Espionage and Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And, for my pal, reggie, whose education often requires a push-start:

In several posts I've shown how Franklin Roosevelt followed a foreign policy that conformed far too closely to Joseph Stalin's wishes to be a coincidence.
I just came upon an interesting petite tale that pertains to that period.....

The story is found in a book by Robert J. Lamphere...
"Robert J. Lamphere, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who supervised the investigations of some of the biggest espionage cases of the cold war, including those of the Rosenbergs, Klaus Fuchs and Kim Philby, died on Jan. 7 in a Tucson hospital. He was 83."
Robert J. Lamphere, 83, Spy Chaser for the F.B.I., Dies -

In his book, "The FBI-KGB War,", he recounts the following narrative of a captured German spy, Erich Gimpel. Note what Gimpel says about Germany, and about the Soviet Union....

1. In early 1944, an American seaman with Nazi sympathies, William Colepaugh, jumped ship in Portugal and promptly joined the Third Reich. Admiral Canaris' Abwehr (German Army Intelligence) primed him for an espionage mission in the United States.

2.Colepaugh was partnered with Erich Gimpel, a German, and the two were trained and then put on a U-boat to cross the Atlantic, and dropped near Bar Harbor, Maine, November 29, 1944.

3. The two made their way to NYC....
If it weren't for the low-life Colepaugh, Gimpel might not have been caught. The Abwehr had given them ninety-nine small diamonds, sixty thousand dollars in cash, two guns, false identity materials, and various espionage paraphernalia. Being of the character Colepaugh was, he waited for Gimpel to leave their hideout, and he split with everything.

4. The traitor had a friend in Queens, and the two spent the night drinking. His pal turned him in to the FBI. Colepaugh spilled the beans, and soon the FBI was looking for Gimpel.....

5. ...and soon, they tracked him to Grand Central Station, ...

6. Lamphere reports how he developed a relationship with Gimpel, and the two of them discussed the war. Now, this was a loyal German, high up in the intelligence corp, and he admitted that it was well known that Germany was beaten.

7. Gimpel went on:
"In the postwar period, though, the United States had better watch out, he warned, for there would be no real peace because the Soviet Union would seek to dominate the world. He advised that the Allies' best course of action would be to sign a separate peace with Germany's military leaders, and then for the Allies, augmented by Germany, to face down the Soviets....the Germans would take care of Hitler themselves."
Lamphere, "The FBI-KGB War," p.7.

"....the Soviet Union would seek to dominate the world."

8. Simply German military propaganda? Perhaps. But everything he said about the Soviet Union has turned out to be true.

The United Nations sprang from the doctrines of communism, i.e., international socialism. The first leader of the UN was Soviet Spy Alger Hiss.
Soviet spies got the materials and plans for the atomic bomb to Stalin.
Spies in the Truman administration lost China to the communists, which became a satellite of Stalin's.
Stalin used the leverage of having the bomb to produce the Korean War.
The Soviet Union ignited proxy wars worldwide.

a. "It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950."
Haynes, Klehr, and Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545.
And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

Believe what you will about Gimpel's story of the Germans disposing of Hitler, there is no doubt that they would have continued to be an enemy to Stalin's Soviet Union.

Too bad the same wasn't true of Franklin Roosevelt.
9. What??
Consider an alliance with our enemy, the German military, to counter Stalin's Soviet Union?

I realize that most of us have been taught to rage at the mention of the word "Nazi;" proof of Stalin's power during and after the period is the fact that few of us have the same reaction to the word "communist."

Here is a challenge: by what metric could Joseph Stalin be considered a better leader, individual, ally than Adolph Hitler?

a. Who killed more of his own citizenry? Stalin, by far.

b. What, you say....Hitler's genocide of the Jewish people? Staling taught the Nazis how to build and use concentration camps.
Jews fled Hitler and ran to the Soviet Union....and Stalin promptly sent them to the Nazis.

c, Until June 22, 1941, Hitler and Stalin were allies, with Stalin proving resources to the Nazis that Germany didn't have. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." NYTimes, November 27, 1925

d. September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland....on September 17, Stalin attacks from the East. The Soviet radio transmitter in Minsk guided the Nazi bombers attacking Polish cities. Newsreel footage showed the Red Army in Nazi helmets, marching side by side with the SS. The Soviet press depicted the battle as a fight against Polish fascism, with the peace-loving Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union fighting aggressive Polish fascism.

