trump was pretty successful overall, they'll have to somehow rewrite his record to do so or simply ignore it and focus on January 6 and what led up to it.
Did those successes help the United States or not ? Overall not, that is the problem. We've never been worse off because of him. Now we have dangers within as well as without and they're all more pronounced.
A decent president would have addressed their concerns about police brutality. Are you a bully, a Christian, a violent man?
Local and state crime are not the responsibility of the president. The federal Gov't has no role in local/state policing.

He did move in federal agents to protect federal property though in the states/cities where state and local officials failed to do so.

Police unlawfully killing innocents is a damned rare event. We have 2 million cops making in excess of 10 million official contacts with civilians every day and literally fewer than 1:100,000,000 of those contacts results in an unlawful killing.

As for police abuse of civilians overall, that is basically like winning a lottery ticket especially in this day and age where almost everything is recorded and cities/states routinely settle those cases for at least six figures or more.

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