Estimated 12 Dems in House Will Vote AGAINST Impeachment

Gee, you evidently flunked civics, since you're too dumb to know the President is actually elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE (representing the states), and NOT by popular vote...

But then you've always been a little slow, haven't you???

Guy, just because they are still using an anachronism devised by slave rapists, doesn't take away from the obvious fact.

The people said "No".

Pigloosey is such a freaking loser.

House Dem Jeff Van Drew Signals He's Not Voting for Pelosi's Impeachment Bill

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) said Tuesday that he will likely vote against a resolution by House Democrats to formalize their secret impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, prompting more uncertainly around whether Thursday’s expected vote will go on as planned.

Asked by NBC News reporter Alex Moe if he supports the measure, Van Drew replied: “I would imagine that I’m not voting for it.” Van Drew, whose district President Trump won in 2016, is among roughly a dozen House Democrats who oppose the impeachment inquiry. “I have long maintained the position that the impeachment or potential impeachment would not be good for Democrats or Republicans,” the lawmaker told Fox News in September.
They aren't voting on impeachment.
They're voting on moving on to the next phase of a fake inquiry.
Yup and you can bet many won't vote for it. Politicians protect number one. Themselves. They all know this impeachment bullshit is just that bullshit. You can bet your sweet ass they don't want their names associated with it.

There will be no impeachment and they all know it. What a pack of boobs.

And boy do I love those incompetent boobs.

Impeachment is inevitable.

The only question is, will the same Republicans who argued lying about a blowjob 20 years ago will now insist that bribery and extortion of a foreign leader with taxpayer funds isn't.
Gee, you evidently flunked civics, since you're too dumb to know the President is actually elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE (representing the states), and NOT by popular vote...

But then you've always been a little slow, haven't you???

Guy, just because they are still using an anachronism devised by slave rapists, doesn't take away from the obvious fact.

The people said "No".
So, if you don't like the Constitution, feel free to move to Iran...

Who knows, you might be able to convince them of the virtues of toilet paper, since the military trained you to hand it out!!!

Have you been comatose since 2016???

Lost by 3 million votes. The people said, "No"!

Selected, not elected.

Trump carried more states than Obama in 2008
and he won by 10 million votes

Trump carried more states than Obama in 2012
and he won by 5 million votes with 2 million fewer voters

Trump carried 30 states, Hillary carried 20
Over 5 million more voters than'08
Over 7 million more voters than'12
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million
which has now been reduced to 1.5 million
after last weeks news, which we already knew
Yup and you can bet many won't vote for it. Politicians protect number one. Themselves. They all know this impeachment bullshit is just that bullshit. You can bet your sweet ass they don't want their names associated with it.

There will be no impeachment and they all know it. What a pack of boobs.

And boy do I love those incompetent boobs.

Impeachment is inevitable.

The only question is, will the same Republicans who argued lying about a blowjob 20 years ago will now insist that bribery and extortion of a foreign leader with taxpayer funds isn't.

Inevitable?? Hope your not holding your breath. LMAO
Pigloosey is such a freaking loser.

House Dem Jeff Van Drew Signals He's Not Voting for Pelosi's Impeachment Bill

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) said Tuesday that he will likely vote against a resolution by House Democrats to formalize their secret impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, prompting more uncertainly around whether Thursday’s expected vote will go on as planned.

Asked by NBC News reporter Alex Moe if he supports the measure, Van Drew replied: “I would imagine that I’m not voting for it.” Van Drew, whose district President Trump won in 2016, is among roughly a dozen House Democrats who oppose the impeachment inquiry. “I have long maintained the position that the impeachment or potential impeachment would not be good for Democrats or Republicans,” the lawmaker told Fox News in September.

There are 21 Democrats in Trump friendly districts. Their Republican challenges are praying that these assholes vote for impeachment.
It's almost a certainty that they would be voting themselves right out of office.

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Yup and you can bet many won't vote for it. Politicians protect number one. Themselves. They all know this impeachment bullshit is just that bullshit. You can bet your sweet ass they don't want their names associated with it.

There will be no impeachment and they all know it. What a pack of boobs.

And boy do I love those incompetent boobs.

Impeachment is inevitable.

The only question is, will the same Republicans who argued lying about a blowjob 20 years ago will now insist that bribery and extortion of a foreign leader with taxpayer funds isn't.
Hill was forced to resign...explain

If bribery and extortion can pay to shut down investigations
then they can pay to open them back up
Please tell me how looking into the circumstances
surrounding Burisma holdings and it subsidiaries
is smearing a political rival?

When the investigation was already closed, and they tried to get it reopened by withholding funds.