How to explain Roosevelt's infatuation with Stalin and Soviet communism????
The story is found in a book by Robert J. Lamphere...
"Robert J. Lamphere, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who supervised the investigations of some of the biggest espionage cases of the cold war, including those of the Rosenbergs, Klaus Fuchs and Kim Philby, died on Jan. 7 in a Tucson hospital. He was 83."
Robert J. Lamphere, 83, Spy Chaser for the F.B.I., Dies -

In his book, "The FBI-KGB War,", he recounts the following narrative of a captured German spy, Erich Gimpel. Note what Gimpel says about Germany, and about the Soviet Union....

1. In early 1944, an American seaman with Nazi sympathies, William Colepaugh, jumped ship in Portugal and promptly joined the Third Reich. Admiral Canaris' Abwehr (German Army Intelligence) primed him for an espionage mission in the United States.

2.Colepaugh was partnered with Erich Gimpel, a German, and the two were trained and then put on a U-boat to cross the Atlantic, and dropped near Bar Harbor, Maine, November 29, 1944.

3. The two made their way to NYC....
If it weren't for the low-life Colepaugh, Gimpel might not have been caught. The Abwehr had given them ninety-nine small diamonds, sixty thousand dollars in cash, two guns, false identity materials, and various espionage paraphernalia. Being of the character Colepaugh was, he waited for Gimpel to leave their hideout, and he split with everything.

4. The traitor had a friend in Queens, and the two spent the night drinking. His pal turned him in to the FBI. Colepaugh spilled the beans, and soon the FBI was looking for Gimpel....

Sorry to veer off topic for a moment:

Certainly not the only incidence of German-American treason, espionage, and sabotage during the war. But for some reason every single person of German descent on the East Coast wasn't deprived of their rights, liberty, and property and thrown into concentration camps. For some reason...

And not a single Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage during the war.

The story is found in a book by Robert J. Lamphere...
"Robert J. Lamphere, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who supervised the investigations of some of the biggest espionage cases of the cold war, including those of the Rosenbergs, Klaus Fuchs and Kim Philby, died on Jan. 7 in a Tucson hospital. He was 83."
Robert J. Lamphere, 83, Spy Chaser for the F.B.I., Dies -

In his book, "The FBI-KGB War,", he recounts the following narrative of a captured German spy, Erich Gimpel. Note what Gimpel says about Germany, and about the Soviet Union....

1. In early 1944, an American seaman with Nazi sympathies, William Colepaugh, jumped ship in Portugal and promptly joined the Third Reich. Admiral Canaris' Abwehr (German Army Intelligence) primed him for an espionage mission in the United States.

2.Colepaugh was partnered with Erich Gimpel, a German, and the two were trained and then put on a U-boat to cross the Atlantic, and dropped near Bar Harbor, Maine, November 29, 1944.

3. The two made their way to NYC....
If it weren't for the low-life Colepaugh, Gimpel might not have been caught. The Abwehr had given them ninety-nine small diamonds, sixty thousand dollars in cash, two guns, false identity materials, and various espionage paraphernalia. Being of the character Colepaugh was, he waited for Gimpel to leave their hideout, and he split with everything.

4. The traitor had a friend in Queens, and the two spent the night drinking. His pal turned him in to the FBI. Colepaugh spilled the beans, and soon the FBI was looking for Gimpel....

Sorry to veer off topic for a moment:

Certainly not the only incidence of German-American treason, espionage, and sabotage during the war. But for some reason every single person of German descent on the East Coast wasn't deprived of their rights, liberty, and property and thrown into concentration camps. For some reason...

And not a single Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage during the war.


Please....any topic/comment is fine.

I get where you are going with the Japanese internment.....but there is a view that it might have been due more to envy and votes than racism....

"The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese."
Folsom and Folsom, "FDR Goes To War"

...but, you could convince me of either motivation.
FDR was a fucking scumbag as well as a useful fool for Stalin either way.
German spy Gimpel's view is supported by testimony of former Soviet spy, Elizabeth Bentley, in way back in the 40's. Bentley defected, an explained that Stalin demanded that Germany not be allowed to surrender, but had to be destroyed.

10. . Elizabeth Bentley, a former operative of the Soviet underground testified before the Senate subcommittee on August 14, 1951, naming some 80 Soviet spies. Her testimony was summarized in an FBI report, dated November 25, 1945.

Glimpse the methods and purpose of the Soviet operation:

Miss Bentley testified as follows about the Morgenthau plan for Germany:
Senator Eastland: "Did you know who drew that plan?"

