Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters


That's bullshit
I'm curious, have you always been a clueless boob or did you suffer some sort of brain injury in the recent past?

I'm curious, have you always been a clueless boob or did you suffer some sort of brain injury in the recent past?

You would think this LibTard gets paid by the stupidity level of his posts.
She got "hit" when she tried crawling through the window to get into The Speaker's Lobby.

It's not like they could all walk through it standing shoulder to shoulder and for whatever reason she chose to be first.

First through the gap gets shot.
I was told the doors were open
Or, Trump could have addressed their concerns about police brutality.
Their concerns were repeatedly addressed by just about everyone including Trump.

Nov 14, 2020 would be the latest I can remember.

June 1, 2020 prior.

May 31, 2020

August 31, 2020

I can go on... .

Please do because what I see in these videos is police turning violent, not the demonstrators. That's the so called violence in DC you're showing me. When police turn violent over peaceful protests that's called authoritarianism.
She got "hit" when she tried crawling through the window to get into The Speaker's Lobby.

She didn't get "hit," she was summarily executed.

It's not like they could all walk through it standing shoulder to shoulder and for whatever reason she chose to be first.

First through the gap gets shot.

Is that the tradition of unarmed protests?

If they are protesting a rigged election it is.
140 police officers were injured.

for every Nazis favorite GAME


In this game the goal is to lie, obfuscate, and gaslight the terrorist crimes of the Nazi democrat Reich during the 2019-2020 Kristallnacht the democrat Brown Shirts waged against America with their terrorist Insurrection.

First round, are you ready?

During the Kristallnacht, democrat terrorist Brown Shirts murdered 39 police officers. HOW MANY did the peaceful protesters at the Reichstag Fire kill?

1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Two:

Can you feel the tension Nazi?

Armed Insurrectionists invaded American territory and held it for 43 days through force of arms which democrat politicians like Kamala Harris funded their treason in what American city?

1.) Seattle
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Three:

Democrat terrorists raped 19 people at the traitorous insurrection known as CHAZ/CHOP, including a homeless MAN. How many people were raped at the Reichstag Fire?

WAIT - unfair question. Decent Americans don't rape people - only democrats do that, so the answer has to be..

2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Four:

Between arson and looting, democrat Brown Shirt terrorists caused nearly a TRILLION dollars in damage with the Soros orchestrated Kristallnacht. How many fires were set at the Reichstag Fire?

1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

If you're a Nazi terrorist - the perfect score is #2 on all questions - because you KNOW you're #2
When a group of them were literally chanting, "Hang Mike Pence" that's pretty strong evidence.

A "group" was doing that?

Nope, you're lying again. 3 clowns who were either Soros or FBI plants. All so clowns like you could post bullshit like that

A group was also discussing hanging him while storming the building.

That would be ample justification to use deadly force to stop them if the penetrated into the Speaker's Lobby.

No, it wasn't.

Here is what you seek to put an end to:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Killing unarmed protesters is what is done in a tyranny.
At least one of them has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit insurrection in the last week or so.

That is a lie.

Seditious Conspiracy is far different than insurrection.

There WAS an insurrection in America


But you of the left don't give a fuck about that.

Protesting against the democrat Reich must be CRUSHED and it made clear that dissent will NOT BE TOLERATED

Uber Alles Democrat
When did the BLM protests in DC turn violent?

Layfette Park is one tiny example - when democrat (BLM) Brown Shirts stormed the White House in an attempt to assassinate the president in order to overthrow the government of the United State - insurrection. And they tried to burn down St. Johns Church - where George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and so many other Americans worshipped.

Like I say, one tiny example of the real violence and insurrection.
DC is protected by the police, not the military. Martial law would need to be declared in order for the military to start putting down civilians. If the military really did protect DC then they would have shot every single trump supporting attacking the capitol building, using your logic. This was not the case. The military was nowhere to be seen.

Is that right Herr Nazi?


Because it looks an AWFUL lot like you Fascists set up a Military Junta - knowing that the people oppose your rule and the rigged election.
How many times have ppl stormed the capitol building, injured police officers in an effort to potentially harm congressman and hang Mike Pence in a makeshift gallows, so they can illegally overturn a legitimate election?

There was never any evidence of people trying to hang him you just made that bullshit up.

There were also police letting people in and letting them walk around in parts of the building while they stand by watching.
"Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Trump was quoted as saying.

Spoken like a true dictator. Putin would be proud. Many ppl don't even realize that many of Trump's fascist tendencies had to be talked down by cooler heads. We've only seen a small snippet of his idiocy. The people who worked with him directly have seen his buffoonery in all it's glory.

How many people were actually shot under his "orders" during his 4 years?

He was never a dictator and Putin killed people under his rule by various means.

You are making a mountain out of a hornets nest and pushing stupid hyperbole level statements.

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