"ETHICAL ASH HEAP" ???...Is the Wall Street Journal, right?? About the Democrats & Fani Willis election interference effort onto Trump?

I'm not sure why you think hating Cadet Bone-Spurs is the same as hating America.

I love America, I served in the army for 11 years.

Trump got a bullshit medical excuse to avoid Vietnam.

Trump is a piece of human excrement and deserves every bit of abuse he has coming to him and then some.
Watch this, dirtbag. Then tell us what a meanie OMB is.

You're a propagandist, not a poster. You don't want to talk, to discuss, you only want to scream obscentiies, to accuse, to demean, to throw shit at the opposition. Since that's all any of you do, I return the favor. dimocraps are scum. ALL of them

As to serving in the Army? So what? I don't play that card in here. Means squat. BTW, what is the MOS for trash hauler?

Mine was 11B4S.

Whoa, nobody cares.

Fani won't be disqualified because that judge needs black votes to get re-elected.

Still sucks to be Trump.
So black people don't want honest elected officials? That seems pretty racist.


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Yes. If you come rejoin us here planet, Earth, you cannot deny that this is EXACTLY political persecution. Yep. Of the 'election interference' derivation. By which, Dems are tying EVERYTHING possible to prevent Trump from becoming for US President again.
Trump winning an election to be US President again, is all about politics.
Saying a Presidential election was stolen from you, is all about 'Politics' no doubt indeed --if you are here on planet Earth.

Convicting Trump will not stop him from being president. I wish it would. But he can run his campaign from a jail cell.

What it will do is force Americans to answer the question, do they really want a man who has been indicted for 91 felonies in four jurisdictions to be president? Most people who aren't drinking the orange koolaid would say, "No."

I agree. He is not being put on trial for his politics --He is being on trial BECAUSE OF his politics.
So satanic Democrats told a lie/concocted some bullsiht that when Trump exercising his 1st Amendment to say an election was stolen then Trump presenting proofs that illegal processes occurred onto votes DOES SOMEHOW = Trump illegally tried to change the outcome of an election.

Except every court rejected his claims of "stolen elections" and his own people (Pence, Barr, etc.) told him the election was secure. 60 court cases, he lost every last one of them.

Also, the first Amendment does not give you leave to instigate a riot or threaten public officials.

He did not do that.
Four Grand Juries said he did.

It has everything to do with it. How? You ask.
It is because the same mindset/the same brain/the same judgment/the same mental capacity which now uses Mr. Wade to show that that brain feels prosecutorial misconduct is a-okay IS THE SAME BRAIN that used uu immorally IS THE SAME BRAIN/the same judgment/the same mental capacity that faked like the RICO Act should be applied to Trump.

Except I'm not seeing Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis having an adult relationship being prosecutorial misconduct, as much as you like to pretend it is.

They paid for vacations out of their own salaries. That's not misconduct.
You're a propagandist, not a poster. You don't want to talk, to discuss, you only want to scream obscentiies, to accuse, to demean, to throw shit at the opposition. Since that's all any of you do, I return the favor. dimocraps are scum. ALL of them

As to serving in the Army? So what? I don't play that card in here. Means squat. BTW, what is the MOS for trash hauler?

Mine was 11B4S.

11B? Did you rate yourself as a moron on your ASVAB?

Mine was 76Y30,

Also, you seem like you are not a well guy, honestly.

I'm happy to discuss stuff, but frankly, very little of your output rises above "Repeating what you heard on Hate Radio and repeating it like you had an original idea."
11B? Did you rate yourself as a moron on your ASVAB?

Mine was 76Y30,

Also, you seem like you are not a well guy, honestly.

I'm happy to discuss stuff, but frankly, very little of your output rises above "Repeating what you heard on Hate Radio and repeating it like you had an original idea."
11B4S. Get it right. And now, that topic is closed to me.

The rest? Drivel. I no longer care. I used to. No more. ALL dims are past the point of redemption, AFAIC.

You vote for the scummiest scumbag piles of shit on the Planet Earth while knowing EXACTLY who and what you're voting for?

I have no interest in trying to help you.
The rest? Drivel. I no longer care. I used to. No more. ALL dims are past the point of redemption, AFAIC.

You vote for the scummiest scumbag piles of shit on the Planet Earth while knowing EXACTLY who and what you're voting for?

I have no interest in trying to help you.

Thank God for that. Every time you guys get in charge, we get wars, recessions, and natural disasters.

You know, things you can't handle well because you don't actually believe in Government.
Convicting Trump will not stop him from being president. I wish it would. But he can run his campaign from a jail cell.

