EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement It is the US that is defaulting

Of course they are! How noble of them to hold up their end for Iran! They weren't the leaders going into the stupid, dreadful deal so why would you expect the EU to be the pioneers in changing it? I suppose if you took out a mortgage on your house and later found out the bank cheated you and you were getting ripped off, you would "stick by the deal" and get screwed out the ass anyway as a matter of honour? The USA was never locked into a deal that was so bad it was seen by many at the time it was made as one of the worst deals in history, and now that Trump is in, he will force changes that will leave us and the world in a better position, Iran more accountable and restricted, and the EU complaining, kicking and screaming and doing nothing as usual ------ a position they are intimately familiar with.
Who the hell was it that posted that craziness about how our country wasn't a democracy and we needed to destroy the constitution?
Not me, apparently. That´s your business. Why should I care about your constitution? And what do democracy and rule of law mean, if the leadership ignores them?
Huh it was some other anti-American, pro-terrorist piece of shit. You people kind of run together in my mind, like crap in a septic tank.
Watch your regime training and equipping terrorists and then see how silly you sound.
I’ll be happy to buy a Ford when BMWs and Volkswagens are hot with a 400% tariff.
Ford took this with in his grave:

The quality of the Ford and Chevy will go down while the prices rise. That's what tariffs achieve.
Negotiation is almost always superior to egoistic confrontation.
It is idiotic to ignore the source of Iran's anxieties as if they were not real. We don't have to agree with Iran in every way. We do need to understand what has been done that could lead to Iran being defensive about U.S. intentions.
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement

It is the US that is defaulting
-------------------------------- agree that its the USA that is pulling out but The TRUMP can't be expected to stay in a bad deal done by 'mrobama and kerry RWinger .
And yet, he has zero expectation of making something better
The Great Obama built an international coalition to back him. Crooked Donnie tore it apart
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement It is the US that is defaulting

Of course they are! How noble of them to hold up their end for Iran! They weren't the leaders going into the stupid, dreadful deal so why would you expect the EU to be the pioneers in changing it? I suppose if you took out a mortgage on your house and later found out the bank cheated you and you were getting ripped off, you would "stick by the deal" and get screwed out the ass anyway as a matter of honour? The USA was never locked into a deal that was so bad it was seen by many at the time it was made as one of the worst deals in history, and now that Trump is in, he will force changes that will leave us and the world in a better position, Iran more accountable and restricted, and the EU complaining, kicking and screaming and doing nothing as usual ------ a position they are intimately familiar with.

Interesting rhetoric

What made it “the worst deal in history”?

How has Crooked Donnie made it better?
. Kind of hypocritical of an isolationist to spend time on such a forum, isn't it!

Not until the nation wakes up and becomes Isolationist as well. Until then places like this provide vital Intel on enemies, foreign and domestic.

Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

Sent from my iPhone using
---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement It is the US that is defaulting

Of course they are! How noble of them to hold up their end for Iran! They weren't the leaders going into the stupid, dreadful deal so why would you expect the EU to be the pioneers in changing it? I suppose if you took out a mortgage on your house and later found out the bank cheated you and you were getting ripped off, you would "stick by the deal" and get screwed out the ass anyway as a matter of honour? The USA was never locked into a deal that was so bad it was seen by many at the time it was made as one of the worst deals in history, and now that Trump is in, he will force changes that will leave us and the world in a better position, Iran more accountable and restricted, and the EU complaining, kicking and screaming and doing nothing as usual ------ a position they are intimately familiar with.

Interesting rhetoric

What made it “the worst deal in history”?

How has Crooked Donnie made it better?
--------------------------------------------- Power to make things better is in an individual AMERICANS Hands RWinger . As far as TRUMP making things better , he is standing up to foreigners , foreign powers and may be bringings things to a head , may be getting things ready to POP RWinger .
The quality of the Ford and Chevy will go down while the prices rise. That's what tariffs achieve.
Negotiation is almost always superior to egoistic confrontation.
It is idiotic to ignore the source of Iran's anxieties as if they were not real. We don't have to agree with Iran in every way. We do need to understand what has been done that could lead to Iran being defensive about U.S. intentions.
-------------------------- feck iran and for good measure , feck the 'norks' and the 'un' also '4eye' !!
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement It is the US that is defaulting

Of course they are! How noble of them to hold up their end for Iran! They weren't the leaders going into the stupid, dreadful deal so why would you expect the EU to be the pioneers in changing it? I suppose if you took out a mortgage on your house and later found out the bank cheated you and you were getting ripped off, you would "stick by the deal" and get screwed out the ass anyway as a matter of honour? The USA was never locked into a deal that was so bad it was seen by many at the time it was made as one of the worst deals in history, and now that Trump is in, he will force changes that will leave us and the world in a better position, Iran more accountable and restricted, and the EU complaining, kicking and screaming and doing nothing as usual ------ a position they are intimately familiar with.

Interesting rhetoric

What made it “the worst deal in history”?