Miss Bentlcy: "Due to Mr. White's influence, to push the devastation of Germany, because that was what the Russians wanted."

Senator Ferguson: "That was what the Communists wanted?"

Miss Bentley: "Definitely Moscow wanted them completely razed because then they would be of no help to the allies."

Senator Eastland: "What you say is that it was a Communist plot to destroy Germany and weaken her to where she could not help us?"

Miss Bentley: "That is correct. She could no longer be a barrier to protect the western world." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.102-103

Elizabeth Bentley, a Soviet spy, gave testimony that explained why Stalin wanted no peace treaty with Germany...and it connects with what Erich Gimpel said.

a. Elizabeth Bentley identified some 150 Soviet spies working in the Roosevelt administration. Her allegations were proven once the KGB archives were opened in 1991. "Yet the consensus of several generations of American historians (backed by many journalists and other opinion leaders) routinely mocked, ridiculed, and dismissed her as a fraud and montebank."
Haynes, Klehr, and Vassiliev, " Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p.543-544.
11. So, it turns out that Elizabeth Bentley's knowledge of the Stalin's wishes verified what German spy Gimpel said: Stalin's world domination plans required that German not be allowed to surrender: it had to be crushed!

Stalin's greatest fear was a German surrender, leaving it intact. In order to the dominant power on the continent after the war, he needed the United States to totally crush Germany.

a. Soviet spy Harry Hopkins and Soviet dupe, George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies. They knew of all of the communists' iniquities, the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin.

Evidence can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book: "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

b. "...the idea of a coming clash between the Western democracies and Communism struck me as being a true evaluation of the future, not empty words.... never forgot his warning about the shape of the postwar world, and the inevitable clash between the West and the Soviet Union."
Robert J. Lamphere, "The FBI-KGB War," p. 7

Seems the above was well known to all.....

...all except Franklin Roosevelt.
Alley Talk

In the modern age, it seems that globalization and national alliances are inspired by mercantilism-related networking (i.e., eTrade).

When the Taliban attacked the World Trade Center on 9/11, everyone became very critical of American intelligence offices such as the NSA (National Security Agency). Today, the NSA claims it has revamped high-tech monitoring of communication networks and is cracking down on cyber-espionage. This development is important in our NATO-EU world of globalization economics.

The Clinton administration was rumored to be working closely with Pakistan against India in a time of socialism-democracy unrest in that region, and some wondered if bedfellows were being casted based solely on economics rather than the traditions of political policy. How can we keep differentiating between the two in our age of eTrade, though?

FDR never really made substantial gains with the Soviet Union even as the CIA developed; it was the Reagan administration that achieved that.

In the Hollywood (USA) movie "Enemy of the State" (1998), an average civil servant discovers that he has been implicated in an elaborate federal conspiracy involving the use of surveillance equipment to pinpoint the movements of various key political officers. This movie certainly represents a modern age anxiety about espionage colloquialization.


CAE in Cyber Operations Summer Intern Program

Alley Talk

In the modern age, it seems that globalization and national alliances are inspired by mercantilism-related networking (i.e., eTrade).

When the Taliban attacked the World Trade Center on 9/11, everyone became very critical of American intelligence offices such as the NSA (National Security Agency). Today, the NSA claims it has revamped high-tech monitoring of communication networks and is cracking down on cyber-espionage. This development is important in our NATO-EU world of globalization economics.

The Clinton administration was rumored to be working closely with Pakistan against India in a time of socialism-democracy unrest in that region, and some wondered if bedfellows were being casted based solely on economics rather than the traditions of political policy. How can we keep differentiating between the two in our age of eTrade, though?

FDR never really made substantial gains with the Soviet Union even as the CIA developed; it was the Reagan administration that achieved that.

In the Hollywood (USA) movie "Enemy of the State" (1998), an average civil servant discovers that he has been implicated in an elaborate federal conspiracy involving the use of surveillance equipment to pinpoint the movements of various key political officers. This movie certainly represents a modern age anxiety about espionage colloquialization.


CAE in Cyber Operations Summer Intern Program

View attachment 32006

FBI launches national facial recognition system
The system is designed to expand biometric identification capabilities across the country and eventually replace the FBI's current fingerprint system.

The system includes two new databases.

One, called Rap Back, enables FBI authorized entities the ability to receive ongoing status notifications of any criminal history reported on specific individuals. The bureau says that it will help law enforcement agencies, probation and parole offices, and others greatly improve their effectiveness by being advised of subsequent criminal activity of persons under investigation or supervision.

