Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

You watch networks that have virtually nothing good to say about any republican or conservative except in the rare cases one of them joins in with the democrats to spite the republican party.

I don't like Trump and didn't vote for him but I'm willing to admit from a policy standpoint he did a lot of things that were very good for the country.

Unfortunately he was also the most divisive president we've had since probably the Civil War Era.
The main channels are not prejudiced, far right and far left Periodicals and stations exist. Except for Fox I don't think any of them are mainstream. I don't listen to them they tell outright lies and spread misinformation.
The main channels are not prejudiced, far right and far left Periodicals and stations exist. Except for Fox I don't think any of them are mainstream. I don't listen to them they tell outright lies and spread misinformation.
Bullshit, they are blatantly biased as has been proven conclusively for years by comparing positive and negative coverage always favoring democrats.
" I do solemnly swear ( or affirm ) that I will execute the office of the person United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. "
Correct, The Constitution, not The Constitution and Country".
Bullshit, they are blatantly biased as has been proven conclusively for years by comparing positive and negative coverage always favoring democrats.
Or could it be that the Republicans are just worse, we see how devious they are in creating Nazi type of laws, in restricting voter access I mean they are definitely anti people unless you're rich. Then they don't want you to pay any taxes because they're hoping for the third time is the charm in the trickle down theory it has never paid off yet.
There's nothing good to say about trump. He took an oath of office...."To protect and defend this country and it's constitution'....not to stay in office using whatever means necessary even if people have to die.
it’s hardly his fault your demafasict went nuts and ran wild commuting acts of terror cause yoj couldn’t accept the election results for four years.

Y’all should of been shut
it’s hardly his fault your demafasict went nuts and ran wild commuting acts of terror cause yoj couldn’t accept the election results for four years.

Y’all should of been shut
Y'all sound very ignorant.
How do you separate the Constitution from the country it is who we are or at least who we are supposed to be.
Actually it is the document that makes the country. The Geography is irrelevant.

When you're discussing law and particularly The Constitution, every word, every syllable, every punctuation mark matters.

With the same constitution the United States could exist anywhere.
it’s hardly his fault your demafasict went nuts and ran wild commuting acts of terror cause yoj couldn’t accept the election results for four years.

Y’all should of been shut
Drunk Posting and Rage Posting are never good things. They destroy one's ability to reason and spell.
Actually it is the document that makes the country. The Geography is irrelevant.

When you're discussing law and particularly The Constitution, every word, every syllable, every punctuation mark matters.

With the same constitution the United States could exist anywhere.
How people interpret the Constitution seems to be subject to change. I understand it as a living document which is supposed to change things for the better expand freedoms and liberties to all until there is no one left out of the process. I don't like the way the Republicans are attacking the Constitution.
How people interpret the Constitution seems to be subject to change. I understand it as a living document which is supposed to change things for the better expand freedoms and liberties to all until there is no one left out of the process. I don't like the way the Republicans are attacking the Constitution.
If that is true we might as well throw the entire document out because it no longer has any meaning.

There's a way to change the constitution written right into it because the founders realized they were not infallible and that at some point we might find that portions of it are outdated or incomplete, it's called The Amendment Process.

The only honest reading of our constitution is to do so in the language of the day and the context of the times in which it was written.

You don't want an actual Constitution, you simply want a body of law subject to the whims of whatever mob is in the majority at any given time.

Fortunately they realized that with such a gov't the country would never survive.
If that is true we might as well throw the entire document out because it no longer has any meaning.

There's a way to change the constitution written right into it because the founders realized they were not infallible and that at some point we might find that portions of it are outdated or incomplete, it's called The Amendment Process.

The only honest reading of our constitution is to do so in the language of the day and the context of the times in which it was written.

You don't want an actual Constitution, you simply want a body of law subject to the whims of whatever mob is in the majority at any given time.

Fortunately they realized that with such a gov't the country would never survive.
At the time of the Constitution only white land only men had the right to vote, through the Constitution that right was extended to all white men, then all men, and finally all people when women were given the right to vote. That's the whole purpose of amendments is to expand the freedoms and rights of all Americans. The logical conclusion ( not a whim ) is the union will be perfected when no one is left out of the process.
At the time of the Constitution only white land only men had the right to vote, through the Constitution that right was extended to all white men, then all men, and finally all people when women were given the right to vote. That's the whole purpose of amendments is to expand the freedoms and rights of all Americans. The logical conclusion ( not a whim ) is the union will be perfected when no one is left out of the process.
The union will never be perfect because there is always a balancing of rights.

I'm not so sure that it was ever in our best long term interests to expand the vote beyond those who own real property, but we'll have to live with that decision until we reach the inevitable end.
The union will never be perfect because there is always a balancing of rights.

I'm not so sure that it was ever in our best long term interests to expand the vote beyond those who own real property, but we'll have to live with that decision until we reach the inevitable end.
Then America wouldn't be the great nation it is.
No. Not the Capitol "protesters". Protesters who were marching with BLM and for George Floyd.

I wonder why he said he loved the Capitol "protesters"...
We used to shoot looters on sight. I dont know why this would be an issue for law abiding citizens who want their streets to be safe.
How people interpret the Constitution seems to be subject to change. I understand it as a living document which is supposed to change things for the better expand freedoms and liberties to all until there is no one left out of the process. I don't like the way the Republicans are attacking the Constitution.

“Interpreting” the Constitution is just a euphemism for flat-out lying about what it says, as an excuse to violate it.
Sorry. Trump did say it. He's that guy.

No, he did not.

Your error is in confounding criminals with people, and rioting with protesting.

To advocate shooting criminals who riot is not at all comparable to advocating shooting actual human beings, who are legitimately protesting.

Twisting language, to force words to mean what they do not, does not imbue your lies with any vestige of truth.
No, he did not.

Your error is in confounding criminals with people, and rioting with protesting.

To advocate shooting criminals who riot is not at all comparable to advocating shooting actual human beings, who are legitimately protesting.

Twisting language, to force words to mean what they do not, does not imbue your lies with any vestige of truth.
Trump claims that he's a leader. Why didn't he address the problem of police brutality?

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