EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

The UN is supposed to do a lot of things but they fail due to Anti Americanism...
"Anti-Americanism" = Not always follow US orders.

You have a nice avatar, by the way.
No, anti-Americanism is actively seeking the overthrow of our government and the deaths of our citizens.

Which is what terrorists who proclaim we must *submit* to the EU are all about. You are the enemy.
Paranoia. This causes the US´ hostile stance that is the default relationship.

Uh, no. It isn't paranoia to say that the people who call for the dismantling of our government are seeking to overthrow our government.
I don´t know whom you are referring to but how does it feel when you get back what you have in pocket for others, even if it is just paranoia?
I'm referring to you. You are an enemy of the US. If you're a citizen, you are preaching sedition.

"f two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

When you tell us we need to dismantle our constitution and substitute a different *democracy* for our constitutional're committing a crime.

Just so you know. People do get prosecuted for it, and thrown in jail.

In fact, this is how the feds justified throwing the Bundys in jail. They had to let them go (with prejudice) because in that case, the seditious ones were the feds.

But the point is a crime. And you can be thrown in prison for it. If you're American.

"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

"Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

"Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction."

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Wait where is the post where someone said all that crap about destroying the constitution and how we need to eliminate our constitutional republic???

I thought it was in this thread. Oh well, the information is good to review once in a while.
"Anti-Americanism" = Not always follow US orders.

You have a nice avatar, by the way.
No, anti-Americanism is actively seeking the overthrow of our government and the deaths of our citizens.

Which is what terrorists who proclaim we must *submit* to the EU are all about. You are the enemy.
Paranoia. This causes the US´ hostile stance that is the default relationship.

Uh, no. It isn't paranoia to say that the people who call for the dismantling of our government are seeking to overthrow our government.
I don´t know whom you are referring to but how does it feel when you get back what you have in pocket for others, even if it is just paranoia?
I'm referring to you. You are an enemy of the US. If you're a citizen, you are preaching sedition.

"f two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

When you tell us we need to dismantle our constitution and substitute a different *democracy* for our constitutional're committing a crime.

Just so you know. People do get prosecuted for it, and thrown in jail.

In fact, this is how the feds justified throwing the Bundys in jail. They had to let them go (with prejudice) because in that case, the seditious ones were the feds.

But the point is a crime. And you can be thrown in prison for it. If you're American.

What government? That Trump bots on Twitter? They should be overthrown, yes. But by the Americans.
Who the hell was it that posted that craziness about how our country wasn't a democracy and we needed to destroy the constitution?
HA! Right. Hussein Obama didn't give a shit about Obama. Trump said he did but he is sticking his nose in shit that doesn't harm us or affect us directly. He said he would do the opposite
Odium we agree on many things but not this...I have seen what happens when America pulls back from the world and tries to lead from behind....It doesn't work! Like it or not the world needs a leader and I for one am proud we are back in the game....
The world has a "leader". It is supposed to be the UN. We don´t need US hegemony.

Uh, no, the UN isn't *supposed* to be the world leader.

They certainly aren't the leader of the US.
The UN is supposed to set the international rules and treat international disputes. It is actually not about to serve US or any other country´s interests - and this is why many Americans now reject it. The bully rejects the principal´s orders.

Fuck the UN. The UN consists of the most brutal and criminal regimes the world has ever seen. We don't need them to settle SHIT.
HA! Right. Hussein Obama didn't give a shit about Obama. Trump said he did but he is sticking his nose in shit that doesn't harm us or affect us directly. He said he would do the opposite
Odium we agree on many things but not this...I have seen what happens when America pulls back from the world and tries to lead from behind....It doesn't work! Like it or not the world needs a leader and I for one am proud we are back in the game....
The world has a "leader". It is supposed to be the UN. We don´t need US hegemony.

UN? What do they do anyway, rocket man was shooting missiles where was the UN

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Who the hell was it that posted that craziness about how our country wasn't a democracy and we needed to destroy the constitution?
Not me, apparently. That´s your business. Why should I care about your constitution? And what do democracy and rule of law mean, if the leadership ignores them?
HA! Right. Hussein Obama didn't give a shit about Obama. Trump said he did but he is sticking his nose in shit that doesn't harm us or affect us directly. He said he would do the opposite
Odium we agree on many things but not this...I have seen what happens when America pulls back from the world and tries to lead from behind....It doesn't work! Like it or not the world needs a leader and I for one am proud we are back in the game....
The world has a "leader". It is supposed to be the UN. We don´t need US hegemony.

UN? What do they do anyway, rocket man was shooting missiles where was the UN

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Yeah, and the posters here still complain.
Who the hell was it that posted that craziness about how our country wasn't a democracy and we needed to destroy the constitution?
Not me, apparently. That´s your business. Why should I care about your constitution? And what do democracy and rule of law mean, if the leadership ignores them?
Huh it was some other anti-American, pro-terrorist piece of shit. You people kind of run together in my mind, like crap in a septic tank.
HA! Right. Hussein Obama didn't give a shit about Obama. Trump said he did but he is sticking his nose in shit that doesn't harm us or affect us directly. He said he would do the opposite
Odium we agree on many things but not this...I have seen what happens when America pulls back from the world and tries to lead from behind....It doesn't work! Like it or not the world needs a leader and I for one am proud we are back in the game....
The world has a "leader". It is supposed to be the UN. We don´t need US hegemony.

Uh, no, the UN isn't *supposed* to be the world leader.

They certainly aren't the leader of the US.
The UN is supposed to set the international rules and treat international disputes. It is actually not about to serve US or any other country´s interests - and this is why many Americans now reject it. The bully rejects the principal´s orders.

Fuck the UN. The UN consists of the most brutal and criminal regimes the world has ever seen. We don't need them to settle SHIT.
We are in the UN
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
The USA needs to understand its not the controller of everything that happens in the world. So much for Trump ONLY caring about America he is sticking his nose in things overseas just as much as his predecessors.
world is getting ready to hurt us with THEIR tariffs Lets see how much pain the moron trump will put Americans thru
Meanwhile Qatar is now our friend AFTER making millions of dollars dealing with the scum Kutchner This administration is better than the Mafia
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement

It is the US that is defaulting
-------------------------------- agree that its the USA that is pulling out but The TRUMP can't be expected to stay in a bad deal done by 'mrobama and kerry RWinger .
. Kind of hypocritical of an isolationist to spend time on such a forum, isn't it!

Not until the nation wakes up and becomes Isolationist as well. Until then places like this provide vital Intel on enemies, foreign and domestic.

Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

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---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
. Kind of hypocritical of an isolationist to spend time on such a forum, isn't it!

Not until the nation wakes up and becomes Isolationist as well. Until then places like this provide vital Intel on enemies, foreign and domestic.

Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

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---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
I’ll be happy to buy a Ford when BMWs and Volkswagens are hot with a 400% tariff.

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