The second is called the Interstate Photo System. IPS facial recognition service will provide law enforcement agencies across the country an image-searching capability of photographs associated with criminal identities. The Feds say it is a significant step forward for the criminal justice community in utilizing biometrics as an investigative tool.

FBI launches national facial recognition system - New York News
The above listed system won't just be used for Criminals either, it'll be used for everybody under the guise of "Keeping us Safe".

What will happen is that when a Law Enforcement entity, State or Federal, wants to charge you with something they will go to this database of info and string together whatever they want to make you look guilty.

The problem with that? Digital Info means it can be easily manipulated meaning timelines can be changed. There's no "Chain of Custody" of this info, it just sits in massive servers somewhere (probably NSA Utah) waiting to be used for whatever purpose.

Also, Due Process goes out the window, a process almost NO Americans have the slightest CLUE about and is the reason we're not ruled by Kings. Look into Due Process, please.
And for you Dummies who always say "I got nothin' to hide!". Well don't lock your doors anymore and leave the blinds and curtains open all the time and let ANYONE look in ANY TIME THEY WANT TO!

How you like that idea? Does that make you feel uncomfortable? It should.

That's what all this surveillance is for: YOU!
The above listed system won't just be used for Criminals either, it'll be used for everybody under the guise of "Keeping us Safe".

What will happen is that when a Law Enforcement entity, State or Federal, wants to charge you with something they will go to this database of info and string together whatever they want to make you look guilty.

The problem with that? Digital Info means it can be easily manipulated meaning timelines can be changed. There's no "Chain of Custody" of this info, it just sits in massive servers somewhere (probably NSA Utah) waiting to be used for whatever purpose.

Also, Due Process goes out the window, a process almost NO Americans have the slightest CLUE about and is the reason we're not ruled by Kings. Look into Due Process, please.

Bet you will find this interesting, too....

1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by ins sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.

2. A secondary "tagging" system worked to establish the subject's identity via the FBI's new NGI or Next Generation Identification database. It was like iPhoto tagging on steroids.

a. NGI was an all-encompassing billion-dollar up-grade of the Bureau's fingerprint database,...including face-recognition technology, iris scans, fingerprints, palm prints, DNA, voice-print recordings, measures of gait, and detailed analysis of scars and tattoos.

3. With no concern paid to unreasonable searches, FAST also scanned your person to ascertain whether you were carrying any mobile devices. If you were, the FAST machine would establish a "handshake" with your devices and copy whatever readily available data they contained. FAST also looked for any RFID tags you might be carrying and copied the information from those as well."
From the novel "Black List," Brad Thor.

All of this was filed in DHS and NSA databases and a file created for each person who walked by.
And for you Dummies who always say "I got nothin' to hide!". Well don't lock your doors anymore and leave the blinds and curtains open all the time and let ANYONE look in ANY TIME THEY WANT TO!

How you like that idea? Does that make you feel uncomfortable? It should.

That's what all this surveillance is for: YOU!

You go a little bit further overboard than I.....but I get your drift.
Woa PC. You are a prolific writer I will give ya that.

Hey where did the U.S. 339th infantry fight after WWI?

How about HMS Erebus?

Look up where a previous Erebus was in 1812. Its kinda neat.
1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by ins sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.
That's an updated version of the "Lie Detector" and you know what?

"Lie Detectors" are NOT admissible in Court!
1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by ins sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.
That's an updated version of the "Lie Detector" and you know what?

"Lie Detectors" are NOT admissible in Court!

What makes you think anyone is talking about going to court......?
1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by ins sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.
That's an updated version of the "Lie Detector" and you know what?
"Lie Detectors" are NOT admissible in Court!
What makes you think anyone is talking about going to court......?
LOL! Exactly! They'll be "Renditioned".
1. " identify terrorist activity before it took place. Without permission, the device scanned the physiology of each person who unknowingly passed by ins sensor array, recording, storing, and analyzing their respiration, pheromone secretion, "electodermal" activity, and cardiovascular signature in an attempt to recognize "malintent" and alert authorities.
That's an updated version of the "Lie Detector" and you know what?
"Lie Detectors" are NOT admissible in Court!
What makes you think anyone is talking about going to court......?
LOL! Exactly! They'll be "Renditioned".

Let's get back to the good ol' enhanced interrogations!

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