What it will do is force Americans to answer the question, do they really want a man who has been indicted for 91 felonies in four jurisdictions to be president? Most people who aren't drinking the orange koolaid would say, "No."

Except every court rejected his claims of "stolen elections" and his own people (Pence, Barr, etc.) told him the election was secure. 60 court cases, he lost every last one of them.

Also, the first Amendment does not give you leave to instigate a riot or threaten public officials.

Four Grand Juries said he did.

Except I'm not seeing Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis having an adult relationship being prosecutorial misconduct, as much as you like to pretend it is.

They paid for vacations out of their own salaries. That's not misconduct.
Four grad juries said they felt there was enough to explore further
They did not pronounce guilt
Stop lying(we know you can’t)
Four grad juries said they felt there was enough to explore further
They did not pronounce guilt
Stop lying(we know you can’t)

No, it will be a jury that will find guilt.

Funny, Trump seems to be in no hurry to get to a jury.

Seems to me if he was innocent, he'd be ready to proclaim that in court.
Thank God for that. Every time you guys get in charge, we get wars, recessions, and natural disasters.

You know, things you can't handle well because you don't actually believe in Government.
You are either a liar or beyond stupid.

Every Major War we've ever been involved in was caused by dimocraps. The Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, JFK got us into Viet Nam and LBJ escalated it. Nixon got us out and was attacked for it.

Bush I and II? Those little dust-ups weren't 'Wars'. By no stretch of the imagination could either or any of them be called a 'War'. They were, at worst, an inconvenience.

Now, the War in Ukraine that Sponge Brains Shits Pants allowed to happen with his 'Minor Incursion' speech? THAT'S a fucking War. IDF slaughering Goat Fuckers? That's a War. Caused by Biden's weakness in Afghanistan. You know.... That War OMB ended??

This is why I don't talk to dirtbags like you. You lie. Everything you post is either a lie or, more often, a lie couched in a half-truth. Which, technically, is a fucking lie.

Back to ignore, scumbag
No, it will be a jury that will find guilt.

Funny, Trump seems to be in no hurry to get to a jury.

Seems to me if he was innocent, he'd be ready to proclaim that in court.
No guilt has yet been declared so stop lying and shufflin’
You are either a liar or beyond stupid.

Every Major War we've ever been involved in was caused by dimocraps. The Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, JFK got us into Viet Nam and LBJ escalated it. Nixon got us out and was attacked for it.

Did you just forget about the Gulf War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War, all brought to you by Republicans? I mean, if you have to go back 60 years to find a "Democrat" war, you are probably trying too hard.

Bush I and II? Those little dust-ups weren't 'Wars'. By no stretch of the imagination could either or any of them be called a 'War'. They were, at worst, an inconvenience.
The guys who served during them would say otherwise. So would all the people who died.

Now, the War in Ukraine that Sponge Brains Shits Pants allowed to happen with his 'Minor Incursion' speech? THAT'S a fucking War. IDF slaughering Goat Fuckers? That's a War. Caused by Biden's weakness in Afghanistan. You know.... That War OMB ended??

Wow, you have a vivid imagination. The IDF have been slaughtering Arabs since 1948.
For Ukraine, it's nice to have a president who stands up to Putin instead of praising him.

This is why I don't talk to dirtbags like you. You lie. Everything you post is either a lie or, more often, a lie couched in a half-truth. Which, technically, is a fucking lie.

Back to ignore, scumbag

Yes, go back and tuck your tail between your legs.
400 million in fines says I am not hallucinating.
400 million in fines by crooked and/or activist Judges, who obey the DNC, says you are not hallucinating about election interference and anger over a non-politician promising to drain the swamp when he strolled down that escalator in2015
What it will do is force Americans to answer the question, do they really want a man who has been indicted for 91 felonies in four jurisdictions to be president? Most people who aren't drinking the orange koolaid would say, "No.
You meant, it will force Americans to realize that since a nation of satanic Democrats can get their activist judges to help concoct nonsense against Trump in order to subjugate him with our criminal justice system --then the same Democrat-evils can happen to YOU the ordinary citizen!

Except every court rejected his claims of "stolen elections" and his own people (Pence, Barr, etc.) told him the election was secure. 60 court cases, he lost every last one of them.
Judge Edgeron just reminded the world of 2021 and how corrupt and unethical an anti-Trump court will get, in order to try to stop Trump.
So you are spinning your wheels here, versus me, trying to convince yourself that satanic Courts are legitimate in their prosecution of Trump.

