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ESPN is such a mess

Announcer Named Robert Lee Off UVa Game To Avoid Offending Idiots
In a story that seems made for The Onion, but is actually true, according to multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN MSESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.
MSESPN Pulls Asian Announcer Named Robert Lee Off UVa Game To Avoid Offending Idiots

Robert E. Lee had never own any slaves. Even Abraham Lincoln never own any, but his wife best friend that she confide in. Was a seamstress that was a freed Black slave. And Abraham Lincoln was going to hire Gen. Lee because they had the same views on slavery, but Lee refused because of his loyalty to his state, which were Virginia.

Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and (from 1865) the general-in-chief of Confederate forces, neither owned slaves nor inherited any, thus it is not correct to assert that he “freed his slaves” (in 1862 or at any other time). The Truth About Confederate History: Part 2

/----/ CNN Ding bat kept calling Lee the President of the Confederacy. Even in the 1960s, schools stopped teaching about the Civil War except for the dates and issues. I bet most Americans can't tell you what century the war was in.
The amazing thing is we conservatives are still shocked when the leftest do something like this.
Are you shocked Trump has accumulated 1000 lies since Jan 20?
/----/ How about some examples of Trumps lies and supporting proof. As a guideline here is an example:
Left Wingers are knuttjobs
Troglocrat Voters hate rich white people.......but the Democratic Party is run by rich white people LOL
Telling 75% of America not to watch ESPN would be like telling them to cut off their arm.

I wouldn't tell anyone what to watch or not watch. But I would point out that it would be futile for a lib to watch any sporting event with an Asian guy named Robert Lee presenting it. Since a long dead Confederate General is now living rent free in the minds of libs, they would completely miss the game.

Just see our lib in his living room, settled on his couch in front of the TV with beer and chips all ready for the game. Then WHAM! On the screen pops an Asian face and he introduces himself as Robert Lee. "AAAAAAAGH! Oh noes!"

Up bolts the triggered lib sending chips flying everywhere. The dog runs out of the room. The convulsing lib now paces in circles waving his arms, chanting "Slavery, Slavery, Slavery, Slavery...". Spittle flying from his lips. Veins bulging from his temple. "Slavery, Slavery, Slavery! There was slavery over 150 years agooooooo! AAAAAAAGH!" Then with a loud thump, he collapses on the floor writhing in a pool of his own spilled beer, piss and spittle.

That's no way to enjoy a game.
Announcer Named Robert Lee Off UVa Game To Avoid Offending Idiots
In a story that seems made for The Onion, but is actually true, according to multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN MSESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.
MSESPN Pulls Asian Announcer Named Robert Lee Off UVa Game To Avoid Offending Idiots

Robert E. Lee had never own any slaves. Even Abraham Lincoln never own any, but his wife best friend that she confide in. Was a seamstress that was a freed Black slave. And Abraham Lincoln was going to hire Gen. Lee because they had the same views on slavery, but Lee refused because of his loyalty to his state, which were Virginia.

Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and (from 1865) the general-in-chief of Confederate forces, neither owned slaves nor inherited any, thus it is not correct to assert that he “freed his slaves” (in 1862 or at any other time). The Truth About Confederate History: Part 2

/----/ CNN Ding bat kept calling Lee the President of the Confederacy. Even in the 1960s, schools stopped teaching about the Civil War except for the dates and issues. I bet most Americans can't tell you what century the war was in.

They can't tell you what century they are in.
Did someone from the left attack Christopher Columbus statue?

This joke just keeps getting better:

De Blasio Weighing Removal of Christopher Columbus Statue
The speaker of the City Council says Christopher Columbus is a 'controversial figure'

De Blasio has ordered a 90-day review of all statues and monuments that suggest hate, division, racism or anti-Semitism and said that he would put together a task force in the next few days that will evaluate each one and come up with recommendations going forward.

“The Columbus statue is obviously one that will get very immediate attention because there’s been tremendous concern raised about it,” Ben Sarle, a mayoral spokesman, wrote in an emailed statement. “When the guidelines/criteria for review are set by the commission, we will make sure they are available to the public.”

But what is this? Pushback? This guy is obviously a NAZI:

But Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli, a Republican, for his part, sent a letter to Mark-Viverito and de Blasio today urging them to present a “clear and concise document” outlining the specific criteria over which the removal of the city’s public monuments and the renaming of the city’s public spaces will be judged.

“Although your intentions may be well placed, I fear that an examination into these particular statues, as well as the many others the city hopes to ‘review,’ will present complex and cloudy historical interpretations that will only serve to deepen gaps between people of New York with different backgrounds and historical worldviews,” Borelli wrote. “I will also bluntly remind you that it will not change the history of those they commemorate, controversial or otherwise.”

De Blasio Weighing Removal of Christopher Columbus Statue

Which of these should be considered hate speech and not allowed by Progs?

"I hope Trump is assassinated."
"I hope Obama is assassinated."

"I hate n-words"
"I hate crackers."

"What do we want? Dead Cops!"
"That girl is a retard"

They are all hate speech and should be censored, right?
:2up: And how many job openings are there in the USA? 95 Million?, but now, with the "Anti-Robert E. Lee Debacle" in full force,,it seems as if your name is Robert Lee, you will be fired or asked to leave.
Does this mean that future job postings in publications/the web will all mention at the end of the ad,,,"Please Note, If Your Name Is Robert Lee, We Will Not Accept Your Application/and/or "Need Not Apply".
And we can add Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington to the list too.
Now can you imagine, lets say some firm is in need of about 10 more people, and only 4 or 5 show up to apply with all the job credentials,,and their names are the same ones of statues being torn down,,,,u think they will all get hired?
Dear Rexx Taylor: This was just in Virginia, where there was a heightened "trigger" alert for protestors even hijacking city council meetings to vent about Charlottesville. When this settles down, it won't be so "hypersensitive".

I hope removal of statues is also just temporary to discourage vandalism. A Columbus statue in Houston got painted on, and had to be cleaned up by an arts nonprofit before the paint set. But the oldest monument to Columbus in the country got demolished, permanently damaged, over the media hype inciting lawless protests as "the only way to protest genocide."

Until people calm down and "redirect traffic" and media attention to a democratic process for redressing grievances,
some people are taking to the streets and attacking anything that can get media attention *while the hype is at its height."

After we set up processes for addressing statues by historical preservation standards,
this won't keep happening.

We can't possible protest every street named after Confederate references.
People are going to have to sit down with officials with college campuses, park and historic administrations
and do this civilly. The protests cannot keep popping up; once a process is set up then people will go there.

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