Esper: Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters

There's a major difference bewtween actively killing people and not giving a shit if idiot anti-vaxxers want to Darwin themselves

Yes, in the former case, you choose death to 800,000 innocent persons a year for no fault of their own just because they are inconvenient to you and in the latter you choose death wished upon those who refused to abide by your fascist attempts at forced masking and injections known to have serious side effects who had very little chance of dying from covid anyway!

Either way, you want death to all those who either stand in your way or fail to submit to your autocratic rule. Just like Putiin.
Yes, in the former case, you choose death to 800,000 innocent persons a year for no fault of their own just because they are inconvenient to you and in the latter you choose death wished upon those who refused to abide by your fascist attempts at forced masking and injections known to have serious side effects who had very little chance of dying from covid anyway!

Either way, you want death to all those who either stand in your way or fail to submit to your autocratic rule. Just like Putiin.
WTF are you babbling about?
WTF are you babbling about?

Don't play coy with us. We have sat here for years listening to you brain-damaged people first threatening civil war if the wrong president you didn't approve of was picked, sat through your calling him dangerously incompetent as his administration proved the best in ages, while looking the other way on the present kook, your violence for months over some hoodie who died in a felony arrest committing crimes, your calls for the death of people because they dared say MY BODY MY RIGHTS to getting dangerous injections while wearing do-nothing masks, your calls for the deaths of brave patriots who fought for the integrity of our elections, and now threats to go to war with the Supreme Court and America with more violence if they so much as even CONSIDER changing a law to which they are the highest authorities of! And for what? MY BODY MY RIGHTS, the same claim made by covid vax refusers except in this case, IT ISN'T EVEN YOUR BODY but the body of the unborn.

The common denominator in all this is you want death to any and all who oppose you while acting in a far worse manor than those you oppose. You are a disease plaguing America and the obvious solution is a collective bleach injection to disinfecrt our society from your sick, twisted, perverted, deranged demands.
No. Not the Capitol "protesters". Protesters who were marching with BLM and for George Floyd.

I wonder why he said he loved the Capitol "protesters"...
The protestors marching with BLM for George Floyd should have done just that… marched, and not loot the purse stores and burn the convenience stores. Then again, the BLM had no problem with that.
A curfew is a violation of the essential right of every free person to go about his business in peace.

As far as I am concerned, any public servant who has any willing part in enacting or enforcing a curfew against law-abiding citizens is no better than the lowest criminal, and deserved to be treated accordingly.

It is totally unjustifiable to punish law-abiding citizens, because of the criminal behavior of others.
and it was a dem mayor that put it in place…typical
how was it only she got hit then? the shit you can't get around.
She got "hit" when she tried crawling through the window to get into The Speaker's Lobby.

It's not like they could all walk through it standing shoulder to shoulder and for whatever reason she chose to be first.

First through the gap gets shot.
He didn't want it to interfere with his rallies so h handed off to Kushner.
Why do you feel such a need to lie? There are enough legitimate criticisms of Trump to be made nobody should have to lie to criticize him.
Another leftist lie shows up since there was NEVER any insurrection no charges of it and none found after 2 years of investigation by the FBI and DOJ.

You sure like to lie a lot because you are a leftist..
140 police officers were injured.
You lie continually since there was ZERO evidence people were trying to hang the Veep and there was no insurrection a laughable claim that wets the diapers of democrats everywhere because they like to lie a lot!

This is another media flogging over statement that never was going to happen.
When a group of them were literally chanting, "Hang Mike Pence" that's pretty strong evidence.

A group was also discussing hanging him while storming the building.

It comes as a Reuters photographer recounted what rioters were discussing as they tore through the Capitol on January 6 – including hanging the Vice President from a tree for being a “traitor”.

That would be ample justification to use deadly force to stop them if the penetrated into the Speaker's Lobby.
140 police officers were injured.
That's not really much of an argument since hundreds of officers were injured during the BLM/ANTIFA protests.

Those bad actors, and there were quite a few of them on Jan 6 should have been arrested and charged with felonious assault.

Still you're talking about a few dozed bad actors in a crowd of over 10,000 people most of whom were entirely peaceful.

Pretty hypocritical of democrats suddenly giving a shit about such things only after the capitol riot.
The people who were caught have been charged with ASSAULT charges which I have NEVER disputed.

No insurrection charges mean NO Insurrection charges.
At least one of them has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit insurrection in the last week or so.
"Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Trump was quoted as saying.

Spoken like a true dictator. Putin would be proud. Many ppl don't even realize that many of Trump's fascist tendencies had to be talked down by cooler heads. We've only seen a small snippet of his idiocy. The people who worked with him directly have seen his buffoonery in all it's glory.
"Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Trump was quoted as saying.

Spoken like a true dictator. Putin would be proud. Many ppl don't even realize that many of Trump's fascist tendencies had to be talked down by cooler heads. We've only seen a small snippet of his idiocy. The people who worked with him directly have seen his buffoonery in all it's glory.
When legit protests turn violent and threaten lives and property the use of deadly force to stop them is entirely reasonable.
"Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Trump was quoted as saying.

Spoken like a true dictator. Putin would be proud. Many ppl don't even realize that many of Trump's fascist tendencies had to be talked down by cooler heads. We've only seen a small snippet of his idiocy. The people who worked with him directly have seen his buffoonery in all it's glory.
How many people did Trump put in federal jails and prisons in solitary confinement without charges or bail and denied even access to their attorneys?

How many times were democratic congress critters denied access to those jails to see the condition of those prisoners and how they were being treated?
they were rioters that did more than 3 billion dollars in damage and caused the death of almost 30 people,,

a lot of us wanted them shot,,
Spoken like a progressive hunter hiding behind your little “ gun”. You couldn’t say, prosecuted.

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