If this was on the up and up, there should have been a formal request made, not this backdoor dealing by Guliani outside diplomatic channels to make it look like the Ukraine was opening this investigation on their own.

Biden wasn't going to approve the military aid
if they didn't fire Shokin, so what was the real strategic interest

The aid that Biden held up was at the insistence of the EU and IMF, which wasn't willing to commit more money until Shokin was gone. Oh, yeah, and it was economic aid, not military aid.
Omg...may I make a suggestion?

Google translate
Its not a SECRET impeachment.
Oh, yes, it is when it is not open to public review it is secret. That is why it is being held in the SCIF room, dude.

The impeachments of Clinton nor Nixon were at first. The republicans (46) are in there asking questions,
If Schiff lets them.

Jim Jordan called him the whistleblower on National TV yesterday, they were asking who he talked to, they were asking him their names, they were trying to figure out who was the whistleblower, yet Jim Jordan called him that. Glad Jim Jordan is not in the public hearing. He is a which job.

By the way, do they want anyone to testify?? Besides Pres Z.



No, I'm sorry you don't understand the concept.

Our duly elected representatives voted to give military aid to the Ukraine, currently under attack from Russia, because they felt it was in our strategic interest to do so.

An UNELECTED President took those funds, and tried to use them to extort the Ukrainian government into smearing a political rival.
Please tell me how looking into the circumstances
surrounding Burisma holdings and it subsidiaries
is smearing a political rival?

Biden wasn't going to approve the military aid
if they didn't fire Shokin, so what was the real strategic interest

well they were concerned about corruption, and the EU and IMF

The sharper tone from Shokin’s critics comes amid a growing chorus of frustration from Ukrainian and European officials who have in recent months accused Shokin of intentionally sabotaging anti-graft investigations and the prosecution of those responsible for the deliberate killing of more than 100 Maidan protestors by Yanukovych’s Berkut riot police in January-February 2014.

During a December 2015 visit to Kyiv, US Vice President Joe Biden said corruption emanating from the prosecutor general’s office was eating away at Ukraine’s key reform attempts “like a cancer.”

Foreign creditors have long complained about high-level corruption in the prosecutor’s office, a Soviet relic that provides unprecedented power to one individual over the country’s court and prosecution system.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director Christine Lagarde reiterated their frustrations in February when she said that the lack of progress in fighting government corruption in Ukraine meant that the IMF might be forced to halt the support program that has kept the country afloat for the last two years

Georgian-born Sakvarelidze Sacked by Ukraine’s Disgraced Prosecutor General
It only took them a little over a month to collect and modify all the information they gathered behind closed doors to justify impeachment. Under the same circumstances, a high school newspaper could have done that in two weeks. If Democrats feel comfortable doing this, how long do you think our bill of rights would last under their rule. These people are a danger to our freedom.
So, if you don't like the Constitution, feel free to move to Iran...

Who knows, you might be able to convince them of the virtues of toilet paper, since the military trained you to hand it out!!!

You couldn't have done my job in the army or even gotten into it...

First, it requires the ability to read.

Omg...may I make a suggestion?

Google translate

May I make a suggestion? Your special ed classes didn't do you any good.
So, if you don't like the Constitution, feel free to move to Iran...

Who knows, you might be able to convince them of the virtues of toilet paper, since the military trained you to hand it out!!!

You couldn't have done my job in the army or even gotten into it...

First, it requires the ability to read.

Omg...may I make a suggestion?

Google translate

May I make a suggestion? Your special ed classes didn't do you any good.

O M're a hoot

How could you insinuate that Obiwan is illiterate after typing,
You couldn't have done my job in the army or even gotten into it?

Furthermore, insinuate that Obiwan is illiterate,
and instead of offering me a suggestion, you made a statement.
Pigloosey is such a freaking loser.

House Dem Jeff Van Drew Signals He's Not Voting for Pelosi's Impeachment Bill

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) said Tuesday that he will likely vote against a resolution by House Democrats to formalize their secret impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, prompting more uncertainly around whether Thursday’s expected vote will go on as planned.

Asked by NBC News reporter Alex Moe if he supports the measure, Van Drew replied: “I would imagine that I’m not voting for it.” Van Drew, whose district President Trump won in 2016, is among roughly a dozen House Democrats who oppose the impeachment inquiry. “I have long maintained the position that the impeachment or potential impeachment would not be good for Democrats or Republicans,” the lawmaker told Fox News in September.

You're wrong again.

I have yet to see you be correct on anything you post.

Here's a good piece of advice, stop making predictions. You're always wrong.

ZERO democrats voted against the impeachment inquiry.

You do provide good comic relief. I have a great time laughing at you and your stupidity.

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