Estimated 12 Dems in House Will Vote AGAINST Impeachment

Its not a SECRET impeachment.
Oh, yes, it is when it is not open to public review it is secret. That is why it is being held in the SCIF room, dude.

Well this is how they passed health care with their Cornhusker kickbacks and such.

It's how they roll.

After all, if they did not govern in the shadows none of us would ever vote for them again.
Its not a SECRET impeachment.
Oh, yes, it is when it is not open to public review it is secret. That is why it is being held in the SCIF room, dude.

The impeachments of Clinton nor Nixon were at first. The republicans (46) are in there asking questions,
If Schiff lets them.
Oh Jim, you are so lost in right wing propaganda....

the Repubs did not question the witness on what he said, or to get to the truth or facts on what the witness swore to, under God's oath...

They only wanted to try to get him to expose who else knew the truth of what Trump did, so they could narrow down, who the whistle blower was..... So Trump and his sters can do their vengeance against the Truth Sayer and try to destroy them... that's pure EVIL.... Satan's work. :eek: when? When are you going to stop foolishly being their pawn?



No, I'm sorry you don't understand the concept.

Our duly elected representatives voted to give military aid to the Ukraine, currently under attack from Russia, because they felt it was in our strategic interest to do so.

An UNELECTED President took those funds, and tried to use them to extort the Ukrainian government into smearing a political rival.



No, I'm sorry you don't understand the concept.

Our duly elected representatives voted to give military aid to the Ukraine, currently under attack from Russia, because they felt it was in our strategic interest to do so.

An UNELECTED President took those funds, and tried to use them to extort the Ukrainian government into smearing a political rival.

Have you been comatose since 2016???



No, I'm sorry you don't understand the concept.

Our duly elected representatives voted to give military aid to the Ukraine, currently under attack from Russia, because they felt it was in our strategic interest to do so.

An UNELECTED President took those funds, and tried to use them to extort the Ukrainian government into smearing a political rival.
Please tell me how looking into the circumstances
surrounding Burisma holdings and it subsidiaries
is smearing a political rival?

Biden wasn't going to approve the military aid
if they didn't fire Shokin, so what was the real strategic interest
I wonder, can the DIms use Reconciliation to bypass the Senate for the impeachment process like they passed health care?

You Dims remember what happened with health care, right? Ted Kennedy was dying of brain cancer, but they needed his vote in the Senate to pass Obamacare. So they decided to try and prevent another election to replace him, which meant changing the laws. Well to make a long story short, they failed as Scott Brown, the first Republican in like a thousand years was elected in Massachusetts as he ran on stopping Obamacare. For you see, the people of MA liked their Romneycare and did not much like the Federal government nosing in on their state affairs. You know, how the government was originally set up with Federalism. So there Scott Brown stood thanks to the democrat process to stop Obamacare, so Dims used the Unconstitutional method of Reconciliation to stop the democrat process and the bind the powers of the Constitution because they despise both if they get in their way.
Please tell me how looking into the circumstances
surrounding Burisma holdings and it subsidiaries
is smearing a political rival?

When the investigation was already closed, and they tried to get it reopened by withholding funds.

If this was on the up and up, there should have been a formal request made, not this backdoor dealing by Guliani outside diplomatic channels to make it look like the Ukraine was opening this investigation on their own.

Biden wasn't going to approve the military aid
if they didn't fire Shokin, so what was the real strategic interest

The aid that Biden held up was at the insistence of the EU and IMF, which wasn't willing to commit more money until Shokin was gone. Oh, yeah, and it was economic aid, not military aid.

Have you been comatose since 2016???

Lost by 3 million votes. The people said, "No"!

Selected, not elected.
Gee, you evidently flunked civics, since you're too dumb to know the President is actually elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE (representing the states), and NOT by popular vote...

But then you've always been a little slow, haven't you???
Gee, you evidently flunked civics, since you're too dumb to know the President is actually elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE (representing the states), and NOT by popular vote...

But then you've always been a little slow, haven't you???

Guy, just because they are still using an anachronism devised by slave rapists, doesn't take away from the obvious fact.

The people said "No".
They stepped in it so bad and the polling is not going their way. Now, a year before re-election, they're asking all their vulnerable Dems to step out for this sham of a joke. hahahahahhaha Couldn't happen to a "nicer" group of people

Yup and you can bet many won't vote for it. Politicians protect number one. Themselves. They all know this impeachment bullshit is just that bullshit. You can bet your sweet ass they don't want their names associated with it.

There will be no impeachment and they all know it. What a pack of boobs.

And boy do I love those incompetent boobs.

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