How has Crooked Donnie made it better?
--------------------------------------------- Power to make things better is in an individual AMERICANS Hands RWinger . As far as TRUMP making things better , he is standing up to foreigners , foreign powers and may be bringings things to a head , may be getting things ready to POP RWinger .
Trump gave up our ability to verify Iranian disarmament and opens the door for a nuclear development

He is destabilizing a situation
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
The USA needs to understand its not the controller of everything that happens in the world. So much for Trump ONLY caring about America he is sticking his nose in things overseas just as much as his predecessors.
world is getting ready to hurt us with THEIR tariffs Lets see how much pain the moron trump will put Americans thru
Meanwhile Qatar is now our friend AFTER making millions of dollars dealing with the scum Kutchner This administration is better than the Mafia
----------------------------------------- possible tarrifs , TIGHTEN you belts America and Edward and other wusses .
Trump gave up our ability to verify Iranian disarmament and opens the door for a nuclear development

He is destabilizing a situation
That is ridiculous...there was nothing about disarmament in the Iran unsigned deal and what good are inspections if you can't look everywhere? It was a bad deal...made only because Obama realized he had no legacy what so ever except the destruction of our healthcare system...
The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement It is the US that is defaulting

Of course they are! How noble of them to hold up their end for Iran! They weren't the leaders going into the stupid, dreadful deal so why would you expect the EU to be the pioneers in changing it? I suppose if you took out a mortgage on your house and later found out the bank cheated you and you were getting ripped off, you would "stick by the deal" and get screwed out the ass anyway as a matter of honour? The USA was never locked into a deal that was so bad it was seen by many at the time it was made as one of the worst deals in history, and now that Trump is in, he will force changes that will leave us and the world in a better position, Iran more accountable and restricted, and the EU complaining, kicking and screaming and doing nothing as usual ------ a position they are intimately familiar with.

Interesting rhetoric

What made it “the worst deal in history”?

How has Crooked Donnie made it better?
--------------------------------------------- Power to make things better is in an individual AMERICANS Hands RWinger . As far as TRUMP making things better , he is standing up to foreigners , foreign powers and may be bringings things to a head , may be getting things ready to POP RWinger .
Trump gave up our ability to verify Iranian disarmament and opens the door for a nuclear development

He is destabilizing a situation
------------------------------------------ destabilization is good as TRUMP is CONFRONTING a bad situation Purposely left for him by 'mrobama' RWinger !! This message aimed at all lefties , progressives , the naive :afro: and ALL other unAmerican wusses in this here thread .
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement

It is the US that is defaulting
-------------------------------- agree that its the USA that is pulling out but The TRUMP can't be expected to stay in a bad deal done by 'mrobama and kerry RWinger .
And yet, he has zero expectation of making something better
The Great Obama built an international coalition to back him. Crooked Donnie tore it apart
------------------------------------- might be that the TRUMP figures , feck that 'international coalition' as it is full of foreigners RWinger .
Uh, that list of tangible gains to still seems to be absent.
--------------------------------------------- tangible gains , well deportations of foreigners are going up , ms13 gang targeted , military being rebuilt , Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court , lefties , progressives and dems are all pizzed off '4eye' . And elections are coming up , lets see what happens '4eye' .
. Kind of hypocritical of an isolationist to spend time on such a forum, isn't it!

Not until the nation wakes up and becomes Isolationist as well. Until then places like this provide vital Intel on enemies, foreign and domestic.

Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

Sent from my iPhone using
---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

The EU is on such thin financial ice, especially after Brexit, that they would take money from anyone. They can't afford to lose Iran's business. Soon Iran will own them.
The EU is standing by its agreement

It is the US that is defaulting
-------------------------------- agree that its the USA that is pulling out but The TRUMP can't be expected to stay in a bad deal done by 'mrobama and kerry RWinger .
And yet, he has zero expectation of making something better
The Great Obama built an international coalition to back him. Crooked Donnie tore it apart
------------------------------------- might be that the TRUMP figures , feck that 'international coalition' as it is full of foreigners RWinger .
--------------------------------------- because they are foreigners they think in an unAmerican style because they are foreigners RWinger .
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....
The USA needs to understand its not the controller of everything that happens in the world. So much for Trump ONLY caring about America he is sticking his nose in things overseas just as much as his predecessors.
world is getting ready to hurt us with THEIR tariffs Lets see how much pain the moron trump will put Americans thru
Meanwhile Qatar is now our friend AFTER making millions of dollars dealing with the scum Kutchner This administration is better than the Mafia
----------------------------------------- possible tarrifs , TIGHTEN you belts America and Edward and other wusses .
We''ll tighten pis but Trump and family are raking it in
Trump gave up our ability to verify Iranian disarmament and opens the door for a nuclear development

He is destabilizing a situation
That is ridiculous...there was nothing about disarmament in the Iran unsigned deal and what good are inspections if you can't look everywhere? It was a bad deal...made only because Obama realized he had no legacy what so ever except the destruction of our healthcare system...

Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?

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