Just because activist judges used their courtroom to kill, democracy, does not mean democracy did not exist when Trump provided proof that the election was cheated away from him. Its just like with OJ Simpson acquittal... if you believe the Courts got it wrong then, well that compels you to accept that the courts can get it wrong against Trump or anybody who presents compelling proof that goes against a corrupt agenda that a court is obeying.

Also, the first Amendment does not give you leave to instigate a riot or threaten public officials.
I agree. Which is why you can NEVER change the fact that this is NOT instigating a riot nor threatening public officials:

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

You can scream that Democratic Party nonsense, it until you are blue in the face, but it won't change the facts of this matter.

Four Grand Juries said he did.
Yep. Four corrupt grand juries following a national agenda by the DNC.

Except I'm not seeing Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis having an adult relationship being prosecutorial misconduct, as much as you like to pretend it is.
You're a Democrat. So, of course you don't see it.

You are ineligible to see fairness!
You meant, it will force Americans to realize that since a nation of satanic Democrats can get their activist judges to help concoct nonsense against Trump in order to subjugate him with our criminal justice system --then the same Democrat-evils can happen to YOU the ordinary citizen!

Sorry, man, only the crazies would think that. Most Americans - even Republicans - know Trump is a piece of human excrement.

Judge Edgeron just reminded the world of 2021 and how corrupt and unethical an anti-Trump court will get, in order to try to stop Trump.
So you are spinning your wheels here, versus me, trying to convince yourself that satanic Courts are legitimate in their prosecution of Trump.

I don't have to convince myself of anything. My side has already won. Now Trump will appeal, but he still has to put up the money, and I doubt any lawyers will put in the hours to do his appeal.

His lawyers keep getting worse, because he won't hire anyone who will tell him stuff he doesn't want to hear.

Just because activist judges used their courtroom to kill, democracy, does not mean democracy did not exist when Trump provided proof that the election was cheated away from him. Its just like with OJ Simpson acquittal... if you believe the Courts got it wrong then, well that compels you to accept that the courts can get it wrong against Trump or anybody who presents compelling proof that goes against a corrupt agenda that a court is obeying.

So all the courts are corrupt, even the courts that had judges appointed by Trump.

I agree. Which is why you can NEVER change the fact that this is NOT instigating a riot nor threatening public officials:
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
You can scream that Democratic Party nonsense, it until you are blue in the face, but it won't change the facts of this matter.

It is completely irrelevant; you leave out three months of riling these crazies up. Or three hours of him refusing to call them off when the riot started.

Yep. Four corrupt grand juries following a national agenda by the DNC.
So the Grand juries are corrupt, the courts are corrupt, Congress is corrupt, the intel community is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt. Even half the GOP is corrupt.


Trump is corrupt?

Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor?

You're a Democrat. So, of course you don't see it.

You are ineligible to see fairness!
Fairness would be Trump spending the rest of his life in prison and having his name removed from every building and record.
see; local mirror

a piece of human excrement.
see; local mirror

My side has already won. Now Trump will appeal, but he still has to put up the money, and I doubt any lawyers will put in the hours to do his appeal.
There you go again, happy ONLY that the Democrat's activist judges manipulated the USA court system to cheat Trump. Which is why you REFUSE to comment on how Dem''s activist judge Edgeron usurped bank experts ---and valuated the properties himself, just to fake a valid reason to convict Trump.

Thanks for showing viewers that you deserve your citizenship revoked and you removed from the USA.

His lawyers keep getting worse, because he won't hire anyone who will tell him stuff he doesn't want to hear.
Nope. His lawyers keep getting... cheated by your Democrat activist judges who you enjoy seeing rayp the USA court system when using it to perfect their hatred of Trump.

So all the courts are corrupt, even the courts that had judges appointed by Trump.
We already saw when SCOTUS refused to address the constitutional illegalities of MI WI GA & AZ, that judges who hate Trump --will NOT reject an appointment when he elevates them to SCOTUS positions. The swamp they love, is bigger than the guy who promised to drain it.

It is completely irrelevant; you leave out three months of riling these crazies up. Or three hours of him refusing to call them off when the riot started.
Nope. You can't move the goalpost, for Trump. Face it, for 3 months he never once told any supporter to go be violent at the Capitol. No matter how much you Dems brainwash yourselves into another concocted lie. Then, on Jan 6th ---he said peacefully and patriotically. Democrat's lunatics do not get to be anti-HUMAN and pretend those words actually mean go be violent.

So the Grand juries are corrupt, the courts are corrupt, Congress is corrupt, the intel community is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt. Even half the GOP is corrupt.
Only the swamp's life-long residency seekers yep the Democrats and Repubs who hate Trump because Trump dared to brag about being a non-politician who ran for President to drain the swamp.
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