Essential guide giving 20 reasons why you should choose to leave!


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is an awesome compilation. Honestly I have no idea why any sane Brit would choose to be ruled by the EU. Great read. Here's just a few reasons.

This one would be a biggie for me.


We pay far more into the EU budget than we get back — making a net contribution of around £8.5 billion last year (£23 million a day), which is more than we spend on the police service or border controls.

The NHS costs £8.5 billion a month and the Health Service would get an extra £5 billion a year as a result of Brexit.

Also, almost £1 billion of British cash goes to the EU for international aid.

Oh and most definitely these two.


Parliament is powerless, under EU treaties, to defend itself against the rulings of the European Court of Justice — which has interfered in everything from the price of beer to the right to deport terror suspects.

The UK has lost three-quarters of the cases it’s challenged since 1973. This makes a mockery of the idea that the UK’s Supreme Court is supreme.


Thanks to Brussels diktats, some of the EU’s most evil killers, rapists and drug-dealers have been allowed to remain here — because their right to free movement has been put ahead of keeping the British public safe.

A report by the Labour-led Commons Home Affairs Committee said the number of foreign criminals who had not been deported could fill a ‘small town’. British jails hold almost 10,000 foreign prisoners — including 1,000 Poles.

Read more: Undecided? Read this essential primer...
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It is very interesting, but here already exists a thread where all that stuff has been discussed numerous times.
Ta-daaa. Brexit busted.

But it seems that in a couple of days Brexiters will have to open a new thread which may be called “What should we do now when we have lost the referendum?”
It is very interesting, but here already exists a thread where all that stuff has been discussed numerous times.
Ta-daaa. Brexit busted.

But it seems that in a couple of days Brexiters will have to open a new thread which may be called “What should we do now when we have lost the referendum?”

Good morning! It's a beautiful day don't you think? How would you like to rephrase that question?

Hi! :bye1:

Well, yeah, I have a strange feeling that I should rephrase the question but I haven’t come up with a new version yet. ;)

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